University of Virginia Library



Εχθρος γαρ μοι κεινος ομως Αιδαο πυλησιν,
Ος χ' ετερον μεν κευθη ενι φρεσιν, αλλο δε ειπη .”
Hom. Il. ix. 312.

So spake Achilles,—'twas a gem
The brightest in his diadem,
To whom the Poet had assign'd
Noble divinity of mind.
Falsehood is mark of his disguise
Who is the father of all lies,
Though oft its craven wing may brood
Beneath a warlike attitude.
Who one thing thinks, another dares to tell.”
“All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.” Rev. xxi. 8.

The mirror of all youthful grace
Is seen in the transparent face,
Ere sin hath touch'd the open breast,
And hid therein its viper nest.
And 'twas a wisdom deep and true,
More than that ancient Poet knew,
When thus he made the liar dwell
Beside the very gates of hell.