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Hymn 1.

What am I, O Thou glorious God!
Or what my father's house to Thee!
That Thou such blessings hast bestow'd
On me, the vilest reptile me!
I take the blessings from above,
And wonder at Thy boundless love.
Me in my blood Thy love pass'd by,
And stopp'd, my ruin to retrieve,
Wept o'er my soul Thy pitying eye,
Thy bowels yearn'd, and sounded, Live!
Dying, I heard the welcome sound,
And pardon in Thy mercy found.
Honour, and might, and thanks, and praise
I render to my pardoning God;
Extol the riches of Thy grace,
And spread Thy saving name abroad;


That only name to sinners given,
Which lifts poor dying worms to heaven.
Jesu, I bless Thy gracious power,
And all within me shouts Thy name;
Thy name let every soul adore,
Thy power let every tongue proclaim;
Thy grace let every sinner know,
And find with me their heaven below.


Hymn 2.

[O what an evil, faithless heart]

“The love of Christ constraineth us.” —[2 Cor. v. 14.]

O what an evil, faithless heart
Have I, so ready to depart
From Thee, the living God!
Not all Thy threats, and judgments move,
Till master'd by Thy stronger love,
It will not hear Thy rod.
The sorest plague Thou hast to send,
Not sin itself my soul can bend,
Or bring my spirit down;
Sin makes me prouder than before,
And blinds, and hardens more and more,
Till all my heart is stone.
My stony heart Thy wrath defies,
And dares against Thy judgments rise,
Self-harden'd from Thy fear;
What canst Thou with Thy rebel do?
Try me by love, and in my view
With all Thy wounds appear.


Ah! who that piteous sight can bear!
Behold the Lamb hangs bleeding there!
There, there! on yonder tree!
Pierced are His feet, His hands, His side!
My Lamb, my Love is crucified!
O God! He dies for me!
For me He meekly bows His head,
He suffers in the sinner's stead,
My ruin to retrieve:
He spreads His arms to take me in,
He sheds His blood to purge my sin;
He dies that I may live.
O Love, by Thee constrain'd at last,
I yield, I yield; my tears flow fast,
Fast as Thy streaming blood!
Breaks at the sight my heart of stone;
I faint to hear that dying groan,
Why, O my God! my God!—
O God, I can hold out no more,
My heart resents Thy softening power,
My heart is melting wax;
I feel that Thou art love indeed,
Thou wilt not break the bruised reed,
Or quench the smoking flax.
Thou wilt not slight the feeblest grace,
This spark of love Thy breath shall raise,
And kindle to a flame;
And I, who taste how good Thou art,
Shall shortly love with all my heart
My lovely, bleeding Lamb.



Hymn 3.

[Vouchsafe to keep me, Lord, this day]

“Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin.”

Vouchsafe to keep me, Lord, this day
Without committing sin,
And with me let Thy Spirit stay,
Till He is fix'd within.
Thou canst from every sin secure;
And is it not Thy will
Still to preserve Thy servant pure
From every touch of ill?
Ye advocates for sin, and hell,
Which of you all dares say,
With God this is impossible
To keep my soul this day?
He can, He can, yourselves confess,
Almighty is my Lord:
But will He guard me by His grace?
But will He keep His word?
Whate'er I ask, the Truth hath said,
I surely shall receive:
I ask to be made free indeed,
And without sin to live.
Whate'er I ask in faith, I have,
As sure as God is true;
My faithful God is strong to save,
And He is ready too.
Jesus from sin shall save His own,
Who wait the truth to prove:
Poor, faithless souls, have ye not known
That God, my God, is love?


Willing He is, that all should live
From all their sins set free:
Lord, I Thy solemn word receive,
Thy oath to rescue me.
Thou canst, Thou wilt for one short day
Preserve me spotless here,
And why not then (let Satan say)
A week, a month, a year?
Why wilt Thou not for all my life
My helpless soul defend,
And bear me through the doubtful strife,
And keep me to the end!
With shame the fatal cause I own
Of all my sin, and grief;
I did not stand by faith alone,
I fell through unbelief.
I ask'd, but never hoped from Thee
To' obtain the promised power,
Or look'd from sin to be set free,
Before my dying hour.
But lo! with humble faith I bow
My soul before Thy throne:
Deliver me from evil now;
For Thou canst save Thine own.
Vouchsafe to keep me, Lord, this day,
And every day from sin,
Until Thou take it all away,
And bring Thy nature in.
Safe in Thine all-victorious love,
And confident I rest;
What power can from my Rock remove,
Or tear me from Thy breast?


My soul on Thee, O Lord, relies,
Thine arms are my defence;
My soul hell, earth, and sin defies,
To come, and pluck me hence.
Nigh me I find my threefold foe,
But Thou art always nigher;
Nor will I from my fortress go,
Or leave my wall of fire.
My life is hid with Christ above;
Faith in Thy blood I feel,
A faith which doth the mountain move,
And bids the sun stand still.
The sin-subduing power Divine
Through faith I still receive,
It keeps this feeble heart of mine,
While unrenew'd I live.
It keeps, till I am born again,
And find the perfect power,
And tell the faithless sons of men
That I can sin no more.


Hymn 4.

Where is my God, my joy, my hope,
The dear Desire of nations, where?
Jesus, to Thee my soul looks up,
To Thee directs her morning prayer,
And spreads her arms of faith abroad,
To' embrace my hope, my joy, my God.


Mine eyes prevent the morning ray,
Looking, and longing for Thy word:
Come, O my Jesus, come away,
And let my heart receive its Lord;
Which pants, and struggles to be free,
And breaks to be detain'd from Thee.
Appear in me, bright Morning Star,
And scatter all the shades of night;
I saw Thee once, and came from far;
But quickly lost Thy transient light;
And now again in darkness pine,
Till Thou throughout my nature shine.
In patient hope I now give heed
To the sure word of promised grace,
Whose rays a feeble lustre shed,
Faint glimmering through the darksome place,
Till Thou Thy glorious light impart,
And rise, the Day-Star, in my heart.
Come, Lord, be manifested here,
And all the devil's works destroy,
Now without sin in me appear,
And fill with everlasting joy;
Thy beatific face display;
Thy presence is the perfect day.


Hymn 5.

Thou, Lord, art rich in grace to all,
Attend my earnest cry,
With lifted hands and heart I call,
And look to feel Thee nigh.


O that my prayers might now to Thee
As clouds of incense rise,
And let my thanks accepted be,
My evening sacrifice.
Not unto me, O Lord, the praise,
But to Thy name I give,
If kept by Thine almighty grace,
Still unconsumed I live.
Through Thee, my God, through Thee alone
I incorrupt have been,
Thou hast Thy power in weakness shown,
Withholding me from sin.
Restrain'd from my own wickedness,
Thy outstretch'd arm I see,
And bless Thee for my faith's increase,
And closer cleave to Thee.
With humble thankfulness I own,
Sufficient is Thy grace,
Thou who from sin hast kept me one,
Canst keep me all my days.


Hymn 6.

Omnipresent God, whose aid
No one ever ask'd in vain,
Be this night about my bed,
Every evil thought restrain;
Lay Thy hand upon my soul,
God of my unguarded hours;
All mine enemies control,
Hell, and earth, and nature's powers.


Frail alas! my nature is,
Ever sinking into sin:
I cannot from sinning cease,
All unholy, all unclean;
Yet to Thee for help I seek,
Pefect, Lord, Thy strength in me;
I am strong, when I am weak,
Weak myself, but strong in Thee.
Keep me then, my Saviour, keep,
Till my soul is all renew'd;
Thou, whose eyelids never sleep,
Guard the future house of God;
Let not evil enter in,
Every selfish thought avert;
Stop the avenues of sin,
Keep the issues of my heart.
O Thou jealous God, come down,
God of spotless purity;
Claim, and seize me for Thine own,
Consecrate my heart to Thee.
Under Thy protection take,
Songs in the night season give;
Let me sleep to Thee, and wake,
Let me die to Thee, and live.
Only tell me I am Thine,
And Thou wilt not quit Thy right;
Answer me in dreams Divine;
Dreams, and visions of the night:
Bid my soul in sleep go on,
Restlessly its God desire,
Mourn for God in every groan,
God in every thought require.


