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Sein Theofle was a gret man & gret clerk also
Heiost maister he was biuore alle vnder þe bissop ido
Þo þis heie bissop was ded Teofele was forþ ibroȝt
To be[o] bissop after him and naþeles he nolde noȝt
Ac sede þat he worþe nas & þat he couþe to lite
Þat folk made anoþer sone wiþ gret nobleie & prute
Þo þe bissop in poer was to Teophele wraþþe he caste
For he to bissop was ichose er & wiþ þe oþer bissop held uaste
He dude him out of is mester and is god him binom
So þat Theophele sone in gret pouerte com
As richeman as he was er as pouere he was þo
So þat he nuste warbi libbe wel þat him was wo
Þo he was in miseise ibroȝt him ssamede swuþe sore
Men þat him onurede er þo nolde hi namore
Ech man tolde of him despit & of þe pouere me wole so
He nemiȝte for ssame among men go he nuste wat best do
Þe deþ he wilnede þing mest so þat he him biþoȝte
Þat wo so þe deuel serui wolde in gret richesse he him broȝte
To a Giu he wende a niȝt þat wonede þer biside
Help he bad him of þat cas þat him gan þere bitide
And bad him serui for richesse þene deuel wel wide
Wel it ssel be[o] quaþ þe Giu ac þou most ȝute abide
Com oþer niȝt at þis time in þis stude here to me
And ichelle do þe þe beste red þat ssel wel like þe
Teophele ne forȝet noȝt þis to þe Giu he ȝeode
To þulke stude þe oþer niȝt to bete þe betere is neode
Com forþ wiþ me quaþ þis Giu as ichelle þe lede
Ac watso þou ise[o] oþer ihure ne haue þou none drede
Ne make þou no sygnne of þe crois ne þeron ne þench þou noȝt
In such richesse neuere þou nere as þou worst on ibroȝt
Teophele wende forþ wiþ him & dude as he him sede
In a priue stude sone þe Giu him gan lede


Þane heie deuel he fond þer maister of alle quede
And al is mannie him aboute to aconti ȝare misdede
Was þis þulke quaþ þe ssrewe þat þou bringst þere wiþ þe
He ssel be[o] on quaþ þe Giu & for neode he comþ to þe
He haþ be[o] mon of gret poer þat nou him is bynome
And forto bringe him aȝen þi man he ssel bicome
Wel come beu frere quaþ þe deuel nou þou dest wel iwis
Hastou do þus mani a day þou were riche man ar þis
Ac inelle noman helpe bote myn owe for it were wiþ wou
Bicome my mon & do me homage & þou worst riche inou
Ich bicome þi man quaþ þis oþer so faste so enymon may
Ȝute þou most more quaþ þe deuel and forsake þi lay
Þi Cristendom þat þou auonge þat þe prest ȝaf þe
For þou ne miȝt in none wise eles dele mid me
And ich it forsake quaþ þis oþer and to þe clanliche take
Certes beu frere quaþ þe deuel ȝute þou most more forsake
Þou most forsake God þat þe ssop and alle halwe also
And ich ȝam forsake quaþ Teophele þi wille forto do
Sanfaille beau frere quaþ þe deuel þou ne miȝtest speke no bet
Þou ert richeman sone inou ac o þing ȝute þe let
Bote þou it do it is for noȝt al þat we habbeþ ido
Þou most forsake uorþ mid God Marie is moder also
For inam bote þou it do of þe siker noȝt
For manie þat mid me were fram me he[o] haþ ibroȝt
And ich forsake her quaþ Tiophele hure & hure sone also
And þe ich bitake lif & soule al þi wille to do
Ou beu frere quaþ þe deuel ȝute icham adrad
For Marie so ofte haþ myne men fram me ilad
Word nis aȝen hure bote wind for þei a mon hure forsake
Ȝif he wole turne is herte wel gladlich ȝo wol him take


