University of Virginia Library

Epistle XXIX. To Romanus.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley]


An Admonition to come to the Court.

HEARK you, Friend, when the next Cause is try'd, by all means come into Court: You can place no Confidence in my excusing you; and must not think to play the Truant with impunity. I vow, Licinius Nepos, the Prætor, a man of Resolution and Courage, denounc'd a Fine upon a Senator himself. He pleaded his own Cause in the Senate, and manag'd it so, as to obtain a Pardon. The Mulct was remitted, but he was in Fear; he Petition'd; there was a Necessity of a Pardon. You will say, all Prætors are not so severe. You are in the wrong. For to introduce, or revive, such a Precedent, can be only the Part of a severe Man; but as to the putting in Execution one that it set on Foot or restor'd, the mildest in the World may be capable of it.
