University of Virginia Library



Gentle zephyrs of morning were stealing
'Mid the dew-spangled leaves of the grove,
Where a knight to his lady-love kneeling,
Breathed anew his professions of love.
While his war-steed impatiently neighing,
Chid the gallant young hero's delay,
And the loud bugle's clamorous braying,
Called the soldier to battle away.
Though she listened in silence, her blushes
Are confessing an answering flame,
And the sparkling tear tenderly gushes,
As he whispers of danger and fame.
One embrace—a farewell—and 't is over,
For his fiery steed bears him afar,
And she prays to the saints for her lover,
As he hies to the Palestine war.
Many months sighed the maid in seclusion,
And in dreams saw the chivalrous youth,
Plunge the Saracen host in confusion,
In supporting the banner of truth.


And that banner was guilded with glory,
As it gleamed like a comet afar,
And the deeds are recorded in story,
He achieved at the Palestine war.
Yet amid the rough battle's commotion,
Would his fancy retreat to the grove,
Where he last breathed the vows of devotion,
To the fair one who sanctioned his love.
But the rude din of war is now over,
And her champion returns from afar,
While she blesses the day that her lover,
Boldly hied to the Palestine war.