Loose me from the chains of sense,
Set me from my body free,
Draw with stronger influence
My unfetter'd soul to Thee:
In me, Lord, Thyself reveal,
Fill me with a sweet surprise;
Let me Thee, when waking, feel,
Let me in Thine image rise.
Let me of Thy life partake;
Thy own holiness impart:
O that I might sweetly wake
With my Saviour in my heart!
O that I might know Thee mine,
O that I might Thee receive,
Only live the life Divine,
Only to Thy glory live!
Or if Thou my soul require,
Ere I see the morning light,
Grant me, Lord, my heart's desire,
Perfect me in love to-night;
Finish Thy great work of love,
Cut it short in righteousness;
Fit me for the realms above,
Change, and bid me die in peace.


Hymn 7.

Behold the servant of the Lord!
I wait Thy guiding eye to feel;
To hear, and keep Thine every word,
To prove, and do Thy perfect will,


Joyful from all my works to cease,
Glad to fulfil all righteousness.
Me if Thy grace vouchsafe to use,
Meanest of all Thy creatures me,
The deed, the time, the manner choose;
Let all my fruit be found of Thee,
Let all my works in Thee be wrought,
By Thee to full perfection brought.
My every weak, though good, design
O'errule, or change as seems Thee meet:
Jesus, let all the work be Thine:
Thy work, O Lord, is all complete,
And pleasing in Thy Father's sight:
Thou only hast done all things right.
Here then to Thee Thine own I leave,
Mould as Thou wilt the passive clay,
But let me all Thy stamp receive,
But let me all Thy words obey,
Serve with a single heart and eye,
And to Thy glory live, and die.


Hymn 8.

[Jesu, whither shall I go]

“Will ye also go away?—Lord, to whom shall we go?
Thou hast the words of eternal life.”
—John vi. 67, &c.

Jesu, whither shall I go,
Thee my Saviour if I leave?
Only Thou canst ease my woe,
Only Thou canst pardon give;
None beside can save from sin,
None beside can make me clean.


If I foolishly depart
From the ark of Thy dear breast,
Where shall my unsettled heart
Find a ground whereon to rest?
Whither, or to whom shall I
From myself for succour fly?
Shall I back to Egypt go,
To my vomit turn again,
To my flesh corruption sow,
Live anew in pleasures vain?
No, with sin I cannot dwell,
Sin is worse than death, and hell.
Shall I my old toil renew,
Catch an honourable name,
Praise, which comes from man, pursue,
Idolize, and pant for fame?
Who on fame bestows his care,
Grasps a shadow, feeds on air.
Shall I go to courts and kings?
Courts and kings are vanity,
Beggarly and wretched things,
Can they yield support to me?
Crush'd by their own grandeur's weight,
Poorly, miserably great!
Learning should I strive to gain,
Fairest fruit on earth that grows,
Ineffectual were my pain,
Happiest he who nothing knows;
Who in quest of vain relief
Adds to knowledge, adds to grief.


If my God I cast behind,
God the source of perfect bliss,
Vain are all my hopes to find
True, substantial happiness;
Search the whole creation round,
Can it out of God be found?
No; my God, if from the way,
From the truth if I remove,
Must I not for ever stray,
On in error's mazes rove,
Rove from peace to troublous strife,
Rove to death from endless life!
Who would go from health to pain,
Turn from grace to wickedness,
Freedom quit, to hug a chain;
Grieve his friend, his foe to please?
Who his Saviour-God to shun,
Would to his destroyer run?
Saviour, I with guilty shame
Own that I, alas, am he!
Weak, and wavering still I am,
Ready still to fly from Thee:
Stop me by Thy look, and say,
Will you also go away?
You, whom I have brought to God,
Will you turn from God again?
You, for whom I spilt My blood,
Will you let it flow in vain?
You, who felt it once applied,
Can ye leave My bleeding side?


No, my Lamb, my Saviour, no,
(Every soul with me reply,)
From Thy wounds we will not go,
Will not from our Master fly:
Thine is the life-giving word;
Thou art our eternal Lord.
Speak, and by Thy word detain
Every soul inclined to stray;
Speak, and let Thy love constrain
Every fugitive to stay;
That we may no more depart,
Speak Thyself into our heart.


Hymn 9.

[In weariness and pain]

In weariness and pain,
By griefs and sins oppress'd,
I turn me to my rest again,
My soul's eternal rest;
The Lamb that died for me,
And still my load doth bear;
To Jesu's streaming wounds I flee,
And find my quiet there.
Jesus, was ever grief,
Was ever love like Thine!
Thy sorrow, Lord, is my relief,
Thy life hath ransom'd mine.
The Crucified appears!
I see the dying God!
O might I pour my ceaseless tears,
And mix them with Thy blood!


My sorrows I forget
In view of Calvary;
I fall, and kiss Thy bleeding feet,
And pant to share with Thee:
O were I offer'd up
Upon Thy sacrifice!
Who would not drink that sacred cup,
And die when Jesus dies!
Thou seest my heart's desire,
I would Thy cross partake;
I long to be baptized with fire,
And die for Thy dear sake;
I long to rise with Thee,
And soar to things above,
And spend a blest eternity
In praise of dying love.


Hymn 10.

God of my life, to Thee
My cheerful soul I raise,
Thy goodness bade me be,
And still prolongs my days:
I see my natal hour return,
And bless the day that I was born.
A clod of living earth
I glorify Thy name,
From whom alone my birth,
And all my blessings came;
Creating and preserving grace
Let all that is within me praise.


My soul, and all its powers,
Thine, wholly Thine shall be,
All, all my happy hours
I consecrate to Thee;
Whate'er I have, whate'er I am
Shall magnify my Maker's name.
Long as I live beneath,
To Thee O let me live,
To Thee my every breath
In thanks, and blessings give;
Me to Thine image now restore,
And I shall praise Thee evermore.
Thy former gift is vain,
Unless Thou lift me up,
Begetting me again
Unto a lively hope;
O let me know that second birth,
And live the life of heaven on earth.
I wait Thy will to do
As angels do in heaven,
In Christ a creature new,
Eternally forgiven;
I wait Thy perfect will to prove,
When sanctified by spotless love.
O might I soon attain
My holy calling's prize!
And grow, when born again,
And to Thy stature rise;
From strength to strength, from grace to grace,
Till meet to see Thy glorious face.


Then, when the work is done,
The work of faith with power,
Call home Thy favour'd son
At death's triumphant hour,
Like Moses to Thyself convey,
And kiss my raptured soul away.


Hymn 11.

Are there not in the labourer's day
Twelve hours, wherein he safely may
His calling's works pursue?
Though sin and Satan still are near,
Nor sin nor Satan can I fear
With Jesus in my view.
Not all the powers of hell can fright
A soul, that walks with Christ in light;
He walks, and cannot fall:
Clearly he sees, and wins his way,
Shining unto the perfect day,
And more than conquers all.
Light of the world, Thy beams I bless;
On Thee, bright Sun of Righteousness,
My faith hath fix'd its eye;
Guided by Thee, through all I go,
Nor fear the ruin spread below,
For Thou art always nigh.
Ten thousand snares my path beset,
Yet will I, Lord, the work complete,
Which Thou to me hast given;


Superior to the pains I feel,
Close by the gates of death, and hell,
I urge my way to heaven.
Still will I strive, and labour still,
With humble zeal to do Thy will,
And trust in Thy defence;
My soul into Thy hands I give,
And, if he can obtain Thy leave,
Let Satan pluck me thence.


Hymn 12.

Jesu, by highest heavens adored,
The church's glorious Head;
With humble joy I call Thee, Lord,
And in Thy footsteps tread.
Emptied of all Thy greatness here
While in the body seen,
Thou wouldst the least of all appear,
And minister to men.
A servant to Thy servants Thou
In Thy debased estate,
How meekly did Thy goodness bow
To wash Thy followers' feet!
And shall a worm refuse to stoop,
His fellow-worms disdain?
I give my vain distinctions up,
Since God did wait on man.
At charity's almighty call
I lay my greatness by,
The least of saints, I wait on all,
The chief of sinners I.


Happy, if I their grief may cheer,
And mitigate their pain,
And wait upon the servants here,
Till with the Lord I reign.


Hymn 13.

