University of Virginia Library


CXLVIII. The sone of god in trone
Hath take mankynd alone.


The sone of god so full of myght
Came downe fro heuen trone,
And into Mary he dyd lyght
To saue mankynde alone.


He, that of nought althyng wrought, þan
(I take witnesse of Ihon)
Withowte syn he is made a man
To saue mankynde alone.


As the sonne beame goith þroughe þe glasse
And hurt to itt dothe none,
Throughe meyde Mary so did he passe
To saue mankynde alone.


Bothe withowte peyn, woo and dolowre
In flesshe, in felle and bone
Thatt meyde hath born oure sauywre
To saue mankynde alone.


For syn mankynd in helle was cast,
And confort it hadde none,
Till Crist Ihesus came atte the last
To saue mankynde alone.


In derknes, peyn, dolowre and woo
Olde faders made grete mone
Callyng for Crist (scripture seyeth soo)
To saue mankynde alone.


Prophetis prechyd, as seyeth scripture,
In tyme full longe agone,
Thatt Crist scholde come and take nature
To saue mankynde alone.



Kutte of the hill withowte mannys hond
Crist is the cornere stone
Born of a meyde, I vnderstond,
To saue mankynde alone.