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[Feede one my sheepe my chardge my comforte feede]

Feede one my sheepe my chardge my comforte feede
With sonnes approche your pasture fertill growes
O onely sonne yt suche fruite can brede.
Feede on my sheepe your faire swete fedinge flowes
Eache hower eache herbe dothe to your service yelde
O blessed sonne whence all this blessinges goe
Feed one my sheepe possess your fruitfull feilde
Noe wolves dare howle nor Morriane can prevayle
And from the stormes, our sweteste sonne will sheilde.
Feede one my sheepe, sorowe hathe stricken sayle
Enjoye my Joyes, as you did taste my payne
While our sonne shinnes, noe clowdie greifes assayle,
Fede on my sheepe your nature Joyes mayntayne
Your wolle is ritche, noe tounge can tell my gayne.
Leave offe my sheepe yt is noe tyme to feede
My Sonne is gonne your pasture barren growes
O cruell sonne thy hate this harme doth breade


Leave off my sheepe my shewer of teares ore flowe
Your sweteste flowers your hearbes noe service yeldes
My Sonne alas from me for ever goes
Leave of my sheepe my Sighes bourne up my feildes
My plaintes call wolves, my plagues in you prevayle
My sonne is gonne, from stormes what shall us sheilde
Leave off my sheepe sorrowe hathe hoysed sayle
Wayle in my woes, taste of your Maysters payne
My sonne is gone nowe clowdye greifes assayle.
Leave leavinge not my mourninge to mayntayne
You beare noe woll, and loste is ay my payne.