I come, O God, to do Thy will,
With Jesus in my view,
A servant of His servants still,
My Pattern I pursue.
My loving labour I repeat,
Obedient to His word,
And wash His dear disciples' feet,
And wait upon my Lord.
I have my Saviour always near,
On Him I now attend,
I see Him in His members here,
My Brother, and my Friend.
Shivering beneath those rags He stands,
Again exposed, and bare,
And stretches out His helpless hands,
And asks my tender care.
And shall I not relief afford,
Put off my costly dress,
Tear it away to clothe my Lord,
Who hides my sinfulness!
Drink to a thirsty Christ I give,
An hungry Christ I feed,
The stranger to my house receive,
Who here shall lay his head.


Sick, and in prison will I find,
And all his sorrows cheer,
Or bring him forth, and doubly kind
Relieve, and tend him here.
In sickness will I make his bed,
The cordial draught prepare,
My hands shall hold his fainting head,
And all his burden bear.
Surely I now my Saviour see,
In this poor worm conceal'd,
Wounded He asks relief of me,
Who all my wounds hath heal'd.
My needy Jesus I descry,
And in this object meet,
Sick, and in pain I see Him lie,
And gasping at my feet.
Paleness His dying face o'erspreads,
His griefs I more than see,
My heart at Jesu's suffering bleeds
With softest sympathy.
I fill my Lord's afflictions up,
His welcome burden bear,
And gladly drink His bitter cup,
And all His sorrows share.
Yes, Lord, with joy, and grief, and love
I now behold Thy face,
My God descended from above
To suffer in my place.
Thy visage marr'd with tears and blood,
Mine eyes of faith survey,
As when on yonder cross my God
A bleeding Victim lay.


Torn with the whips, and nails, and spear
Thy sacred body was;
O might it now to all appear
As hanging on the cross!
O that to Thee the world might bow,
And know Thy saving name,
And see, and serve, as I do now,
And love the bleeding Lamb!


Hymn 14.

[Gentle Jesu, lovely Lamb]

Gentle Jesu, lovely Lamb,
Thine, and only Thine I am;
Take my body, spirit, soul,
Only Thou possess the whole.
Thou my one thing needful be,
Let me ever cleave to Thee:
Let me choose the better part,
Let me give Thee all my heart.
Fairer than the sons of men,
Do not let me turn again,
Leave the Fountain head of bliss,
Stoop to creature happiness.
Whom have I on earth below?
Thee, and only Thee I know:
Whom have I in heaven but Thee?
Thou art all in all to me.
All my treasure is above,
All my riches is Thy love:
Who the worth of love can tell,
Infinite, unsearchable!


Thou, O Love, my portion art,
Lord, Thou know'st my simple heart:
Other comforts I despise,
Love be all my paradise.
Nothing else can I require,
Love fills up my whole desire:
All Thy other gifts remove;
Still Thou givest me all in love.


Hymn 15.

[Jesu, my Truth, my Way]

Jesu, my Truth, my Way,
My sure, unerring Light,
On Thee my feeble soul I stay,
Which Thou wilt lead aright;
My Wisdom, and my Guide,
My Counsellor Thou art;
O never let me leave Thy side,
Or from Thy paths depart.
I lift mine eye to Thee,
My lovely, bleeding Lamb,
That I may still enlighten'd be,
And never put to shame:
I never will remove
Out of Thy hands my cause,
But rest in Thy redeeming love,
And hang upon Thy cross.
To Thee, when sin draws nigh,
O let me still confess
(While trembling to Thy wounds I fly)
My utter helplessness:


Save, Lord! I cannot bear
This sore temptation's storm;
Save, or I perish in despair,
O save a dying worm.
Still let Thy Spirit, Lord,
Soon as the foe comes in,
His instantaneous help afford,
And stem the tide of sin:
Lift up the standard-tree
'Gainst my o'erpowering foe,
And show me Thou hast died for me,
And all my sins o'erthrow.
Teach me the happy art
In all things to depend
On Thee, who never wilt depart,
But love me to the end.
Still stir me up to strive
With Thee in strength Divine,
And every moment, Lord, revive
This fainting soul of mine.
Persist to save my soul
Throughout the fiery hour,
Till I am every whit made whole,
And show forth all Thy power;
Through fire and water bring
Into the wealthy place,
And teach me the new song to sing,
When perfected in grace.
O make me all like Thee,
Before I hence remove;
Settle, confirm, and 'stablish me,
And build me up in love:


Let me Thy witness live,
When sin is all destroy'd,
And then my spotless soul receive,
And take me home to God.


Hymn 16.

[My God, I am Thine]

My God, I am Thine,
What a comfort Divine,
What a blessing to know that my Jesus is mine!
In the heavenly Lamb
Thrice happy I am;
My heart it doth dance at the sound of Thy name.
True pleasures abound
In the rapturous sound;
And whoever hath found it hath paradise found.
My Jesus to know,
And feel His blood flow,
'Tis life everlasting, 'tis heaven below.
Yet onward I haste
To the heavenly feast;
That, that is the fulness: but this is the taste.
And this I shall prove,
Till with joy I remove
To the heaven of heavens of Jesus's love.


Hymn 17.

[O Jesus, my Rest]

O Jesus, my Rest,
How unspeakably blest
Is the sinner that comes to be hid in Thy breast!


I come at Thy call,
At Thy feet do I fall,
And believe, and confess Thee my God, and my all.
Thou art Mary's good part,
The thing needful Thou art,
The desire of my eyes, and the joy of my heart.
My comfort and stay,
My life, and my way,
My crown of rejoicing in that happy day.
Health, pardon, and peace
In Thee I possess;
I can have nothing more, I will have nothing less.
I stand in Thy might,
I walk in Thy light,
And all heaven I claim in Thy God-giving right.


Hymn 18.

[All praise to the Lamb!]

All praise to the Lamb!
Accepted I am,
I am bold to believe on my Jesus's name.
Strength and righteousness,
And pardon, and peace,
In the Lord my Redeemer I surely possess.
In Thee I confide,
Thy blood is applied;
For me Thou hast suffer'd, for me Thou hast died.
My peace it is made,
My ransom is paid,
My soul on Thy bloody atonement is stay'd.
Not a doubt can arise
To darken the skies,
Or hide for a moment my Lord from my eyes.


I already am blest,
I lean on Thy breast,
And lo! in Thy wounds I continually rest.
My cup it runs o'er,
I have comfort and power,
I have pardon—what can a poor sinner have more?
He can have a new heart,
So as never to start
From Thy paths: he may be in the world as Thou art.
He may be without sin,
All holy and clean,
He may be as his Master, all glorious within.
Without blemish, or blot,
Without wrinkle, or spot,
Without power to offend Thee in deed, word, or thought.
The promise is sure,
It shall always endure,
And I as my God shall be spotless and pure.
Thou again shalt appear,
My faith's Finisher,
And I in Thy love shall be perfected here.
I aim at the prize,
It is now in my eyes,
To perfection I press, to perfection I rise.
I seek, and pursue,
I shall find the pearl too,
For He who hath promised is faithful and true.
Thee, Lord, I receive,
And to me Thou shalt give
A power, without sin in Thine image to live.


Thine image is love,
And I surely shall prove
That holy delight of the angels above.
Less cannot suffice
Than the pearl of great price:
Speak, Lord, and I now in Thy likeness shall rise.
I am sure it shall be,
I shall walk before Thee,
And be perfect as God, when my God is in me.


Hymn 19.

[My Jesus, my Lamb]

My Jesus, my Lamb,
All weakness I am,
But strength and salvation are found in Thy name.
I come for the grace
Thy Father did place
On Thee for myself, and for all the lost race.
Be near to defend,
Continue my Friend;
I know Thou hast loved me; but love to the end.
Our Safeguard Thou art,
And shouldst Thou depart,
I perish, destroy'd by my own evil heart.
But I trust Thou wilt stay
Till I see the glad day,
When Thy blood shall have wash'd all my evil away.
I have faith in Thy blood,
It hath brought me to God,
And I in Thine image shall soon be renew'd.
I shall throughly be clean,
And all holy within;
Thine image can harbour no relics of sin.


Of pardon possess'd,
Yet can I not rest
In the first gift, but earnestly covet the best.
The best I shall prove,
When perfect in love,
I serve Thee on earth as the angels above.
This, this is the prize,
To perfection I rise,
And walk before God till I fly to the skies.


