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[Swete glove the swetenes of my secrett blisse]

Swete glove the swetenes of my secrett blisse
Whiche hidinge dideste preserve that lighte,
That (opened forthe my seale of comforte is)
Be thou my starr in this my darkest nighte,
Nowe that myne eyes this cherefull sonne dothe misse,
Which dazelinge still, doest still maynetayne.
Be thou swete glove the Ancor of my mynde
Till my frayle barke his harbour agayne doe fynde
Swete glove the swete despoyles of sweteste hande,
Fayer hande the fayreste pledge of fayrer harte
Trew harte whose trewthe dothe yelde the treweste bande
Cheif band I saye which tyes my cheifeste parte
My cheifeste parte wherein I cheifely stande
Those secrett Joyes which heaven to me Imparte
Unytye in one my state thus still to save
You have my thankes lett me your comforte have.