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Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher

Containing Salomons Sermons or Commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father. Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H. L. Gentleman [i.e. Henry Lok]. Whereunto are annexed sundrie Sonets of Christian Passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate Sonets of a feeling conscience of the same Authors

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17. I see therby Gods works profound, beyond mans reach to sound,
Be'he nere so wise: toile nere so much, their depth cannot be found.


Then I beheld the whole works of God, that man can not find out the worke that is wrought vnder the sunne: for the which man laboureth to seeke it, and cannot find it: yea, & though the wise man thinke to know it, he cannot find it.

Yet (loe) I found that I much time had lost,

That all my studie was imployd in vaine,
That I in vaine my bookes had turnd and tost,
That my experience did small knowledge gaine,
That out the meanest creature God did make,
I might a new, full many a lesson take.
That all we know but meere supposall is,
That we know not the least of truth of them,
That in the principles of art we mis,
That we vniustly name of knowledge claime,
Who only truely know, we nothing know:
As wise men in the end, to see do grow.