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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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[illeg.]ow wil I leaue Demaunding, and no f[illeg.] made:


For I beginne greatly, heerof to be afrayd,
That it muse all

Gen. 3.b. Esa. 14.b.

com, and on the Man be layde,

Which [illeg.] indeed [illeg.] him, in his disobedient Straying:
For God ; often his Fall; pronounced-foorth this Saying/
That daily shoulde him meete, all Wretchednes and Misery.

Heerwith, wee wish you All, good Health and Prosperety:
Craueing-leaue (Dearly-beloued) from hence now to depart.

Receaue thissame in Loue, to your Solace and Comodety.

Heer-with, we wish you All, good Health and Prosperety.

Chainge your Sorow into Ioye, in the Loue of the Uerety/
With this our playne Inuencion, shewing small skill of Arte.

Heer-with, we wish you All, good Health and Prosperety:
Craueing-leaue (Deerly-beloued) from hence now to depart,
Yee wyse-mynded People, take this Matter well to hart.