Þeruore ichelle of þe be[o] siker ar ich mengi wiþ þe
Gode chartre of þis couenant þou sselt make me
Writ wiþ þin owe honde and acely hure also
Wanne þou hast ido al þis þi wille ichelle do
Teophele grantede al þis þe chartre he wrot sone
And acelede hure wiþ is ring as riȝt was to done
He sat akne[o] and tok is maister & custe is fet also
Nou Teophele quaþ þe ssrewe þou hast al ido
Þis chartre ichelle so uaste louke in helle wanne ich hom come
Þat i nedoute þat [hit] worþe þoru Marie awey inome
Ac wend hom and be[o] studeuast as ichelle aȝen þe
So riche man þou nere neuere as þou worst sone þoru me
Þe deuel wende to helle hom and Teophele hom also
And þonkede þe Giu alle gode þat he him hadde ido
Þe bissop sone amorwe after Teophele sende
Þat he come to him hasteliche wiþoute eni defaute wende
Merci he cride deoluoliche þo he to him com
And to[c] him aȝen al is poer þat he him er bynom
Teophele bicom anon so riche þat richere neuere he nas
As louerd & sire he was iholde wel muche is poer was
Glad [was] þat him paie miȝte men wondrede of þat cas
And sede it nas bi þis worle bote si haut si bas
Worles richesse he hadde inou & worles blisse also
Alas þat eny Cristen man also in such maner com þerto
Hit byuel þer afterward in a litel stonde
Þat þe Giwes conseiler mid tricherie was ifonde
Inome he was and to dome ibroȝt and to stronge deþe ido
Forbarnd he was þoru iugement and to late he was þo
Þo Theofele him vnderstod and inis heorte he þoȝte
Þat þe deuel wiþ wan he was to such deþ him broȝte
Þoȝte he nam ich wiþ him and þei ich be[o] riche a stonde
Ne ssel ich neuere wite þe time ar he me bringe to gronde


Þanne were ich al forlore and icham to him ibonde
So faste þat i nemay wiþ drawe alas þulke stonde
Alas wy nadde ich raþer be[o] ded þanne ido þulke dede
Nabbe ich am forsake echon þat me ssolde helpe & rede
Hou miȝte ich hopie of ȝare grace wanne ich ȝam habbe forsake
Sunfol wrecche ich am alas nas neuere iseie my make
God is so riȝtfol þat to him i ne hopie noȝt þeruore
Bote ich habbe oure Leuedi grace certes ich am forlore
For he[o] was euere of milce & þei ich habbe hure forsake
Hou ich euere þereof cheuese to hure grace ichelle take
To oure Leuedy weued he wende & cride hure milce & ore
His knou he bet aȝen þe gronde wepinge wel sore
On hure he cride and sore wep boþe niȝt and day
Out of þe chapele nolde he noȝt ac euere þer inne he lay
Forti dawes and fourti niȝt on hure he cride faste
Hure þat euere was so god he[o] ssewede him attelaste
For as he cride on hure so ȝeorne þat swete maide so hende
Cudde hure miȝte and adoun fram heuene anon to him gan wende
Hou miȝte ich he[o] sede wrecche man eny grace þe take
Hou miȝte ich mi sone bidde for þe wanne þou hast him forsake
A Leuedi Leuedi quaþ Tiophele Leuedi [n]ou þin ore
Isuneget ich habbe manne mest þat reuweþ me wel sore
Haue mercy of me sunfol wrecche inelle sunegi namore
And ȝif þou wolt me þi grace ȝiue ichelle do al þi lore
Þou sunfol man oure Leuedy sede as muche as me on is
Ichelle to þe be[o] milde inou and to alle Cristene men iwis
For ich louie Cristen men and norissi ȝam also
And euere am prest to ȝam aliȝte ȝare bone forto do


