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Sec. 44. Same—official bonds.

The penalties of the official bonds of the following officers
shall be, respectively, as herein enumerated, to wit:

Mayor  $ 2,000 
Auditor and Clerk  5,000 
Treasurer  25,000 
Commissioner of the Revenue  3,000 
City Engineer  3,000 
Street Commissioner or Foreman  1,000 
Chief of Police  1,000 
Superintendent of Water and Sewers  1,000 
Superintendent of Gas and Light  1,000 
Assistant Superintendent of Gas and Light  500 
Overseer of the Poor  1,000 
Superintendent of Cemeteries  1,000 
Sergeant  2,000 
Constable  2,000 

Every official bond required by the ordinances of the city shall
be given in such guaranty company as will be satisfactory to the
Finance Committee, and shall be made payable to the City of
Charlottesville, with condition for the faithful discharge of the
duties of the office to which the person giving it has been elected
or appointed.

The cost of all official bonds shall be at the expense of the city.

Any person elected or appointed to any office who shall for ten
days after the beginning of the term for which he was elected


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or appointed, neglect to give such bond and security as may be required
of him, shall thereby vacate his office. (Charter, Sec. 7.)

The Finance Committee shall report to the Council all official
bonds given as required by this section for entry upon its journal
and the bonds shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the
Corporation Court.