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Epigrammes in the oldest cut, and newest fashion

A twise seuen houres (in so many weekes) studie: No longer (like the fashion) nor vnlike to continue. The first seuen. [by] Iohn Weeuer

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Epig. 17 In Rubrionem & Rullum.
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Epig. 17 In Rubrionem & Rullum.

Rubrio, Rullus snout-faire Septimel,
Both lou'd alike, yet could not bring about,
Their chiefe pretence, but needs they must apparell
Hir breech-torn husband. Now he walks throwout
The streetes, to tauernes goes, vnto a play,
Neuer at home saue on some feasting day:
At noone, at night, by turnes enioy you still,
Rubrio Rullus snout-faire Septimell.