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Jezebel at the Window.
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Jezebel at the Window.

She decked herself with chain and ring,
She rouged her cheek and tyred her fleece,
Yet ever shrilled, “Had Zimri peace?
Had Zimri peace who slew his king?”
She trembled not at treason's horde,
She fronted Jehu's lion eye,
Nor ceased to shriek that boding cry,
“Had Zimri peace who slew his lord?”
“Ho there, above! who stands for me?”
The slayer clamored: “Fling her down!” * * *
O Sidon's lineage! Ephraim's crown!
O what a fall was there to see!
Her royal blood besprinkled horse
And wheel and wall and trampling foot;
Her gracious beauty gorged the brute
That snarled above her queenly corse.