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23 IVNIJ 1620 A Courte helde,
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23 IVNIJ 1620
A Courte helde,

the Right Hono:

Lord of Southampton.  mr Tho Gibbes.  mr Caswell. 
Lord Cauendish.  mr Deputy.  mr Paulson. 
Lord Sheiffeild.  Dr Winstone.  mr Geo: Smith. 
Sr Edwar: Sackuill.  mr Wrote.  mr Briggs. 
Sr Edwin Sandys.  Capt Bargraue.  mr Cranmer. 
Sr Nicho: Tufton.  mr Hen: Reignoldℯ.  mr Bland. 
Sr Williã Fleetwood.  Capt Brewster.  mr Palmer. 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Ditchfeild.  wth Diuers others. 
Sr Walter Earle.  mr Ro: Smith. 
mr Berblock.  [123

Mr Thr̃er signified vnto them that the Bona Noua being com from
Virginia brought very good news that the Plantac̃on inioyed Peace
health and plenty, but by reason of his exceedinge much other buisi-
nes haveinge not yett p̱vsed the ɫres hee could reporte no more att
present vnto them but hoped to do more hearafter.

The Bona Noua

Hee allso acquainted the Courte of a very difficult worke and of great
importance wch was referred to himselfe and Dr Winstone of Collect-
inge all the Adventurers from the begininge into a booke to be putt
in print as now determyned.[410]

The Adventurers
names printed in
a booke

And wheras sundry fowle asp̱c̃ons have been laid vppon Virginia to
the disgrace therof, And to that end itt was ordered that an Apologie
should be sett outt hee tould them that both that and the other would
com forth verie shortlie in wch there had been taken a great deale of
paines as to them who should please to p̱vse itt would appeare.

An Apologie to set


Hee haveinge receaved notice of the good carriage of some p̱sonns in
Virginia was specially to recomend vnto them one mr Iabez Whittak-
ers Leivetennãt of the Companies men who had given a good Accompt
of the trust reposed in him likewise mr Huddlestone mr of the Bona
Noua who discharged himselfe well of all that was reposed to his
trust and returneth much comended from the Gouernor and Counsell,
as one of the sufficientestℯ Mrs that ever came thither.

mr Whittakers and
mr Huddleston

The Comittee (apoynted to treat wth mr Somerscales touchinge the
Proiect) deliu9d that they have had conferrence wth him, and they
said that the attayninge of his ends is by raysinge a Stock to be
adventured of 15000li for wch hee would drawe a Preamble and present
itt to the Courte for so many as pleaseth to vnderwrite.

The Comittees re-
porte touchinge mr
Somerscales Pro-

The other Comittee haveinge Conferrence wth Mr Eglebert, Sr Io:
Dauers deliu9ed yt hee thought him to be a fitt man and suffcient for
that hee vndertaketh and haveinge receaved his Demaunds in writinge
presented them to the Court, wch beinge red was referred to ye said
Comittee to consider of againe wth him against ye Preparative Courte.

Mr Egelbert

Touchinge the Proiect of mr More for the makinge of Sopeashes Pott-
ashes and the Plantinge of Hemp and fflax Cr the Comittee haveinge
speech wth him reported that for the mayntenance therof itt did not
much disagree from the manner of the former raysinge a Stocke for
yt purpose but by reason hee is gone to be a while absent itt remayneth
to be further expected.

The Comittees re-
porte touching mr

A writinge beinge sent from mr Crashaw intimatinge of one that will
make Comodities in Virginia of good worth wch shalbe marchantable
in all places of the world was referred to the said mr Crashaw and mr
Deputy to conferr wth him.

A writinge from
mr Crashawe.

Itt was allso made knowne that therwas another who desyred to have
the sole importac̃on of a Comoditie not now in vse for 7 years for wch
hee will give to the Company 100li p̱ Annũ and plant 25 men every
yeare for the said 7 years, and att the expirac̃on of the said tearme
will resigne itt vpp to the Company wch beinge now considered of
was referred to Sr Iohn Wolstenholme, Sr Iohn Dauers Dr Winston,
mr Gibbes and mr Cranmer to treat farther wth him. [124]

one desired to haue
ye sole importac̃on
of a Comoditie not
now in Vse.


