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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Awake my soul! not silent shouldst thou be,
When all around is adoration — Hark!
The Vesperhymn of Evening, rises soft,
And soulawaking from the ends of Earth;
From the four quarters of the Winds, from all
That has a sense, and where is that has not,
From yon' bright Stars, down to the Glowworm here,
Of thee, allbounteous, Eternal God,
Allseeing eye, that lookëst in thy Love
Over all shapes and modes of Being; thou
That hallowest the meanest thing on Earth,
With signs and tokens of a Wisdom, which,
As snatches of sweet harmony suggest
The perfect Whole, of which they are but parts,
Flashes upon our dark and groping sense
Convictions high, and rays of purest Light!