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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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Son. [xiii]

[Sith it hath pleas'd that First and onlie Faire]

Sith it hath pleas'd that First and onlie Faire
To take that Beautie to himselfe againe,
Which in this World of Sense not to remaine,
But to amaze, was sent, and home repaire,
The Loue which to that Beautie I did beare
(Made pure of mortall Spots which did it staine,
And endlesse, which euen Death cannot impaire)
I place on him who will it not disdaine.
No shining Eyes, no Lockes of curling Gold,
No blushing Roses on a virgine Face,
No outward Show, no, nor no inward Grace,
Shall Force hereafter haue my Thoughts to hold:
Loue heere on Earth hudge Stormes of Care doe tosse,
But plac'd aboue, exempted is from Losse.