Hymn 20.

[My Saviour and King]

My Saviour and King,
Thy conquest I sing;
Goliath is slain with a stone and a sling.
Thine arm did o'erthrow,
And laid my sin low,
And now in Thy strength I can tread on the foe.
The world and its god
Are more than subdued;
I have faith, O my Lamb, I have faith in Thy blood.
Thy blood makes us clean
Both without and within,
It conquers the world, and the devil, and sin.
By the blood of the Lamb
The martyrs o'ercame;
And its virtue is now, and for ever the same.
It washes the foul,
It makes the sick whole,
And hallows, and perfects the penitent soul.
I have felt it applied,
The life-giving tide
Hath brought me to God, and in God I abide.


I shall feel it again
Washing out the old stain:
Then away with your spots, for not one shall remain!
My Lord from above
Shall the mountain remove,
And I then shall be spotless, and perfect in love


Hymn 21.

[O Saviour, whose blood]

O Saviour, whose blood
For sinners hath flow'd,
I believe Thou hast suffer'd, to bring me to God.
My goodness Thou art,
Impute and impart
Thy virtue to quiet, and hallow my heart.
The infinite store
Of Thy merit runs o'er;
For me Thou hast purchased forgiveness, and more.
I believe Thou hast died
To redeem me from pride,
From anger, desire, and all evil beside.
And shall I not live
In full hope to receive
All the graces and blessings the Lamb hath to give?
Can it anger the Lamb,
That I trust in Thy name,
My uttermost Jesus for ever the same?
Does it injure Thy blood,
That I trust, the pure flood
Shall cleanse from all sin, and then waft me to God?
Nay, nay, but I feel
It is after Thy will
My faith, that Thou wilt all my sicknesses heal.


The promise is sure
To the helpless and poor,
Their souls, as their bodies, Thou throughly canst cure.
Thou hast heal'd me in part,
And ready Thou art
To fill up my faith, and possess my whole heart.
Thou art just to Thy word,
And I shall be restored,
And holy, and perfect, and pure as my Lord.
In patience I wait,
For my God to create,
And raise me on earth to my former estate.
My faith is not vain,
I am sure to regain
His image, and lord of His creatures to reign.
I to God shall be join'd
In heart and in mind,
And again in my Jesus my paradise find.


Hymn 22.

[O God of all grace]

O God of all grace,
Thy goodness we praise;
Thy Son Thou hast given to die in our place.
With joy we approve
The design of Thy love;
'T is a wonder on earth, and a wonder above.
Tongue cannot explain
That love of God-man,
Which the angels desire to look into in vain.
It dazzles our eyes:
Thought cannot arise,
To find out a cause why the Infinite dies.


Or if pity inclined
Him to die for mankind,
The ground of His pity what seraph can find?
He came from above,
Our curse to remove;
He hath loved, He hath loved us, because He would love.
Love moved Him to die,
And on this we rely:
He hath loved, He hath loved us, we cannot tell why!
But this we can tell,
He hath loved us so well,
As to lay down His life to redeem us from hell.
He hath ransom'd our race;
O how shall we praise,
Or worthily sing Thy unspeakable grace?
Nothing else will we know
In our journey below,
But singing Thy grace, to Thy paradise go.
Nay, and when we remove
To the mansions above,
Our heaven shall still be to sing of Thy love.
Thrice happy employ!
We there shall enjoy
A fulness of pleasure that never can cloy.
The heavenly choir
With us shall aspire,
And gladly our loving Redeemer admire.
Thy wonders of grace
The angels shall praise,
Yet ever come short in their loftiest lays.


We all shall commend
The love of our Friend,
For ever beginning what never shall end.
When time is no more,
We still shall adore
That ocean of love without bottom, or shore.
For this do we wait;
Come, Lord, and translate
Our souls to their perfectly glorious estate.
O hasten the day!
He will not delay,
But quickly return, and conduct us away.
Ere long we shall fly
To the regions on high,
For Israel's Strength cannot vary, or lie.
He soon shall appear,
He more than draws near;
Our Jesus is come, and eternity's here!


Hymn 23.

[We wrestle not with flesh and blood]

We wrestle not with flesh and blood,
Whoe'er to Jesu's sway submit,
Nature's desires all are subdued,
And trodden down beneath our feet.
We that are Christ's have crucified
The flesh, and every worldly lust;
And still we feel the blood applied,
And in a present Saviour trust.


Sin shall not have dominion now,
Or in our mortal body reign,
To Satan's yoke we scorn to bow,
And cast away his servile chain.
To those dear wounds we calmly fly,
Whence rivers of salvation flow;
And thence, when sin draws near, defy
A feeble, vanquish'd, dying foe.
Redemption through Thy blood we have,
And strength, and righteousness in Thee,
And still we find Thee near to save,
And faith is still the victory.
Thou keepest us in perfect peace:
The peace a constant power imparts,
And forces sin and strife to cease,
And rules in all believing hearts.
Thy help we every moment feel;
We own Thee good, and strong, and true,
And fill'd with power invincible,
Through Jesus we can all things do.
Through Thee we can in faith abide,
And steadfast to the end endure,
Till every soul is sanctified,
And pure as God Himself is pure.


Hymn 24.

[Jesu, great Shepherd of the sheep]

Jesu, great Shepherd of the sheep,
To Thee for help we fly;
Thy little flock in safety keep,
For O! the wolf is nigh.


He comes of hellish malice full,
To scatter, tear, and slay;
He seizes every straggling soul,
As his own lawful prey.
Us into Thy protection take,
And gather with Thine arm;
Unless the fold we first forsake,
The wolf can never harm.
We laugh to scorn his cruel power,
While at our Shepherd's side;
The sheep he never can devour,
Unless he first divide.
O do not suffer him to part
The souls that here agree;
But make us of one mind and heart,
And keep us one in Thee.
Together let us sweetly live,
Together let us die,
And each a starry crown receive,
And reign above the sky.
Keep us till then in perfect peace,
And call us each to prove
An endless age of heavenly bliss,
An endless age of love.


Hymn 25.

In Jesus's name On sinners I call,
My Saviour proclaim, Who suffer'd for all:
My friends and my neighbours, Who pitied my pain,
Rejoice, that my labours Have not been in vain.


My pain is relieved, My sorrow is past,
And I have received The blessing at last,
Recover'd His favour, (So harass'd and toss'd),
And found in my Saviour The piece I had lost.
I lift up my voice, To pardon restored,
And bid you rejoice In Jesus my Lord;
I call the oppressed My Saviour to own,
I cannot be blessed And happy alone.
Then let us agree Our Jesus to praise:
Come, triumph with me, And tell of His grace;
No fear ye shall stumble By doing His will,
Be thankful and humble, But never be still.


Hymn 26.

[Join all in earth, and all in heaven]

Join all in earth, and all in heaven,
The saving sovereign name to' adore,
The name to dying sinners given,
That all might live, and sin no more.
Bow every soul at Jesu's name,
At Jesu's name ye angels bow,
Extol the great supreme I AM,
Praise Him through one eternal now.
Praise Him ye first-born sons of light,
With shouts your glorious Monarch own,
We have in Him a nearer right,
For Jesus is our flesh and bone.
Wherefore on you we ever call,
To' adore the name to sinners given,
To praise the Lamb, who died for all,
Join all in earth, and all in heaven.



Hymn 27.

