University of Virginia Library


The kingdom-selling king puts forth a hand
Vile from Church-plunder, leprous to the bone,
To rend a second spoil from Peter's throne:
Silent, yet false, a proud yet servile band,


Europe's ‘Great Powers,’ each from its distant strand
Applaud the dragon teeth thus deftly sown,
Nor heed how France in treason's undertone
Whispers, ‘Rome next! Wait, win—and understand.’
‘Great Powers!’ blind Powers, because they fear to see!
Old realms that seal an upstart's new decree!
Think ye this traffic means for you no loss?
Christ's Vicar bound, what king thenceforth is free?
Death-doom of Europe's peace and liberty
Is that your state-clerks smilingly engross!

Ancona, etc. The French Emperor had solemnly guaranteed the remaining Papal territory against invasion.