University of Virginia Library

The .xcix. Psalme.

Euen when the Lord reigned alone, the people made vprore:
Whylse he sate vpon Cherubim, the earth was moued sore.
The Lorde is great & myghtie in his owne citie Sion:
So is he high and aboue eche people and nation.
Let them set forth & celebrate thy name (Lord) worthyly:
For it is greate & worthy fear, & eke passynge holye.
A Kynge loueth ryghtwise dealynge, but thou preparedst it
And in Iacob thou dost the thynge that is boeth iuste and fyt.

Exalt I saye exalt the Lord our God that is on hye:
And fall downe at his fete for he is sacret and holye.
Amonge his priestes was Moses, and hys brother Aaron:
And of them that dyd crie on hym, good Samuell was one.
They cried to hym and he hearde them, & spake to them agayne:
Out of a cloude, & to kepe all his lawes they were ryght fayne.
O Lorde our God, thou heardest them, & dydst them not denye:
Thou wast to them a loueynge God, plagegeynge theyr vayne studie.
Exalt the Lorde our God, and caste your selfe prostrate on grownde:
At the hyll of hys holynes, for holye is he fownde.