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In connexion with the Department of Natural History, a gentleman of the
city of Rochester, N. Y., has recently made to the University the munificent
gift of $70,000, to be expended in the purchase of a Cabinet of Zoology,
Geology, and Mineralogy, and to provide a suitable building for the same.


Page 58

House Joint Resolutions, gratefully acknowledging a Munificent Donation
to the University of Virginia by an Unknown Citizen of New York.
Reported from the Committee on Schools, etc.

Resolved by the House of Delegates (the Senate concurring), That the General Assembly
has with great satisfaction learned that a citizen of New York has made to the
University of Virginia a liberal donation, to be used in building and equipping a museum
of natural history; and while his modesty in concealing his name from those who
are to be the recipients of his munificence attests his great worth and the disinterestedness
of his motives, it is proper that the General Assembly should in a befitting manner
give expression to the profound and high appreciation of the people of Virginia for so
noble a benefactor in behalf of an institution founded by the author of the Declaration
of American Independence, and justly cherished as one of the chief glories of the Commonwealth;

Resolved, That, though the author of the munificent donation be unknown, the General
Assembly hereby publicly expresses the gratitude of the people of Virginia to the
disinterested and public-spirited donor, the remembrance of whose charity will excite the
lofty admiration of Virginians as long as her favorite seat of learning shall continue to

The building and cabinet will be completed before the close of the
session 1876-77, and will be a most valuable addition to the means of
instruction in this Department.