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or, Britans Second Remembrancer, bringing to Remembrance (in praisefull and Poenitentiall Hymns, Spirituall Songs, and Morall-Odes): Meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practise of Pietie and Vertue; and applyed to easie Tunes, to be Sung in Families, &c. Composed in a three-fold Volume, by George Wither. The first, contains Hymns-Occasionall. The second, Hymns-Temporary. The third, Hymns-Personall. That all Persons, according to their Degrees, and Qualities, may at all Times, and upon all eminent Occasions, be remembred to praise God; and to be mindfull of their Duties

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Hymn XCVIII. For one that hears himself much praised.
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Hymn XCVIII. For one that hears himself much praised.


As Praise is a spurre to Vertue; so it may poyson us with pride, and puffe us up with selfe-conceit, if it be not warily and modestly entertained. Therefore, this Hymn, sheweth with what musings, we should prevent such effects, when we are commended.

Sing this as the 4. Psalme.


My Sins, and Follies, Lord, by thee,
From others hidden are,
That, such good words are spoke of me,
As, now and then I hear:
For sure if others knew me such,
Such as my Self, I know;
I should have bin disprais'd as much
As I am praised, now.


By me, some Good, perhaps hath bin
Perform'd in publike view:
But, what corruptions are within,
Asham'd I am to shew.
My brutish Lusts, my secret Pride,
My Follies, yet unshown;
(Which from thy sight, I cannot hide)
To others, are unknown.


The Praise, therefore, which I have heard
Delights not so my mind,


As those things make my heart afeard,
Which in my self I find.
And, I had rather to be blam'd,
So I were blameles made,
Then for much Vertue to be fam'd,
When I no Vertues had.


Though Slanders to an Innocent,
Sometimes do bitter grow,
Their bitternes procures content,
If clear himself he know.
And when a vertuous man hath err'd;
If prais'd himself, he hear,
It makes him grieve, and more affeard,
Then if he slandred were.


Lord, therefore, make my Heart upright,
What e're my Deeds do seem;
And, righteous rather, in thy sight;
Then in the World's esteem:
And, if ought good appear to be
In any Act of mine;
Let thankfulnes be found in me,
And, all the praise be thine.