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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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What pleasure can a banish'd creature haue
In all the pastimes that inuented are
By wit or learning? Absence making warre
Against all peace that may a biding craue.
Can wee delight but in a welcome graue,
Where we may bury paines? and so be farre
From loathed company, who alwaies iarre
Vpon the string of mirth that pastime gaue.


The knowing part of ioy is deem'd the heart,
If that be gone what ioy can ioy impart
When senslesse is the feeler of our mirth?
No, I am banish'd and no good shall finde,
But all my fortunes must with mischiefe binde;
Who but for misery did gaine a birth.