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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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A wounded Conscience, who can beare?

Salues , Sores doe cure; and Medicines, Maladies:
Friendship, Oppression; Wised me, poore Estate:
Fauour, Restraint; and Time, Captiuities;
Good life, Reproch; and louing Manners, Hate:
But, these, nor ought else, that are blest, or best,
(except the Highest grace) haue pow'r to cure
A wounded spirit (with Sadnesse still opprest)
but It doth Death out-liue, and Hell out dure.
Were our Meate, Manna, our Weedes, Salomons;
Monarchies. our Friends; and Eden, our Free-bold;
Our Guardes, Goliahs; our Seates, highst Thrones;
our Houses Siluer, hung with Pearle and Gold:
All these, and all what else can Sense delight
Doe rather kill, than cure a wounded Spirit.