[Jesus the Conqueror reigns]

Jesus the Conqueror reigns,
In glorious strength array'd,
His kingdom over all maintains,
And bids the earth be glad:
Ye sons of men rejoice
In Jesu's mighty love,
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice
To Him who rules above.
Extol His kingly power,
Kiss the exalted Son,
Who died, and lives to die no more,
High on His Father's throne;
Our Advocate with God,
He undertakes our cause,
And spreads through all the earth abroad
The victory of His cross.
That bloody banner see,
And in your Captain's sight
Fight the good fight of faith with me,
My fellow-soldiers fight.
In mighty phalanx join'd,
Undaunted all proceed,
Arm'd with the' unconquerable mind
That was in Christ your Head.
Urge on your rapid course,
Ye blood-besprinkled bands,
The heavenly kingdom suffers force,
'Tis seized by violent hands;


See there the starry crown,
That glitters through the skies,
Satan, the world, and sin tread down,
And take the glorious prize.
Through much distress and pain,
Through many a conflict here,
Through blood ye must the entrance gain;
Yet O! disdain to fear:
Courage, your Captain cries,
Who all your toil foreknew,
Toil ye shall have, yet all despise,
I have o'ercome for you.
The world cannot withstand
Its ancient Conqueror;
The world must sink beneath that Hand,
Which arms us for the war;
This is the victory,
Before our faith they fall;
Jesus hath died for you, and me!
Believe, and conquer all.
Satan shall be repell'd;
The world's imperious god
Shall fly before our sacred shield,
Our trust in Jesu's blood:
Jesus hath cleft his crown,
Of old from glory driven,
And cast the bold aspirer down,
As lightning out of heaven.
Him, and his powers below
He bound, and captive led,
Our rising Lord in open show
His hellish spoils display'd;


O'er all the' infernal host
He more than conqueror was,
And dragg'd them at His wheels, the boast
And triumph of His cross.
'Twas there our peace He bought;
Though nail'd to yonder tree,
His hands have our salvation wrought,
And got the victory:
He felt the mortal dart,
The horror breathing king
Shot all our sin into His heart,
And death hath lost his sting.
Death is all swallow'd down,
Our sins are wash'd away,
The guilt, the guilt of sin is gone,
The power can never stay.
Our worst, our inbred foe
By Jesus is subdued,
Our mountain sins melt down, and flow
And sink into His blood.
We now shall more than win
The fight through Jesu's name,
Conquerors o'er hell, and earth, and sin
In the victorious Lamb;
The Lamb a lion is,
And all His foes shall slay,
And fly upon the spoil, and seize,
And take His lawful prey.
The Spirit of His power
Into our souls shall come,
And all our foes destroy, devour,
And all our sins consume:


The jealous Lord of hosts
Shall full dominion have,
Shall all, who in His merits trust,
Even to the utmost save.
Then let us all proceed,
In Jesu's conquest share,
Boldly march up with Christ our Head,
That thunderbolt of war;
Jesus hath all broke through,
Hell, earth, and sin, and death,
And we shall more than conquer too,
Who Jesu's Spirit breathe.
Through faith in our dear Lord
We surely shall obtain
The promise of a full reward,
And here with Jesus reign;
We without sin shall live,
Before we hence remove,
Our heavenly calling's prize receive,
The crown of perfect love.
Our souls like God raised up
Shall live no more to die,
Our flesh dissolved shall rest in hope
Of immortality:
Jesus shall soon appear,
With royal glory crown'd,
Our dust the trump of God shall hear,
And kindle at the sound.
Quicken'd by power Divine,
We all shall see, and know
The Son of Man's triumphant sign,
The cross we bore below;


Caught up we all shall rise,
Our Master's glory share,
And take our seats above the skies,
And reign for ever there.


Hymn 28.

[Soldiers of Christ, arise]

“The whole armour of God.”— Ephesians vi. 13.

Soldiers of Christ, arise,
And put your armour on,
Strong in the strength which God supplies
Through His eternal Son;
Strong in the Lord of hosts,
And in His mighty power,
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts
Is more than conqueror.
Stand then in His great might,
With all His strength endued,
And take, to arm you for the fight,
The panoply of God;
That having all things done,
And all your conflicts past,
Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone,
And stand entire at last.
Stand then against your foes,
In close and firm array;
Legions of wily fiends oppose
Throughout the evil day;
But meet the sons of night,
But mock their vain design,
Arm'd in the arms of heavenly light,
Of righteousness Divine.


Leave no unguarded place,
No weakness of the soul,
Take every virtue, every grace,
And fortify the whole;
Indissolubly join'd,
To battle all proceed;
But arm yourselves with all the mind
That was in Christ your Head.
Let truth the girdle be,
That binds your armour on,
In faithful, firm sincerity
To Jesus cleave alone.
Let faith and love combine
To guard your valiant breast:
The plate be righteousness Divine,
Imputed, and impress'd.
Still let your feet be shod,
Ready His will to do,
Ready in all the ways of God
His glory to pursue:
Ruin is spread beneath,
The gospel greaves put on,
And safe through all the snares of death
To life eternal run.
But above all, lay hold
On faith's victorious shield,
Arm'd with that adamant, and gold,
Be sure to win the field;
If faith surround your heart,
Satan shall be subdued;
Repell'd his every fiery dart,
And quench'd with Jesu's blood.


Jesus hath died for you!
What can His love withstand?
Believe; hold fast your shield; and who
Shall pluck you from His hand?
Believe, that Jesus reigns,
All power to Him is given;
Believe, till freed from sin's remains,
Believe yourselves to heaven.
Your Rock can never shake:
Hither, He saith, come up!
The helmet of salvation take,
The confidence of hope:
Hope for His perfect love,
Hope for His people's rest,
Hope to sit down with Christ above,
And share the marriage feast.
Brandish in faith till then
The Spirit's two-edged sword,
Hew all the snares of fiends and men
In pieces with the word;
'Tis written; This applied
Baffles their strength and art;
Spirit and soul with this divide,
And joints and marrow part.
To keep your armour bright,
Attend with constant care,
Still walking in your Captain's sight,
And watching unto prayer;
Ready for all alarms,
Steadfastly set your face,
And always exercise your arms,
And use your every grace.


Pray, without ceasing pray,
(Your Captain gives the word,)
His summons cheerfully obey,
And call upon the Lord;
To God your every want
In instant prayer display,
Pray always; pray, and never faint,
Pray, without ceasing pray.
In fellowship; alone,
To God with faith draw near,
Approach His courts, besiege His throne
With all the powers of prayer:
Go to His temple, go,
Nor from His altar move;
Let every house His worship know,
And every heart His love.
To God your spirits dart,
Your souls in words declare,
Or groan, to Him who reads the heart,
The' unutterable prayer.
His mercy now implore,
And now show forth His praise,
In shouts, or silent awe, adore
His miracles of grace.
Pour out your souls to God,
And bow them with your knees,
And spread your hearts and hands abroad,
And pray for Sion's peace;
Your guides, and brethren, bear
For ever on your mind;
Extend the arms of mighty prayer,
In grasping all mankind.


From strength to strength go on,
Wrestle, and fight, and pray,
Tread all the powers of darkness down,
And win the well-fought day;
Still let the Spirit cry
In all His soldiers, “Come,”
Till Christ the Lord descends from high,
And takes the conquerors home.


Hymn 29. [Joshua vi.]

Arise, ye men of war,
Prevent the morning ray,
Prepare, your Captain cries, prepare,
Your Captain leads the way:
He calls you forth to fight,
Where yonder ramparts rise,
Ramparts of a stupendous height,
Ramparts that touch the skies.
Who dares approach those towers?
Who can those walls o'erturn?
The city braves all human powers,
And laughs a siege to scorn.
Who shall the city take,
The Jericho within?
Not all the powers of earth can shake
The strength of inbred sin.
Impregnable it stands,
Strong, and wall'd up to heaven;
But God into our Joshua's hands
The citadel hath given;


The fortress and its king,
And all his valiant men,
Our Captain to the ground shall bring,
And on their ruins reign.
All power He hath to quell,
And conquer and o'erthrow,
All power in heaven, and earth, and hell,
To root out every foe;
Through Him divinely bold
Let all His soldiers fight,
Now of your Captain's strength take hold,
And conquer in His might.
Ye people all pass on;
Ye men of war surround
The city by your Captain won;
Attend the trumpet's sound:
The priests whom He hath chose
Pass on before the Lord,
And each a ram's-horn trumpet blows,
The trumpet of the word.
The holy ark they bear,
The covenant of His grace,
And tidings of great joy declare
To all the fallen race:
They make His mercies known,
His promises they show:
Go in the track your guides have shown,
To certain conquest go.
In sight of God proceed,
Follow the ark Divine,
In all the ways and statutes tread,
Which He hath pleased to' enjoin:


Pray always, fast, and pray,
And watch to do His will;
All His commands with joy obey,
All righteousness fulfil.
With patience persevere,
Still in His ways be found,
Still to the city walls draw near,
And day by day surround;
Continue in His word,
On all His means attend,
Bearing the burden of the Lord,
And hoping to the end.
Arise, your strength renew,
Your glorious toil repeat,
Follow the ark, your Lord pursue,
And for His promise wait;
In deepest silence go;
Your Joshua cries, Be still,
Assured His truth and power to know,
And prove His perfect will.
Tried to the uttermost
His faithful word shall be,
Who in the strength of Jesus trust
Shall gain the victory:
But wait for your reward,
And give your clamours o'er,
Tarry the leisure of your Lord,
Nor ever murmur more.
The solemn day draws nigh,
When sin shall have its doom,
Faith sees it with an eagle's eye,
And cries, The day is come;


The seventh morn I see,
And hasten to be blest,
Enjoy an instant victory,
An antedated rest.
The walls are compass'd round,
This circuit is the last:
The ark stands still: the trumpets sound
A long continued blast:
The people turn their eyes
On the devoted walls;
And shout, the mighty Joshua cries,
And lo! the city falls!
Its proud aspiring brow
Lies level with the ground;
It lies, and not one stone is now
Upon another found.
The walls are flat, the deep
Foundations are o'erthrown;
The lofty fortress is an heap,
And sin is trodden down.
The strength of sin is lost,
And Babylon the great
Is fallen, fallen to the dust,
Has found its final fate.
Partakers of our hope,
We seize what God hath given,
And trampling down all sin go up,
And straight ascend to heaven.
But shall not sin remain,
And in its ruins live?
No, Lord; we trust, and not in vain,
Thy fulness to receive:


Thy strength and saving grace
Thou shalt for us employ,
The being of all sin erase,
And utterly destroy.
Actual and inbred sin
Shall feel Thy two-edged sword:
The city is, with all therein,
Devoted to the Lord:
Thy word cannot be broke,
Thou wilt Thine arm display,
Thou wilt with one continual stroke
Our sin for ever slay.
Woman, and man, and beast,
And ox, and ass, and sheep,
All, all at once shall be oppress'd
By death's eternal sleep;
Never to rise again,
Both young and old shall fall;
Not one shall 'scape, not one remain,
But die, and perish all.
The human beast and fiend
Thou, Lord, shalt take away,
And make the old transgression end,
And all its relics slay;
The proud and carnal will,
The selfish vain desire,
Thou all our sins at once shalt kill,
And burn them all with fire.



Hymn 30.

[Father, to Thee I lift mine eyes]

Father, to Thee I lift mine eyes,
My longing eyes and restless heart,
Before the morning watch I rise,
And wait to taste how good Thou art,
To' obtain the grace I humbly claim,
The saving power of Jesu's name.
The slumber from my soul I shake,
Warn'd by Thy Spirit's inward call,
And up to righteousness awake,
And pray that I no more may fall,
Or give to sin and Satan place,
But walk in all Thy righteous ways.
O wouldst Thou, Lord, Thy servant guard
'Gainst every known or secret foe,
A mind for all assaults prepared,
A sober, vigilant mind bestow,
Ever apprised of danger nigh,
And when to fight, and when to fly.
O never suffer me to sleep
Secure within the verge of hell,
But still my watchful spirit keep
In lowly awe, and loving zeal,
And bless me with that godly fear,
And plant that guardian angel here.
Attended by the sacred dread,
And wise from evil to depart,
Let me from strength to strength proceed,
And rise to purity of heart,
Through all the paths of duty move,
From humble faith to perfect love.



Hymn 31.

[Thou hidden Source of calm repose]

Thou hidden Source of calm repose,
Thou all-sufficient Love Divine,
My Help, and Refuge from my foes,
Secure I am, if Thou art mine,
And lo! from sin, and grief, and shame
I hide me, Jesus, in Thy name.
Thy mighty name salvation is,
And keeps my happy soul above;
Comfort it brings, and power, and peace,
And joy, and everlasting love:
To me with Thy dear name are given
Pardon, and holiness, and heaven.
Jesu, my all in all Thou art,
My rest in toil, my ease in pain,
The medicine of my broken heart,
In war my peace, in loss my gain,
My smile beneath the tyrant's frown,
In shame my glory, and my crown.
In want my plentiful supply,
In weakness my almighty power,
In bonds my perfect liberty,
My light in Satan's darkest hour,
In grief my joy unspeakable,
My life in death, my heaven in hell.


Hymn 32.

Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go,
My daily labour to pursue,
Thee, only Thee resolved to know
In all I think, or speak, or do.


The task Thy wisdom hath assign'd
O let me cheerfully fulfil,
In all my works Thy presence find,
And prove Thine acceptable will.
Preserve me from my calling's snare,
And hide my simple heart above,
Above the thorns of choking care,
The gilded baits of worldly love.
Thee may I set at my right hand,
Whose eyes mine inmost substance see,
And labour on at Thy command,
And offer all my works to Thee.
Give me to bear Thy easy yoke,
And every moment watch and pray,
And still to things eternal look,
And hasten to Thy glorious day.
For Thee delightfully employ
Whate'er Thy bounteous grace hath given,
And run my course with even joy,
And closely walk with Thee to heaven.


Hymn 33.

Help, Lord! the busy foe
Is as a flood come in!
Lift up a standard, and o'erthrow
This soul distracting sin:
This sudden tide of care
Stem by that bloody tree,
Nor let the rising torrent bear
My soul away from Thee.


The praying spirit breathe,
The watching power impart,
From all entanglements beneath
Call off my anxious heart:
My feeble mind sustain
By worldly thoughts oppress'd:
Appear, and bid me turn again
To my eternal rest.
Swift to my rescue come,
Thine own this moment seize,
Gather my wandering spirit home,
And keep in perfect peace,
Suffer'd no more to rove
O'er all the earth abroad,
Arrest the prisoner of Thy love,
And shut me up in God.


Hymn 34.

Jesu, Lord, we look to Thee,
Let us in Thy name agree,
Show Thyself the Prince of peace,
Bid our jars for ever cease.
By Thy reconciling love
Every stumbling-block remove,
Each to each unite, endear,
Come, and spread Thy banner here.
Make us of one heart and mind,
Courteous, pitiful, and kind,
Lowly, meek in thought and word,
Altogether like our Lord.


Let us each for other care,
Each his brother's burden bear,
To Thy church the pattern give,
Show how true believers live.
Free from anger, and from pride,
Let us thus in God abide,
All the depth of love express,
All the height of holiness.
Let us then with joy remove
To Thy family above,
On the wings of angels fly,
Show how true believers die.


Hymn 35.

Peace be to this habitation!
Peace to every soul herein!
Peace, the foretaste of salvation,
Peace, the seal of cancell'd sin,
Peace, that speaks its heavenly Giver,
Peace to earthly minds unknown,
Peace Divine, that lasts for ever,
Here erect its glorious throne!
On the son of peace descending,
On the daughter of Thy grace,
Big with comforts never ending,
Let the promise now take place:
Each receive the gracious shower,
Each the gospel blessing prove,
Witness of Thy pardoning power,
Witness of Thy perfect love.


Now Thy love-infusing Spirit
Shed in every heart abroad,
Rise, through Thy imputed merit,
Every child a child of God!
Each receive the constant witness,
Each obtain the joyous rest,
Taste in Thee celestial sweetness,
God residing in their breast.
Claim for Thine each faithful servant,
By the reconciling word,
Pure in heart, in spirit fervent,
Let them serve their heavenly Lord,
For Thy pardoning love adore Thee,
Walk in spotless liberty,
Brethren to the King of glory,
Friends of God, and heirs with Thee!
Visit, Lord, with Thy salvation
Every providential guest,
Every friend, and kind relation
Take into Thy people's rest:
Conscious of Thy sacred presence
Let them feel the loving fear,
Cry with blissful acquiescence
God, the pardoning God is here!
Prince of peace, if Thou art near us,
Fix in all our hearts Thy home,
By Thy last appearing cheer us,
Quickly let Thy kingdom come:
Answer all our expectation,
Give our raptured souls to prove
Glorious, uttermost salvation,
Heavenly, everlasting love!



Hymn 36.

