The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||
Psalme. LXXVI.
The Argument.
Against oppressours tyrannous,who put Gods flocke to wrong:
This Psalme would they: should well discusse,
Gods power and hand so strong.
In Iury God: is known full well,the ryghteous doth confesse:
His name is great: in Israell,
the wycked sayth no lesse.
His tabernacle: Salem is,a place of peace most sweete:
And Syon hill: a seat of his,
where raignth hys grace full meete.
This God euen there: for all theyr sake,his loue so them behelde:
Bowe, arrowes, sword: and shield he brake,
all battayle set in field.
Thou Syon mount: doost more excell,in honor fame and myght:
Then robbers hils: where that they dwell,
how fierce they range in sight.
These Gyantes proud: of stomacke fell,euen they be spoylde agayne:
They slept theyr sleepe: though full they swell,
theyr handes shall nought retayne.
O Iacobs God: at thy reproofe,these tyrantes fell to ground:
Theyr charets splayd: and strayed aloofe,
both horse and man I drownd.
Euen thou alone: thou fearefull art,in wrath agaynst the proud:
Who can resist: thyne irefull dart,
O Lord who euer could?
From heuen thou madest: thy iudgement soūdthat earth thy power myght heare:
So earthly man: was soone on ground,
he shooke and quayld for feare.
When God arose: to iudge in ryght,hys sayntes opprest wyth smart:
Then dyd hys strength: appeare in sight,
to saue the meke in hart.
Mans fiercenes past: shall full set out,thy prayse (O Lord) no lesse:
Their traynes & guiles: which stil they clout,
from hence thou shalt represse.
Then vow your vowes: and pay them well,to your Lord God full glad:
I byd you all: which nye hym dwell,
bryng giftes to God so drad.
Stout Princes sprites: so furious,he can both quenche and quell:
On them his hand: is wonderous,
how fierce in earth they swell.
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||