Sr Edwin Sandys farther moved that wheras itt is allredie agreed yt
ye Gouermt of the Companies p̱ticularr Land is taken from Sr George
Yeardly not that hee held him vnfitt for the managinge therof butt
by reason of his many other buisinesses, vnto wch place they have
deputed Captaine Nuse agreeinge to send 20 men wth him presentlie
for his owne benefitt, and 20 more herafter as they have formerly
deputed mr Thorpe wth allowance of tenn men to gouerne the Colledge
Land, And because the Secretary should not exact any thinge from
the Inhabitantℯ nor receave any fees himselfe neither his Clerks (butt
such as this Courte shall order), itt was agreed allso that hee should
have tenn men forthwith sent him, therfore moved that for the send-
inge of these 40 men a Ship might presentlie be dispatched, and that
70 more might be added vnto them to make vpp the 130 vppon the
Companies Land full 200 Personns there beinge means for the p̱form-
ance of itt, wch although theris some difficulties to send att this time
of the yeare by reason of victualling the Ship, wch yett wth good care
and providence may be ouercom, and the passage more daungerous
in respect of heate then att other times, yett for the people to come
ther in the beginninge of winter itt is verie advantagious for them to
p̳ceed in their laboures and more wholsome for them then to Land att
other times of the Year, desyringe those that shall succeed him to
send no base men as allso if they thought well of this, that then no
money be issued till this be p̱formed, And that 2000li might be paid
into the Comittees immediately from the Lotteries wch being well
aproved wthout any opposic̃on being putt to the question was gener-
ally allowed of.

The Gouermt of ye
Compa: Land put
to the Care of Capt:
10 men to be sent
to ye Secretarie

A note beinge read wherin the Magazine Adventurers desyred this
Courte to appoynte a Comittee to ioyne wth some they had allredie
made choyse of for cleeringe the Accompts betwixt them aboute the
George that the Maister and Owners therof may receave sattisfaction
itt was very well approved and to that end have nominated mr Deputie,
mr Wrote, mr Cranmer, mr Briggs and mr Bland to end not onely this
butt what difference else in matter of Acco: may be betweene the
Company and the Magazine, and to meete vppon Twesday morninge
att 8 of the Clock att Sr Edw: Sandys.

An Adic̃on to a
former Comit:
touching ye Maga-
zine Acco:


The order of Courte beinge read wherin Sr Tho: Wroth declared him-
selfe to be of a contrary opinion in the Cleering of Capt Brewster was
said by mr Thr̃er, and mr Deputy to be vntruely sett downe to the
wronge of the Courte as many other orders had formerlie beene and
that itt was penned by another and not by the Secretarie for certify-
inge of wch itt was referred to Sr Edward Sackvill and mr Deputy, and
for that wch mr Thr̃er hath duly done in rectefyinge the orders the
Court hath now approved and given him thankℯ for the same.

A former order of
Courte wherin Sr
Tho: Wroth dis-
sented in opinion
said to be vntruly
sett downe

The Comittees appoynted by the Virginia Court and ye Sumer Ilandℯ
Courte to Consider of the best Course for the safetie both of Virginia
and the Summer Ilandℯ are entreated to meete att Sr Tho: Smithℯ
uppõ Twesday in the Afternoone att 3 of the Clocke. [125]

The Comittee for
ye safftie of Vir-
ginia & So: Ilands
desired to meet

The Comittee for the Orders p̢sented by mr Berblock are desyred to
meete att Sr Edwin Sandys vppon Satterday att 4: of the Clocke.

The Comittees for
ye Orders p̢nted:
by mr Berblock to

My Lo Cauendish now paid to mr Thr̃er for yt wch was owinge by sub-
scripc̃on 50li: mr Tho: Bond brought in 37li: 10s: Iohn Zouch esqr 25li
and mr Iohn Ferrar 12li: 10s: in all 125li: bills beinge sealed in open
Courte vnto them for the said somes, and allso their seuerall bills
beinge allowed by the Auditors were passed ouer to sundry men: 34
shares by Sr Thomas Gates, vizd to Sr Phillip Cary 14: to mr Fraunces
Challoner 5: to mr Henry Box: 3: to mr Thomas Vyner: 2: to mr Wil-
liam, mr Arthur, and mr Thomas Swaine 3, to mr Wm Swayne one, to
mr Anthony Biddolph one, to mr Georg Clerk one to Mr William Wat-
son one to Mr Richard Greenway one, to mr Iohn Laurence one, to
mr Thomas Stubbins one, Likewise 4 shares to mr Iohn Halsey vizd
to mr Richard Lambe one to mr Iohn Lamb one, to mr Iohn Budge
one, to mr Thomas Wetherell one Lastly one share to mr Phillip
Iermyn esqr by Capt Bargraue.

mony pd into mr
sundry bills al-
lowed and passed.

Mr Thr̃er acquainted the Court yt the 4 Dutch Carpenters p̳cured by
mr Deputyℯ means for erectinge of Sawinge Mills in Virginia are now
com ouer for the service of the Company and that in this next Ship
are fitt to be shipped thither.

4 Dutch Carpen-
ters com ouer


This list was printed under the date of this Court. List of Records, no. 183, page 141, ante.