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The Death of Ahab.
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The Death of Ahab.

To Yahveh's prophet Ahab cried:
“Shall Ephraim's host to battle go,
And Judah lift the spear and bow
Against Benhadad's armored pride?”


“Yea, go and prosper,” scoffed the seer.
“Have not the oracles of Baal
Assured thee triumph over all?
Why seekest thou the future here?
“But canst thou bear Jehovah's word?
I saw thy people scattered far,
Like sheep upon a mountain scar:
And, ‘These are masterless!’ I heard.”
So Ahab changed his broidered cloak,
And laid his golden armor by;
Then raised his lordly battle-cry,
And through the ranks of Syria broke.
A nameless Aramean drew
A random arrow, aimed by chance;
But Yahveh winged the fragile lance,
And smote the jointed harness through.
Thereon the king: “O charioteer,
Turn thou aside, for I must die;
But let no soldier come anigh,
Lest Ephraim yield in panic fear.”
At even, when the chariot fled,
The king alone knew not defeat.
His warder stayed him in his seat,
Erect and proud. The king was dead.