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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE LVII. The Wolf and Lamb:
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FABLE LVII. The Wolf and Lamb:

Or, No Trust to Fair-shews.

A Wolf, that did, with some Displeasure, note
A Lamb, that fed close by his Guardian-Goat,
Told the young Wanton, He was much to blame,
To quit, for that rank Beast, his sweeter Dam:


And with sweet Words advis'd him to be gone;
In hope to seize him when he was alone.
The Lamb reply'd, My Mother's tender Care
Has, for my greater Safety, plac'd me here:
I will her Counsel, Sir, not yours, obey;
For you wou'd eat me, were my Guard away.


‘Do not in ev'ry Man's Advice, confide;
‘A fair Pretence, may an ill Meaning hide:
‘With specious Shews of Friendship, to betray
‘(Since least suspected) is the surest way.