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The Life and Poetical Works of James Woodhouse

(1735-1820): Edited by the Rev. R. I. Woodhouse

expand sectionI, II. 

Nature's great God, who all deception hates,
On Man's exterior parts, distinctly, states,
In written eye, and hieroglyphic face,
In voice, look, act, throughout that reasoning Race,
The strong intents, and meanings, of the Mind,
To all but ideots—dull—or deaf—or blind.
He, knowing Satan's influence, might infuse
Those monstrous tricks His bounties most abuse,
Impress'd unravelling pow'rs, on eye, and ear,
To make that Serpent's dark devices clear—
To trace, perspicuous, and, in part, controul,
The deep designs of each deceptive Soul—
Thus helping Spirit, Spirit's aims to scan,
That stamp the Fiend—the Monster—or the Man.
That none might Momus' wish'd-for window need,
Instinct's heav'n-taught the secret Soul to read—
In tone, and turn, of human voice, to note,
How passions operate, and feelings float—
But, chief, by penetrating vision view
Each devious veering's trace, and motive true—
All changeful features obviously behold,
Enkindling love, or turning kindness cold.
Not needing precepts, or experience, ripe,
To sift hid sense, and spell each printed type;
For untaught Infants, and fond Nature's Fools,
Require no lecturing in learn'd classic Schools,
But, by pure intuition, promptly feel,
What clearly indicates their woe, or weal.
Ev'n dull domestic Animals perceive
What philosophic Dunces disbelieve.
Untutor'd Cats, instinctively, descry
Both love and hatred by the ear and eye;
While Dogs, what learned Doctors ne'er could teach,
Distinguish, aptly, all the powr's of speech—
And tho' debarr'd from Tutors, and from Books,
Still understood clear languages of looks.
Tho' schools no stated principles instil,
They watch each meaning of their Master's will.
And, from a smiling smirk—or vengeful voice,
Perceive just cause to tremble, or rejoice.
The Spaniel knows, the Pointer still discerns
Each change of emphasis, each feature's turns;
And may not Man, with nobler pow'rs endued,
Read faces, fell? vociferations rude?
Mark livid lip? harsh eye, suffus'd with flame?
The fierce convulsion shaking all the frame?
And shall he not perceive the friendly smile,
The honest accent free from graceless guile?
Distinguish tranquil cheek, and eye serene,
With winning movements of the air and mien?
Heav'n-lighted Instinct, with precision, spies
The Soul's true symbol imag'd in the eyes;
And, with like accuracy, well defines
All Nature's varying signatures and signs;
And will not Reason, with her added light,
Assist Man's hearing, and illume his sight?
With intellectual vision's clearer view
Pierce deep Hypocrisy's devices through?
See, full, false fondling looks, and simpering smiles,
Wear not the stamp of Heav'n, but Satan's wiles?
Discern when wheedling sounds and soften'd voice,
Are Affectations, not chaste Nature's choice?
From every angled limb's distorted turn,
Clear indications of deception learn?
To help Experience, still perform her task
In stripping off Dissimulation's mask;


