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1 occurrence of Cutliff
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1 occurrence of Cutliff
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During the Year Ending January 1st, 1889, Gifts have been Received from

  • Observatory, Berlin, Germany.

  • Observatory, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Observatory, Cambridge, England.

  • Observatory, Cape of Good Hope.

  • Observatory, Cincinnati, Ohio.

  • Observatory, Cordoba, Argentine Republic.

  • Observatory, Dublin, Ireland.

  • Observatory, Edinburg, Scotland.

  • Observatory, Greenwich, England.

  • Observatory, Harvard College, Mass.

  • Observatory, Leiden, Germany.

  • Observatory, Lick, San José, California.

  • Observatory, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Observatory, Milan, Italy,

  • Observatory, Paris, France.

  • Observatory, Prague, Germany.

  • Observatory, U. S. Naval, Washington, D. C.

  • American Academy, Boston, Mass.

  • American Phil. Society, Philadelphia, Penn.

  • Chief Signal Officer of the Army, Washington,
    D. C.

  • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

  • Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapel
    Hill, N. C.

  • Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburgh,

  • Nautical Almanac Offce, Washington, D.C.

  • Royal Academy, Rome, Italy.

  • Royal Astronomical Society, London, England.

  • Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

  • U.S. Coat and Geodetic Survey, Washington,
    D. C.

  • Dr. O. Backlund, Poulkova, Russia.

  • Mr. Roert Bryant.

  • Mr. S. C. Chandler, Cambridge, Mass.

  • The Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, Aberdeen,

  • Dr. W. Döllen, Poulkova, Russia.

  • Mr. W. H. inlay, Cape of Good Hope.

  • R. Friedländer and Son, Berlin, Germany.

  • Dr. Paul Harzer, Poulkova, Russia.

  • Dr. Henry M. Parkhurst, New York.

  • Prof. C. Piazzi Smyth, dinburg, Scotland.

  • Prof. E. C. Pickering, Cambridge, Mass.

  • Prof. Wm. H. Pickering, Cambridge, Mass.

  • Prof. G. V. Shiaparelli, Milan, Italy.

  • Mr. Ludwig Struve, Poulkova, Russia.

  • Dr. Otto Struve, Poulkova, Russia.

  • Mr. F. Terby, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Mr. Wm. C. Winlock, Washington, D. C.