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The Poetical Works of Robert Montgomery

Collected and Revised by the Author

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“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”—Matt. v. 9.

When first rebellion in the Will began
And faith in God to faith in Self was changed,
Wild discord woke within the soul of man,
And headlong impulse o'er his being ranged.
For peace expires where purity is lost,
And purity by love to God begins;
Who calls him “Father!”—let him count the cost
And pluck the right eye from his bosom-sins.
And who, with such a God-beseeming grace,
Could weave heaven's garland round the tranquil mind,
As Christ, who purchased for our forfeit-race
The peace divine which lulls heart-torn mankind?
Lord of our lineage, and of saving calm,
When first from veil'd eternity He came,
A natal anthem o'er night's dewy balm
Sang the rich notes of His melodious name;
And they breath'd, “Peace on earth! to man Goodwill!”
And, ere He soar'd to His primeval splendour,
“Peace” was the word that hung soft music still
Round farewell doctrine, so benignly tender.
The first of blessings, like the last, is found
Thus by our Lord, as deepest and divine;
And ne'er may calm and confidence abound
Till faith and feeling round this truth combine.
Where low'ring envy, wrath, or secret pride,
Ambition, avarice, and revenge are nursed,
Here can no halcyon from the heavens abide,
But all is chaos, with convulsion cursed.
Base passions are the serpents of our soul,
Which bite, and sting to bitterness the heart,
And where they wield their unsubdued control,
Angels and grace from that foul den depart.
But when these hearts atoning Blood makes white,
Soft o'er our spirit broods the mystic Dove;
Like the hush'd band who watch'd their sheep by night,
A “peace on earth,” replies to peace above.
Then like our Lord, magnanimous and meek,
Move where we may, our end is still the same;
Firm to our vow, in all we do or speak
We dare embody our baptismal name.
No longer as the Lord of Hosts, and War,
Doth God the glories of His will unfold;
But radiant as the lull of evening star
As Lord of Peace His pard'ning smile behold.
And saints on earth resemble Him in heaven,
Who help to circulate the calm of love,
And by imparting what to each is given
Prove their high lineage from the Lord above.
Makers of Peace! your task divine complete,
Two sever'd hearts in unity restore;
And bid mild harmonies of friendship meet
To rule in homes where they have reign'd before.
For ah! how mournful, when two friends depart
Wider and wider into distance stern,
While each one holds the arrow at his heart,
And, but for pride, would lovingly return.
And more than beauteous is a god-like word
Breathing soft balm o'er that tempestuous hour,
When some vile Satan of the soul hath stirr'd,
Or maddens nature with demoniac power.


To stand between like mediating Grace
And make two alienated minds agree,
Sublimes our being, and reveals the trace
Of true adoption into Deity.
And, blest are they who private love promote
In bow'rs domestic, where meek Virtue dwells;
While feelings motherly their aim devote
To people home with tranquillizing spells.
And not unblest are those, who nobly guard
The lofty sacredness of public Weal;
Theirs the rich peace that brings its own reward,
When Empires at the throne of Godhead kneel.
And He, in whom all unities reside,
Celestial Fount from whence communions flow,
Husband of Souls, who took His chosen Bride
And call'd it by the name of Church, below,—
How can we love Him, if we dare to rend
By the rude harshness of sectarian will
That Mystic Body, where all members blend
And by their harmony due office fill?
How can we love Him, if our “Church” we choose
As pride, or reason, and presumption sway?—
Defend us, Grace! from Babylonian views,
And teach us, not to argue, but obey.
Be ours submission, Mary-like and meek,
Who love the path anointed martyrs trod;
Learning to crucify what most we seek
When Self would image a sectarian God.
So shall we have that sabbath peace of mind,
A wealth beyond the golden worlds to buy,—
A boundless heart which beats for all mankind,
As though it throbb'd beneath the Saviour's eye.
True source of harmony, and sacred peace,
Spirit Divine! without Thee all is vain;
Descend, and with Thy lulling power release
The souls which suffer from a selfish chain.
A loving will that leaps at duty's call
Do Thou bestow, whate'er the trial be,
Bearing the cross which heaven provides for all
Whose faith, O Lord, exults to follow Thee.
Unfathom'd peace! my Saviour's final prayer,
Deep in pure Godhead doth thy basis lie;
Reign like a boundless glory everywhere,
And guard us while we live, and when we die.