And by Heav'n's pure celestial Spirit taught,
Trace out each close recess of secret thought—
Exploring deepest plots—profoundest pacts—
By labell'd looks, and clear-recording acts;
While wisdom in her heavenly light array'd,
Looks, calmly, thro' shrew'd Cunning's closet shade.
Supremely plac'd, on intellectual seat
With mental Councils rang'd around her feet,
Like Solomon, when He, Her Son, was seen,
Worshipp'd by Sheba's oriental Queen;
Or Harlots' litigated lots decreed,
By sights and sounds disclosing darkest deed;
She sits, enthron'd; midst Officers of State;
To see—hear—argue—ponder—and debate.
Imagination marks external store;
And Memory hoards materials found before;
Then shows, and shifts, successive written rolls,
While quick-ey'd Understanding skims the scrolls—
Reason to proper scales each point conveys,
As Judgment holds the beam, and Justice weighs;
When Will, by all advis'd, full, frank, and free,
With promptness, executes, each clear decree.
Thus piercing Spirits poise all weak Mankind
By sterling standard form'd in manag'd Mind;
While Wisdom, learn'd, by long-experienc'd pow'rs,
Concentering all her intellectual dow'rs,
With heavenly light, explores the latent parts,
Of labyrinthine heads, and muffled Hearts—
For faithful Truth this Apophthegm declares,
“The Man that knows his own heart knows all Their's!”
This clear decision calm experience proves,
With small exceptions, Reason soon removes,
From situation, circumstance, and sex,
When tempers violate, or temptations vex;
Distinct in every time, and every place,
What Clown, or Coxcomb, deems a dubious case.
So, sky-born Wisdom, with inspection keen,
Like sunshine pierces each transparent scene.
Beholds ideas rise, in form and hue,
Embodied, obvious, to her probing view.
Sees her own estimate in other's eyes,
Or lov'd, or hated—construed weak, or wise.
Perceives, at interviews, 'mid smiles and bows,
Enquiries, compliments, assertions, vows;
Whether the heart's full approbation shone,
Impatience—pride—or grudging, bade be gone.
Marks the Soul's manufacturing labours pass,
Shown on the gazing pupil's figur'd glass.
The Spirit's pure, or impure, form pourtray'd,
In meet-shap'd miniatures of light and shade.
Notes Kindness, Friendship, or Affection, clear,
Or Anger—Envy—Spite, depicted there.
Sees easy attitude, and lucid look,
Or features, forc'd, and Arts continual crook.
Simplicity's and Candour's cordial smile,
Or dark Deception, labouring to beguile.
Discovers Cunning, in close corner lurk,
Or Honestly perform fair open work.
Affected Prudery, and hooded Pride,
Aim all their coquetry, and tricks, to hide.
Notes hungry Appetite, and prurient Lust,
Expose their grossness, or intemperate gust;
And every Passion, or impure Desire,
Disclose each carnal wish with phlegm or fire.
Rude Anger, starting, past all Art's controul,
Reveal vile secrets of the vengeful Soul!
Observes when sweet celestial Truth illumes,
Or Falshood gilds her dark, deceitful, glooms!
When warm'd with Love's, or Inspiration's, rays;
Or Hate, Spleen, Spite, dart forth demoniac blaze!
When Innocence emits mild heavenly light,
Or Malice sheds her shades of noxious night!
When, bent on prey, gaunt Eagles' eye-balls glare,
And all their desperate cruelty declare,
Look they not different from the gentle Dove?
Emblem of Peace, of Purity, and Love!
Or when the scowling Cat, in coverts, cow'rs,
Bounds on the Red-breast, and her frame devours?
How much unlike the look of harmless Lamb,
When dancing, blameless, round her bleating Dam!
While Foxes, form'd for hypocritic Art,
With lamb-like visage, veiling wolfish heart,
By cunning both characteristics join,
The smile of Love with Demon's base design!
But Wisdom rests not on mere looks, alone,
For Voice betrays intents, with varying tone;
As wires, and strings, when struck, the passive strike,
Size—tension—substance, like, they sound alike—
To sympathetic nerves will throb, or thrill,
Not waiting for the bare behests of Will,
But echo back the same impressive note,
As Pride's, or Passion's harsh pulsation smote.


Anger, and Arrogance, acute, and strong,
With quick-vibrating treble trill the tongue;
Like flageolet, or fife, or catgut scream,
Their scrannel thrill, and incoherent theme,
Strike fellow-feelings with discordant shake,
While keen-according bosoms beat, and ache.
Revenge, or fix'd Resentment, slower sound,
Like harsh bass-viols; hollow, and profound;
But softer tones Love's fine sensation suit,
Harmonious organ, or melodious lute.
The trumpet never soothes the savage breast—
Nor horn, with strepent rattling, lulls to rest—
No sweet somniferous flute, to combat calls,
Guitars, nor harps', weak tinklings level walls.
When feather'd matrons watch their tender young,
How much unlike their sounds of guttural song,
Or fondling cluck, that calls their feeble brood,
To gather round, and share their scatter'd food,
Are those alarming cries, that catch their ear,
When hovering Kite; or skimming Hawk appear—
A well-known warning, when such Foes are spied
Bidding, beneath their wings, with haste, to hide!