University of Virginia Library



(A song in the Invalides.)

I've heard the war drum's tumult
'Mid snow, and sea, and sand;
I've tracked the battered eagle
Through hot and frozen land;
And when the fire balls, bursting,
Tore out a bloody way,
I always called with a lusty shout,
“Place pour les grenadiers!”
We trod down Egypt's mamelukes,
And all their silk and gold;
We smote the pride of Prussia
In battles manifold:
And when old surly Blucher
Before our steel gave way,
I called to our men with a lusty shout,
“Place pour les grenadiers.”


The white coats at Marengo
Were wasted in our flame;
Fire flew, and blasted them as we
Wrapped in the hot smoke came.
Now when the pulsing cannon
Proclaims the break of day,
I always shout from my bed in the ward,
“Place pour les grenadiers!”