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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 96. Cantate Domino.
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Psal. 96. Cantate Domino.


Sing to the Lord a new set song,
that all the earth may sing;
That all, that to the Lord belong,
his praise aloud may ring.


Sing to the Lord, and blesse his Name,
where-ever day doth dwell;
Good tidings day by day proclaime,
of his salvation tell.


Among the Heath'ns his glory shew,
to Nations farre and neere;
His wonders let the people know,
with wondrous gladnesse heare.


For great the Lord, his greatnesse more,
than can by praise be prais'd:
All other gods above, before,
his feare is to be rais'd.


For all the gods among the Heath'ns,
are off-gods, Idols vaine:
The Lord is he that made the Heav'ns,
of Heav'ns, that holds the reine.


Before him beames of glory bright,
and Majestie bowe downe:


His Sanctuary, matchlesse might,
and beauteous glory crowne.


Ascribe unto the Lord, ascribe
of every line that live;
Of all the people, every tribe,
all power and glory give.


Give to the Lord the honour'd Name,
that with his glory sorts:
Take up an offring to the same,
and come into his Courts.


In honour of his Holy place,
before the Lord appeare:
Bowe downe your selves, and at his face
stand all the earth in feare.


The Lord (so tell the Nations) raignes,
establisht by his might:
That he, the world unmov'd containes,
shall judge the people right.


Let Heav'ns (the havens of joy) rejoyce,
and let the earth be glad;
The sea set forth his roaring voice,
in all his plenty clad.


Field, and what ever clothes the field,
shout out in speechlesse noise;
All trees, that Frith or Forrest yeeld,
before the Lord rejoyce.


Because he comes, because he comes,
with Judgement in his mouth,
To judge the world with righteous doomes,
earths people with his Truth.