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or The Muses Mount. By Hugh Crompton

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97. The Bride Weeping.


Flee blushing Sol, thy motion is too slow;
And Vesper thou delai'st.
Has night forgotten what she has to do,
Or turn'd Loves bitter foe,
And so will not make haste?
Pity remorseless Gods, and see
How the sweet girl has wept for ye.


Lash on thy Nag dull Phœbus, and renew
Vesper thy tardy pace;
And lazy night lend your assistance too.
We only wait your race,
We only wait for you.
See how she panteth for the sport,
Her heart even breaks in longing for't.


Peace wrong d girl, and rest a while content,
Relief begins to spring:
Darkness doth vail the brighter element.
Bubo extends her wing,
While day birds cease to sing.
Then peace my dear, and cease to cry,
Thou shalt be eased by and by.