The Lord of earth and sky,
The God of ages praise,
Who reigns enthroned on high,
Ancient of endless days,
Who lengthens out our trial here,
And spares us yet another year.
Barren and wither'd trees
We cumber'd long the ground,
No fruit of holiness
On our dead souls was found;
Yet doth He us in mercy spare
Another, and another year.
When justice bared the sword
To cut the fig-tree down,
The pity of our Lord
Cried, Let it still alone!
The Father mild inclines His ear,
And spares us yet another year.
Jesus, Thy speaking blood
From God obtain'd the grace,
Who therefore hath bestow'd
On us a longer space,
Thou didst in our behalf appear,
And lo, we see another year!
Then dig about our root,
Break up our fallow ground,
And let our gracious fruit
To Thy great praise abound,
O let us all Thy praise declare,
And fruit unto perfection bear.



Hymn 37.

God of almighty love,
By whose sufficient grace
I lift my heart to things above,
And humbly seek Thy face;
Through Jesus Christ the Just
My faint desires receive,
And let me in Thy goodness trust,
And to Thy glory live.
Whate'er I speak, or do,
Thy glory be my aim:
My offerings all are offer'd through
The ever-blessed name:
Jesus, my single eye
Is fix'd on Thee alone,
Thy name be praised on earth, on high,
Thy will by all be done.
Spirit of grace, inspire
My consecrated heart,
Fill me with pure celestial fire,
With all Thou hast, or art:
My feeble mind transform,
And perfectly renew'd
Into a saint exalt a worm,
A worm exalt to God.


Hymn 38.

[How happy are they]

How happy are they
Who the Master obey!
He calls them His friends,
And never their joy, or their happiness ends.


At Jesus's feet
Transported we sit,
And all the day long
We tell of His goodness, and sing the new song.
His goodness we praise,
His mercy and grace,
And zealously strive
Who most his salvation to Jesus shall give.
Salvation to God,
Who bought us with blood;
Through Jesus's name
Acceptance, and pardon, and heaven we claim.
By mercy alone
He made us His own:
His mercy is free;
How else could He love such a rebel as me!
This still is the cry,
He hath loved us, but why
We never can tell,
The effects of His passion we only can feel.
We feel it, and pray
The world might obey
Our Saviour and King,
Whose mercy to all His salvation would bring.
O that all men would prove
His sweetness of love,
And come to receive
The pardon to all He so freely did give!
O that every knee
Might bow unto Thee!
Their ransom and peace,
Thee, Jesus, let every sinner confess!


O hasten the day:
Thou hear'st what we say:
Thy pleasure be done,
And answer Thyself, for the prayer is Thine own.


Hymn 39.

[O Love unknown!]

O Love unknown!
God's only Son,
All earth and heaven's Desire
Leaves for me His glorious throne,
Doth for me expire.
See, sinners, see
He dies for me,
For you His life He pours!
Blessings rain from yonder tree
In eternal showers.
Come catch the blood,
And life of God,
And lose your guilty fears,
Rise, released from all your load,
Jesus' cross appears!
Break hearts of stone
To hear Him groan,
To hear His dying prayer,
Father, look with pity down,
And My murderers spare.
He prays, and cries!
He bleeds, and dies!
Appeased by sacred gore
God accepts His sacrifice,
Man is cursed no more.


O matchless grace!
The Prince of peace
The' immortal King of heaven
Suffers in His murderers' place,
And we are all forgiven.


Hymn 40.

[O that I could]

O that I could
Cast all my load
Of guilt and grief and care
On the sin-atoning God,
Who hangs expiring there!
O that my mind
On Him reclined,
Till all these storms are o'er,
Might abiding comfort find,
And disbelieve no more!
Thou slaughter'd Lamb,
If Thine I am,
Fulfil my heart's desire,
Blow the spark into a flame,
And set me all on fire.
Look from the tree,
As when for me
Thou didst the death endure:
Let Thy blood the medicine be,
And all my sickness cure.
Pity my grief,
And look relief,
The worst of sinners spare;
Saviour of the dying thief,
Regard my latest prayer.


Regard Thy own,
Repeat 'Tis done,
Declare my sins forgiven,
Ransom'd by Thy mortal groan
Receive me up to heaven.


Hymn 41.

[How truly bless'd]

How truly bless'd
The soul distress'd
That can pour out a prayer
Into his Redeemer's breast,
And tell Him all his care.
O when shall I
Find power to cry,
A never-failing power!
Send me succour from the sky,
In my distressing hour.
For this alone
I make my moan,
But want that grief sincere:
Let me in Thy Spirit groan,
Till Thou my God appear.
Thee, Jesus, Thee
I long to see,
To tell Thee my desire;
Help my soul's infirmity,
And grant what I require.
I ask not ease
In my distress,
But till the pain is o'er
Let me pray, and never cease:
I ask, I want no more.


What shall I say
Who cannot pray,
Or how my Lord conjure?
Let Thy death the grace convey,
And all my hardness cure.
Canst Thou forget
Thy bloody sweat,
Thy agony of passion,
Thy extended hands and feet,
Thy dying exclamation?
To Thee alone
The grief is known
Which Thou for me didst bear;
Let it break my heart of stone,
And melt me into prayer.
The sight display
Which turn'd the day
Into a night of fears,
Made the sun shrink in his ray,
And shook the frighted spheres.
Thee, Saviour, Thee
Could I but see
As for my sins expire,
Surely that must raise in me
The penitent desire.
Thy body torn,
Thy soul forlorn,
Must strengthen my petition,
Force my stubbornness to mourn
In tears of true contrition.
Now, Lord, appear,
As slaughter'd here,


In Thy last conflict crying—
O 'Tis done!—I see Him near,
My Love, my Jesus dying!
I feel applied
The crimson tide,
That makes my conscience pure,
Saviour, keep me in Thy side,
And all my heaven is sure.


Hymn 42.

[Rejoice, and sing]

Rejoice, and sing,
(The Lord is King,)
And make a cheerful noise,
To God your ceaseless praises bring,
Again I say, Rejoice.
Ye sons of grace,
Your voices raise,
And rival those above,
Delight in your Redeemer's praise,
And dwell upon His love.
The great I AM
From heaven He came,
To make that heaven our own:
Bow every knee to Jesu's name
And kiss the incarnate Son.
The Son of God
Pour'd out His blood
And soul in sacrifice:
Plunge all in that mysterious flood,
That bears you to the skies.
The Victim slain
Arose again.


Returning from the dead:
Ye saints, essay your choicest strain,
And shout your living Head:
Who left the sky,
Went up on high,
And reassumed His own:
Ye saints to yon bright regions fly,
And light upon His throne.
His glorious reign
He shall maintain;
Your crowns from Him receive,
And live, redeem'd from death and pain,
As long as God shall live.


Hymn 43.

[Sinners, obey the gospel word]

“Come, for all things are now ready.” [Luke xiv. 17.]

Sinners, obey the gospel word,
Haste to the supper of my Lord;
Be wise to know your gracious day,
All things are ready; come away.
Ready the Father is to own,
And kiss His late returning son;
Ready your loving Saviour stands,
And spreads for you His bleeding hands.
Ready the Spirit of His love
Just now the stony to remove,
To' apply, and witness with the blood,
And wash, and seal the sons of God.
Ready for you the angels wait,
To triumph in your blest estate;
Tuning their harps they long to praise
The wonders of redeeming grace.


The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Is ready with their shining host,
All heaven is ready to resound
“The dead's alive, the lost is found!”
Come, then, ye sinners, to your Lord,
In Christ to paradise restored;
His proffer'd benefits embrace,
The plenitude of gospel grace:
A pardon written with His blood,
The favour, and the peace of God,
The seeing eye, the feeling sense,
The mystic joys of penitence;
The godly grief, the pleasing smart,
The meltings of a broken heart,
The tears that tell your sins forgiven,
The sighs that waft your soul to heaven;
The guiltless shame, the sweet distress,
The' unutterable tenderness,
The genuine meek humility,
The wonder, “Why such love to me!”
The' o'erwhelming power of saving grace,
The sight that veils the seraph's face,
The speechless awe that dares not move,
And all the silent heaven of love!



Hymn 1.

Virtue Divine, balsamic Word,
All-quickening, all-informing soul,
By whom Bethesda's waters stirr'd,
Could make the various lazars whole;


Angel of covenanted grace,
Come, and Thy healing power infuse,
Descend in Thine own time, and bless,
And give the means their hallow'd use.
Obedient to Thy will alone,
To Thee in means I calmly fly;
My life, I know, is not my own,
To God I live, to God I die.
In heaven my heart and treasure is,
Yet while I sojourn here beneath,
I dare not wish for my release,
Or once indulge the lust of death.
Thy holy will be ever mine;
If Thou on earth detain me still,
I bow, and bless the grace Divine,
I suffer all Thy holy will.
I come, if Thou my strength restore,
To serve Thee with my strength renew'd;
Grant me but this, (I ask no more,)
To spend, and to be spent, for God.


