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Miraculum [de Puero]
A giwes child in Buturie wile bi olde dawe
Wiþ Cristene childrene ofte pleide as children wolleþ ȝute vawe
Hit biuel uppon an Esterday þat þe childrene gonne drawe
To churche as children doþ as it is þe daies lawe
Wiþ ham ȝeode þe Giwes child & þo he to churche com
Of ech þing þat it þer isey gret ȝeme wiþ alle it nom
Wanne is felawes sete akne[o] and cride on þe ymage anhey
Akne[o] he sat ek & ech þing dude þat he oþer ysey
Þe rode he biheld uaste him wondrede þerof inou
To oure Leuedi is ymage mest him þoȝte is herte drou
His herte him ȝaf þat þulke ymage mest louie he miȝte
Out of is þoȝt necom he[o] noȝt after þe uerste siȝte
Wiþ Cristene childrene ofte pleide as children wolleþ ȝute vawe
Hit biuel uppon an Esterday þat þe childrene gonne drawe
To churche as children doþ as it is þe daies lawe
Of ech þing þat it þer isey gret ȝeme wiþ alle it nom
Wanne is felawes sete akne[o] and cride on þe ymage anhey
Akne[o] he sat ek & ech þing dude þat he oþer ysey
Þe rode he biheld uaste him wondrede þerof inou
To oure Leuedi is ymage mest him þoȝte is herte drou
His herte him ȝaf þat þulke ymage mest louie he miȝte
Out of is þoȝt necom he[o] noȝt after þe uerste siȝte
Þo þe folk ȝeode to auonge Godes fleiss and blod
Þat child ȝeode forþ wiþ ham and dude also god
Godes fleiss and is blod he nom wiþ is felawes þere
And forþ he wende suþþe hom þo hi hamward were
Arst is fader and is moder ysoȝte him wide aboute
Glad hy were þo he com hom for arst hi were in doute
Þe fader him esste ware he were & he him tolde anon
Wat he hadde at chirche ido and hou he was þuder igon
Þat child ȝeode forþ wiþ ham and dude also god
Godes fleiss and is blod he nom wiþ is felawes þere
And forþ he wende suþþe hom þo hi hamward were
Arst is fader and is moder ysoȝte him wide aboute
Glad hy were þo he com hom for arst hi were in doute
Þe fader him esste ware he were & he him tolde anon
Wat he hadde at chirche ido and hou he was þuder igon
Þe fader was nei for wraþþe wod is ouene he hatte uaste
Þo he was al bernynge fur þat child amidde caste
And dutte þe ouenes mouþ þe moder as he[o] wod were
Þo he[o] sei forberne hure child he[o] made deoluol bere
In þe stret he[o] orn faste aboute & piteisliche cride
Þat folk he[o] tolde al hou it was & wat hure dude bitide
Þat folk com to þe ouene anon aboute bi eche weie
Þat child hy fonde amidde sitte & mid þe fur pleie
Þo he was al bernynge fur þat child amidde caste
And dutte þe ouenes mouþ þe moder as he[o] wod were
Þo he[o] sei forberne hure child he[o] made deoluol bere
In þe stret he[o] orn faste aboute & piteisliche cride
Þat folk he[o] tolde al hou it was & wat hure dude bitide
Þat folk com to þe ouene anon aboute bi eche weie
Þat child hy fonde amidde sitte & mid þe fur pleie
Hy est of him wat he wuste þat þe fur necom him ney
Certes quaþ he þe faire womman þat ich at churche isey
Þat stod anhei up bi þe crois & þo ich was ihouseled also
Me þoȝte he[o] stod upe þe weued & tollede me þerto
And to me suþþe hider he com & hure kerchef nom
And helede me þat no fur ne hete ney me com
Me nas neuere [so murie] in no stude as me haþ þere ibe[o]
Ich biluue on hure sone þat þe Giwes honge on þe tre[o]
Certes quaþ he þe faire womman þat ich at churche isey
Þat stod anhei up bi þe crois & þo ich was ihouseled also
Me þoȝte he[o] stod upe þe weued & tollede me þerto
And to me suþþe hider he com & hure kerchef nom
Me nas neuere [so murie] in no stude as me haþ þere ibe[o]
Ich biluue on hure sone þat þe Giwes honge on þe tre[o]
Þat folk nom þe childes fader and þe ouene hote tende
And caste þe cherl al amidde & to douste him forbrende
Þe child and is moder & manie oþere Cristendom anon nome
And biluuede on God & is moder & godemen bicome
Elles hi hadde ssrewen ibe[o] for miracle of þulke childe
Of mo miracle me may ȝute telle of oure Leuedi swete & milde
And caste þe cherl al amidde & to douste him forbrende
Þe child and is moder & manie oþere Cristendom anon nome
And biluuede on God & is moder & godemen bicome
Elles hi hadde ssrewen ibe[o] for miracle of þulke childe
Of mo miracle me may ȝute telle of oure Leuedi swete & milde
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