University of Virginia Library

David Bruce, 98th King,

Rang the Yeer of Christ 1330, fra the begining of the Kingdome 1660, and Rang 40 Yeers.

Most Inclite Sone, of that accomplishde King,
The Reconquestor, of his thralled Throne:
With thy Promotion, to th'Empire did spring,
Neir Numbreles, Annoyances anone:
(To brave the brought) the Baleoll begins,
And like Erynnis, throw thy Realme, he rins.
THE Englishe King, tho by Connuball Bands,
And Alliance, he, wnto Thee was bound;
Perfidiouslie, Depopulates thy Lands,
And all thy Parts, with wrongous Warrs, does wound:
Thy owne Revolts, thy Fates & Foes, infests Thee,
And Milionnes of Miseries molests Thee.


TWICE thow Exilde, and twise Returnde thow Try'de,
T'awenge thy Wrongs, by Manfull Meanes and Might,
Bot ay thy Weirds, thy Valour thay Invyde,
And crosd thee with Misfortunes in the Fight:
Yet Fortone fasht, to vex thee with all Ills,
Content at last, thy Storme and Tempest stills.