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The Poetical Works of The Rev. Samuel Bishop

... To Which are Prefixed, Memoirs of the Life of the Author By the Rev. Thomas Clare

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Will you hear a new sing-song, of hey! diddle derry?
How a Bishop ran rambling to fair Canterbury?
A Bishop by name, tho' no Bishop in deed,
Un-Doctor'd, un-Lordship'd, un-Mitred, un-See'd;
Derry Down.


This Bishop left All, when his journey he took;
Nay his own better half, his dear Wife, he forsook;
From whence you'll perceive, if at Irish you laugh,
That this Bishop's All—was an All and an half:
Derry Down.



But a truce with this paddy-cal, punnical scrawl,
Whose sense, when you've found it, is no sense at all:
Our torrent of wit let us wisely contract;
And glide on in plain terms, to plain matter of fact:
Derry Down.


Master Bishop, to do things a little in style,
Took a seat in a Dilly, at so much per mile,
And because the best Company suited his palate,
Had on this side a Brim, and on that a French Valet:
Derry Down.


Monsieur to the Lady meet rapture addrest,
With whose beauty our sight was so happily blest!
Tho' the Dame, if appearance will authorise guessing,
Was experter in blasting of eyes, than in blessing.
Derry Down.



The Bishop sat wishing with many a pout;—
Wishing what?—Why the end of the journey, no doubt;—
For tho' tempted, he scorn'd, for mere Charity's sake,
To wish their necks broke—while his own was at stake.
Derry Down.


But luck, which had play'd him full oft a dog-trick,
For this once, in his life, stood his friend, in the nick;
And by changing about, at Stone's End, he was carry'd
With a rich Kentish Squire, and a Maid he had marry'd:
Derry Down.


So leaving the Dilly and also it's Vermin,
To make love, or be hang'd, as their fate shall determine,
He got safe in good quarters, in fair Canterbury:—
And thus ends this queer sing-song of hey! diddle derry.
Derry Down.