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University of Virginia

University, Virginia

For Full Information, Address:


Box 1337, University, Virginia


This tour has been organized so that students and other men and women
can combine the pleasures of a delightful summer spent on the northern coast
of France, with the serious study of French.

St. Servan is within a few minutes of St. Malo, one of the most picturesque
towns in France. It is near Dinard, the fashionable seaside resort,
within easy reach of Mont St. Michel, and the romantic Channel Islands.
There will be opportunities for tennis, golf, swimming and all out-of-door
sports so that the weeks spent in residence will prove truly delightful.

Throughout the tour the director will give college courses in French for
those who wish to avail themselves of this splendid opportunity of learning
the language. During the period of residence the members may attend the
Cours de Vacances of the Université de Rennes which are held in St. Servan
during the summer.


Mr. Richard C. Garlick, Jr., M.A., Department of French, University of
Virginia. Mr. Garlick has studied at the Johns Hopkins University, at the
Université de Poitiers and at the Sorbonne. Having taught French to
Americans in the United States, and English to Frenchmen in France, he
knows just wherein the two languages are difficult and is preeminently well
qualified to handle this class. The fact that he has lived in France and has
traveled extensively on the Continent, makes him an admirable leader for
this group.


The director will give courses in French throughout the period of the
tour. Course A will be recognized for college credit by the University of
Virginia as the equivalent of B1 French at the University.

Course A—(French sB1-I, II and III). 3 session-hours credit. Registration
fee included in the price of the tour.


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Special emphasis will be placed on the spoken language. French dictation
and the writing of short themes in French will also be stressed. The
object of the course is to give the members a practical knowledge and working
grasp of the language. To obtain college credit for this course, the
student must have passed one year of college French, or its equivalent.

Course B—Beginner's French. This course will be given if as many as
five of the party desire it. No college credit will be allowed for this course
but it might put a student in position to pass a college examination for
advanced standing. Stress will be laid on the spoken language. Fundamentals
of French grammar, phonetics, and dictation will be taught. A tuition fee
of $20 will be charged each person taking this course.

(Note): The courses are open to all members of the tour but are not
obligatory in any sense.

Tour A—July 4th to August 23rd. Inclusive price, $395.00.

Tour B—June 27th to Aug. 23rd. Inclusive price, $495.00.

If you receive more than one copy of this bulletin, will you please pass it on
to someone else who may be interested? Our mailing list is compiled from so
many different sources that there are some unavoidable duplications.