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Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher

Containing Salomons Sermons or Commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father. Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H. L. Gentleman [i.e. Henry Lok]. Whereunto are annexed sundrie Sonets of Christian Passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate Sonets of a feeling conscience of the same Authors

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15. I best commend a ioyfull vse, of blessings falne to share,
16. For wisedome made me but behold, mans life more full of care.


But drawing this discourse vnto an end,

And I praysed ioy: for there is no goodnesse to man vnder the sunne, saue to eat and to drinke, and to reioyce: for this is adioined to his labour, the daies of his life, that God hath giuen him vnder the sunne

Concluding it as I the former did,
I say, that in this life who doth intend,
Himselfe of many combers well to rid,
And to enioy the blisse that earth can giue,
Must cast off care, and seeke in peace to liue.
I meane those curious studies fore-reprou'd,
Which do but multiply a bootlesse care,
And ioy himselfe, when ioy may best be mou'd,
With vse of euery creature, and prepare
To take a plenteous part of them, as gaine
Of all his trauels to him shall remaine.


For though it be a thing some wisemen vse,

When I applyed mine heart to know wisedome, and to behold the businesse that is done on earth, that neither day nor night the eies of man take sleepe.

And man by nature is thereto inclind,
And I my selfe the same did not refuse,
(Euen studies trauell to inrich my mind)
Who knew thereby what studie might attaine,
Or which a forward wit and will might gaine.
Who searched had mens actions curiously,
And all the accident that world doth yeeld:
Who in my selfe great part of them did try,
On others proofe did likewise knowledge build,
Both day and night applying thereunto
My busie braines, as many others do.