Swinch muche ich þolie ofte mi sone forto liþe
Þat he nenymeþ gret wreche of hom as he wolde ofte siþe
Ac ssriff þe to him of sunne and þat he was ibore of me
And þat he þolede deþ for sunfol men & ichelle bidde for þe
A Leuedy merci quaþ Theophele vnworþe icham þerto
Mid þe mouþe þat ich him forsok such ssrift to him do
Ȝuse hardeliche quaþ oure Leuedy for he is milde & softe
Wel þou wost þat sunfol men gret loue he cudde ofte
For he was ibore of sunfol men & for ȝam to deþe ido
He mot nede to ȝam be[o] milde for riȝt kunde it wolde so
Þo gan Theophele wepe & crie Louerd merci he sede
Ich me ssriue to þe mid deoluol herte of mi luþer dede
Haue merci of me as wisliche as þou were for us ibore
And for us þolede deþ þat we nere forlore
Þench Louerd on my wrechede swete Iesu þin ore
Do me þi milce ich bidde þe Louerd inelle sunegi namore
Theophele Teophele quaþ oure Leuedi for þi Cristendom
And for ich louie Cristenemen suþþe mi sone fleiss nom
Ichelle bidde in mi bare knen mi sone for þe wel sone
Be[o] studeuast as þou hast bigonne & he wole hure þi bone
Wiþ þis word Teophele nuste ware oure [Leuedi] bicom
He wep and cride euere in on and hure grace al to him nom
Wiþoute mete and drinke þer þre[o] dawes he gan abide
In wop and sor and deol inou in oure Louerd he cride
Þo com þer oure Leuedi al byhinde and wiþ glad semlant also
Teophele he[o] sede þou hast nou non penance inou ido
Be[o] glad for ich habbe ibede mi sone milce & ore
Þat he haþ forȝiue þe þi sunne nesunege þou namore


Ihered be[o] þou Leuedi quaþ Teophele ihered be[o] þe grace
Ihered be[o] þe tyme þat ich cride to þe in þisse place
Leuedy euere ich am adrad siker nam ich noȝt
Ar þe chartre þat ich made be[o] to me ibroȝt
Leuedi þou ert fol of milce þat þou cust in þis place
Wanne þi milce Leuedi is so muche do me þerof þi grace
Nou non Teophele quaþ oure Leuedy ȝute ichelle þe milde be[o]
Mid þis word he[o] wende aȝen þat he nemiȝte hure noȝt ise[o]
Hure milce he[o] cudde for he[o] com to him þe þridde day
And broȝte þe chartre & tok hure him as he aslepe lay
And wende hure aȝen stilleliche and þo Teofle awok
And huld þe chartre inis hond as oure Leuedy him bitok
Oure Leuedy he þonkede & hure grace as me þingþ wel he aȝte
More þanne he dude þe luþer Giu þat to þe deuel him broȝte
Þis was a betere cheffare þanne he biuore wroȝte
He neles noȝt is wile þat he oure Leuedy so bisoȝte
Þis was as it fel in Leinte a Saterday at niȝt
Amorwe as was þe Soneday as þe day was liȝt
Þe bissop and is clerkes and muche oþer folk also
To churche com as riȝt was Godes seruise to do
Riȝt as þe gospel was irad Teofle forþ him wende
To þe bissopes fet he uel and þe deuel more ssende
Þe bissop he tolde eueridel and al þat folk also
Þe vorwarde & þe sikernesse þat he hadde þe deuel ido
And hou of þe deueles miȝte oure swete Leuedi him caste
And broȝte him is chartre þat in helle biloke was so uaste
Þe chartre biuore al þat folk þe bissop let rede


Þat echmon iseie is luþer sunne & oure Leuediis milde dede
Þat folk wolde þe chartre wite for miracles as hi bede
A merci mercy for Godes loue Teofle ofte sede
For þe wile þe chartre is ihol euere mo ich drede
Ar he[o] be[o] to doust ibarnd siker lif nemay ich lede
Þe chartre barnde hi þer riȝt þat echmon miȝte ise[o]
Nou ich hopie quaþ Teophele siker forto be[o]
Þo þe bissop hadde imassed þat folk com manie & ise[o] wolde
Aboute Teofle in eche side þat wonder to biholde
Briȝtore þanne þe sonne he ssinde hom þoȝte al is face
Þat non nemiȝte for briȝthede biholde him in þe place
He ȝaf and delde pouere men is god wel clene þere
And swor þat out of churche he nolde þe wile he aliue were
To þe stude he wende aȝen þere oure Leuedi to him aliȝte
And broȝte him is chartre er þoru hure swete miȝte
Anon riȝt he gan to uuely and þer doun riȝt he lay
And custe echon is breþeren & deide þe þridde day
Þat folk dude þat riȝt was and burede him riȝt þare
To heuene wende is soule anon þer icholde we alle were
For seint he is in heuene hey & is day falþ in þe ȝere
A litel biuore Aueril as þe bok us deþ lere
A uair miracle oure Leuedy dude þat broȝte him of þulke wo
As he[o] monye oþere dude ȝute ich mot telle mo