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Mundorum Explicatio

or, The Explanation of an Hieroglyphical Figure: Wherein are couched the Mysteries of the External, Internal, and Eternal Worlds, shewing the true progress of a Soul from the Court of Jerusalem; from the Adamical fallen state to the Regenerate and Angelical. Being A Sacred Poem, written by S. P. [i.e. Samuel Pordage]

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Sacred Flames of LOVE divine!
In our breasts untainted shine!
Feed upon our Souls! and let
Them unto the stake be set!
O Bless'd Fires quickly come!
We're prepar'd for Martyrdom!
Blessed is the Soul that dyes
Unto LOVE a Sacrifice.


Blessed JESUS from thine Eye
There thrice sacred Flames did fly,
Which now burn without controul
On the Tinder of our Soul,
Blessed Fires! O consume
What's prepar'd for Martyrdom!
Happy is the Soul that dyes,
Sacred LOVE'S true Sacrifice!
The Ætherial Flames that are
Couched in the Welkin fair,
Those that Crown the radiant Sun,
Those which beautifie the Moon,
Are lesse fair than those which Come
For to Crown our Martyrdom.
Blessed is the Soul that dyes,
LOVE'S unspotted Sacrifice!
O how raging! yet how sweet!
Are those burning Flames which greet
Our dry Souls, with scalding Kisses,
Pains dispensing, with our Blisses,
But such pains we wish to Come,
That give Crowns of Martyrdom:
Happy is the Soul that dyes
Purest LOVE'S pure Sacrifice!
O our Souls are all on Fire!
We consume in our desire,
We desire what we possesse,
Waters but our Fires encrease,
Those bright Fires, which are Come,
To Crown Souls with Martyrdom.
O thrice blessed Soul that dyes,
Purest LOVE'S blest Sacrifice.
O what lingring Death is this!
Bliss inviteth us to Bliss;


By these tasts of Love we be
More inamour'd of the Sea
Of Abyssal Love, whence Come
Flames, to crown our Martyrdom:
Blessed is the Soul that dies,
LOVE'S most willing Sacrifice!
O what kind of pain is this!
Which is sweeter than all Blisse!
O 'tis pain intolerable,
Pleasure yet unutterable.
Such are the bless'd Flames which come
T'Crown us with Love's Martyrdom.
Happy is the Soul that dies
Thus LOVE'S Living Sacrifice!
O we cry we cannot bear,
Love's hot flames which domineer
In our Breasts, and yet had we
Damn'd to Hell far rather be,
Than to lose these Flames which come
To Crown us with Martyrdom.
Blessed is that Soul that dies
Thus LOVE'S daily Sacrifice.