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The Southern harmony, and musical companion

containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems

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[Come, all you weary travellers]
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[Come, all you weary travellers]


The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


Come, all you weary travellers;
Come, let us join and sing,
The everlasting praises
Of Jesus Christ, our King;
We've had a tedious journey,
And tiresome, it is true;
But see how many dangers
The Lord has brought us through.


At first when Jesus found us,
He call'd us unto him,
And pointed out the danger
Of falling into sin;
The world, the flesh, and Satan,
Will prove a fatal snare,
Unless we do resist them,
By faith and fervent prayer.


But by our disobedience,
With sorrow we confess,
We've had too long to wander
In a dark wilderness
Where we might soon have fainted,
In that enchanted ground,
But Jesus interposed,
And pleasant fruits were found.


Gracious foretastes of heaven
Give life, and health, and peace,
Revive our drooping spirits,
And faith and love increase;
Confessing Christ, our master,
Obeying his command,
We hasten on our journey,
Unto the promised land