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(Dedicated to Mrs. Carry Nation.)

Oh, woman, armed with one little hatchet.
Fighting for justice and right,
And with your brave mother courage
Knowing your cause was right,
You've done more to hasten God's kingdom,
And to crush satan's power o'er men,
Than countless numbers of creation's lords,
With the power of the ballot thrown in.
You've awakened the mothers to action
Whose powers have long dormant been,
While the minions of satan have strained every nerve
To ruin our boys and our men.


Rouse, mothers, too long we've been sleeping,
Shall one of us let it be said
That we calmly stood by while those who are dear
Were down to destruction led.
American mothers, hear me,
If you think God will not send the warning
In hieroglyphics upon the wall?
God is not mocked, He is just the same,
And has given the power to you.
If you're weighed and found wanting our nation will fall
Because you did not your duty do.
Then let us unfurl our broad banners,
Fling their folds to the breezes high,
Let this still be our motto,
"We'll trust in God, and keep our powder dry."