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Settlements with the Workmen

The two months prior to the fall meeting of the Board of Visitors coincided with the waning
of the traditional building season as the visitors delayed their annual meeting until the end of
November in order to give the proctor time to settle his accounts with the contractors. Since
several undertakers performed the work on each separate building (i.e., brickwork, wooden
work, plastering, roofing, etc.), a myriad of loose ends were left dangling for the workmen
to take care of before the proctor could settle the accounts for a particular building. On 25
August Brockenbrough notified the workmen that "No farther advances will be made except
on buildings actually completed—Bills made and Settled—a draft for whatever may be due
on Such buildings will then be given on Bursar."[496] This unwanted stimulus certainly
helped motivate the undertakers to finish their never-ending odd jobs although it brought
worker morale at the site to its lowest ebb since construction began. The local delivery of a
few wagonloads of plank, cord-wood, and rock indicate that James Dinsmore (Pavilion IV
and one adjacent dormitory) and John M. Perry (Hotel B and its dormitories) were the
undertakers most concerned with carrying on their work,[497] and the shipment from
Richmond of sash weights, painting supplies, hardware, and tin reveals the priorities placed
on completing the installation of the windows and finishing the painting and roofing (see
appendix M).[498]

Brockenbrough was still "makeing some progress in the settlement with the workmen" when
the summer turned into another fall;[499] by the end of September 1821 he had settled for 6
pavilions, 1 hotel, and 35 dormitories, and he hoped by the next Board of Visitors meeting
in October to be nearly settled with the "whole of the 4. rows."[500] In fact, in early October
Bursar Alexander Garrett could report truthfully that the "buildings now make a respectable
appearance, great progress in the finishing way haveing been made the past summer."[501]
"Mr. Jefferson," Garrett continued, "finding (from the settlements made of part of the work
done) that the funds will be inadequite to the entire accomplishment of his wishes, yet does
not despare . . . him and the President have been puting their heads together on the subject,
and have projected new schemes . . . this hint is sufficient for you."[502] Although he
conceded that it was too late in the season to begin building the library, Jefferson thought
that the board at its upcoming annual meeting in November had it in its power to begin
building its hull "with perfect safety."[503] Indeed, Jefferson drafted "A view of the whole
expences, & of the Funds of the University" so that his fellow board members could
compare estimated and actual costs with the sources of income and see for themselves how
matters stood.[504] By the end of October, Brockenbrough's "further advance in the
settlements" brought the totals to 7 pavilions, 3 hotels, and 65 dormitories, and Jefferson
declared himself "decidedly of opinion we should undertake" to begin the library.[505]
(Brockenbrough, who experienced difficulty in settling with Joseph Antrim for
plastering,[506] could not settle with housejoiner James Oldham for the woodwork of
Pavilion I on west lawn and Hotel A on west range, and their disagreement eventually led
Oldham to bring a lawsuit against the university.)[507]


496. Brockenbrough, Notice to Undertakers, 25 August 1821 (document G ), in Oldham vs
University of Virginia, ViU:UVA Chronological File.


497. See Robert Gentry, Account for Hauling Rock, 21 August 1821 to 8 February 1822,
John Neilson to Brockenbrough, 22 August, 27 October, Perry to Brockenbrough, 23
August, 5 September, Dinsmore to Brockenbrough, 8 September, R. & J. McCullock to
Brockenbrough, 10 September 1821, all in ViU:PP. During the remainder of 1821, the only
other local deliveries of materials were wagonloads of plank, sand, and lime, sent to John
M. Perry (see Perry to Brockenbrough, 14, 20 November, 24 December 1821, in ViU:PP);
plank for the "terris floor of pav. No. 3," delivered to Dinsmore & Perry (see Dinsmore &
Perry to Brockenbrough, 17 December 1821, in ViU:PP); and 1,452 feet of lumber for
James Oldham (see Oldham to James Black, 1 December 1821, in ViU:PP).


498. See John Van Lew & Co. to Brockenbrough, 20, 30 August, 4 September, 15 October,
Blackford, Arthur & Co. to Brockenbrough, 1, 15 September, D. W. & C. Warwick to
Brockenbrough, 6, 17, 26 September, 3, 4, 25 October 1821, all in ViU:PP. Out-of-town
merchants made only three other sales to the university before the end of the year: Andrew
Smith's November shipment of 4 casks of Roman Cement (see Charles Gardner to
Brockenbrough, 6 September, and Smith to Brockenbrough, 10 November 1821, in
ViU:PP); Alexander Galt's early December shipment from Norfolk of a bolt of copper and
two barrels of rosin (see Galt to Brockenbrough, 4 December 1821, in ViU:PP); and John
Van Lew & Co.'s late December shipment of hardware, oil, and 17 kegs of paint (see John
Van Lew & Co. to Brockenbrough, 27 December 1821, in ViU:PP).


499. Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke, 9 October 1821, ViU:JHC.


500. TJ to the Board of Visitors, 30 September 1821, DLC:TJ.


501. Alexander Garrett to Cocke, 9 October 1821, ViU:JHC.


502. Garrett to Cocke, 9 October 1821, ViU:JHC.


503. TJ to the Board of Visitors, 30 September 1821, DLC:TJ.


504. TJ, View of the Expenses & Funds, 30 September 1821, ViU:TJ.


505. TJ to James Madison, 30 October 1821, DLC:JM.


506. See James Glasgow to Brockenbrough, 24 March, William Thackara and Edward
Evans to Brockenbrough, 23 April, Brockenbrough to William Thackara and Edward Evans,
Queries Regarding Plastering Prices, ca 1821, and Edward Evans, Philadelphia Prices of
Plastering, ca 1821, in ViU:PP.


507. See Oldham's Account, October 1821 (document C ), and TJ to Oldham, 2 November
1821 (document E ), in Oldham vs University of Virginia, ViU:UVA Chronological File, and
TJ to Brockenbrough, 2, 3 November 1821, in ViU:PP; Brockenbrough to Oldham, 5
November (document F ), in Oldham vs University of Virginia, ViU:UVA Chronological
File; see also O'Neal, "Workmen at the University of Virginia," Magazine of Albemarle
County History
, 17:39.