Hymn 2.

[Hail, great Physician of mankind]

Hail, great Physician of mankind,
Jesus Thou art from every ill,
Health in Thine only name we find,
Thy name doth in the medicine heal.
Thy name the fainting soul restores,
Strength to the languid body brings,
Renews exhausted nature's powers,
And bears us as on eagle's wings.


Faith in Thy sovereign name I have,
And wait its healing power to know,
Assured, that it my flesh shall save,
Till all Thy work is done below.
Then, Saviour, for my spirit call,
My spirit all conform'd to Thine;
And let this tabernacle fall,
To rise rebuilt by hands Divine.


Hymn 3.

[Jesus, was ever love like Thine]

Jesus, was ever love like Thine,
So strong, and permanent, and pure!
Strange mystery this of love Divine,
That stripes should heal, and death should cure.
How costly was the medicine, Lord,
The medicine which Thy wounds supplied!
That I might live, to health restored,
My Lamb, my good Physician died.
My God, my all, O Christ, Thou art,
On Thee for every good I call,
Thy death shall life and strength impart;
O Christ, Thou art my God, my all.
Let others to the creature fly,
I still betake me to Thy blood,
I on Thy only blood rely
For life, for physic, and for food.
Thy blood did all my sorrows calm,
And ease the anguish of my soul,
And when I ask for Gilead's Balm,
It still is near to make me whole.


Thy powerful blood can clothe again
My feeble flesh with strength renew'd,
Sorrow, and malady, and pain
Shall fly before Thy powerful blood.
Whate'er my heavenly Father wills,
Through faith in Thee I still receive,
Thy blood my every promise seals,
And quicken'd by Thy blood I live.
Thy blood shall wash me white as snow;
It now hath brought me near to God,
And all my gifts and blessings flow
Through the dear channel of Thy blood.
To buy, and make me free indeed,
The ransom of Thy blood was given,
For me Thy blood on earth was shed,
And now it intercedes in heaven.
It speaks to God, my God, for me,
For me obtains whate'er is best;
And lo! the bleeding Lamb I see,
And in Thy wounds for ever rest.



Hymn 1.

Pain, my old companion pain,
Seldom parted from my side,
Welcome to thy seat again,
Here, if God permits, abide:
Pledge of sure-approaching ease,
Haste to stop my wretched breath,
Rugged messenger of peace,
Joyful harbinger of death.


Foe to nature as thou art,
I embrace thee as my friend:
Thou shalt bid my griefs depart,
Bring me to my journey's end:
Yes, I joyfully decay,
Homeward through thy help I haste;
Thou hast shook the house of clay;
Surely it will fall at last.
Kind remembrancer, to thee
Many a cheerful thought I owe:
Witness of mortality,
Wise through thee my end I know;
Warn'd by every pain I feel
Of my dissolution near;
Pleased the lessening hours I tell:
Quickly shall the last be here.
Sacred, salutary ill,
Thee though foolish man miscall,
Mingled by my Father's skill;
Sweet as honey is the gall:
Who beneath thy pressure groan,
Chief of ills who reckon thee,
Sin, alas! they ne'er have known:
Sin is perfect misery.
Free from sin I soon shall live,
Free from sin while here below,
Only thou may'st still survive,
Till the joys of heaven I know,
Of my starry crown possess'd;
All thy office then is o'er,
When I gain the glorious rest,
Pain and suffering are no more.



Hymn 2.

[And shall I, Lord, the cup decline]

And shall I, Lord, the cup decline
So wisely mix'd by Love Divine,
And tasted first by Thee!
The bitter draught Thou drankest up,
And but this single, sacred drop
Hast Thou reserved for me.
Lo! I receive it at Thy hand,
And bear by Thy benign command
The salutary pain;
With Thee to live I gladly die,
And suffer here, above the sky
With my dear Lord to reign.
Here only can I show my love,
By suffering my obedience prove;
But when Thy heaven I share,
I cannot mourn for Jesu's sake,
I cannot there Thy cup partake,
I cannot suffer there.
Full gladly then for Thee I grieve,
The honour of Thy cross receive,
And bless the happy load:
Who would not in Thy footsteps tread,
Who would not bow, like Thee, his head,
And sympathise with God!


Hymn 3.

[Jesus, Thy sovereign name I bless!]

Jesus, Thy sovereign name I bless!
Sorrow is joy, and pain is ease
To those that trust in Thee:


All things together work for good,
To me, the purchase of Thy blood,
The much-loved sinner me.
A feeble, helpless child of man
I suffer and enjoy my pain,
And hidden sweetness prove;
With pitying eyes and outstretch'd hands,
Before me still the Saviour stands,
In majesty of love.
Gladly I drink Thy mercy's cup,
I fill my Lord's afflictions up,
I now am truly great;
Exalted by Thy kind command,
By sufferings placed at Thy right hand,
I in Thy kingdom sit.
With Thee, O Christ, on earth I reign,
In all the awful pomp of pain;
But send my piercing eyes
The' eternal things unseen to see,
The crown of life reserved for me,
And glittering through the skies.
As sure as now Thy cross I bear,
I shall Thy heavenly kingdom share,
And take my seat above;
Celestial joy is in this pain,
It tells me, I with Thee shall reign,
In everlasting love.
The more my sufferings here increase,
The greater is my future bliss;
And Thou my griefs dost tell:


They in Thy book are noted down;
A jewel added to my crown
Is every pain I feel.
So be it then, if Thou ordain,
Crowd all my happy life with pain,
And let me daily die:
I bow, and bless the sacred sign,
And bear the cross, by grace Divine,
Which lifts me to the sky.



Hymn 1.

God of my life, for Thee I pine,
For Thee I cheerfully decline,
And hasten to decay,
Summon'd to take my place above,
I hear the call, “Arise, My love,
My fair one, come away!”
Obedient to the voice of God,
I soon shall quit this earthly clod,
Shall lay my body down;
The' immortal principle aspires,
And swells my soul with strong desires
To grasp the starry crown.
The more the outward man decays,
The inner feels Thy strengthening grace,
And knows that Thou art mine:
Partaker of my glorious hope,
I here shall after Thee wake up,
Shall in Thine image shine.


Thou wilt not leave Thy work undone,
But finish what Thou hast begun,
Before I hence remove;
I shall be, Master, as Thou art,
Holy, and meek, and pure in heart,
And perfected in love.
Thou wilt cut short Thy work of grace,
And perfect in a babe Thy praise,
And strength for me ordain:
Thy blood shall make me throughly clean,
And not one spot of inbred sin
Shall in my flesh remain.
Dear Lamb, if Thou for me couldst die,
Thy love shall wholly sanctify,
Thy love shall seal me Thine;
Thou wilt from me no more depart,
My all in life and death Thou art,
Thou art for ever mine.


Hymn 2.

[Lamb, lovely Lamb, for sinners slain]

Lamb, lovely Lamb, for sinners slain,
In weakness, weariness, and pain
Thy tender care I prove;
Continue still Thy tender care,
My spirit for Thyself prepare,
And perfect me in love.
In steadfast faith on Thee I call,
Saviour, and sovereign Lord of all,
My Brother, and my Friend;
Lead me my few remaining days,
And finish Thy great work of grace,
And love me to the end.


Till I from all my sins am freed,
O may I lean my languid head
On Thy dear, loving breast:
Thou, Jesu, catch my parting breath,
And let me smoothly glide through death
To my eternal rest.
Saviour, bring near the joyful hour,
The fulness of Thy Spirit pour,
And while I here remain,
Christ let it be that lives, not I:
Or now, permit me now to die;
To die is greatest gain.
Come then, my Health, my Hope, my Home,
My Love, my Life eternal, come,
Me to Thyself receive;
Soul, flesh, and spirit sanctify,
And bid me live in Thee to die,
And die in Thee to live.


Hymn 3.

[Jesu, my hope in life and death]

Jesu, my hope in life and death,
For Thee I spend my latest breath,
Till join'd to those above;
Thy faithful mercies I proclaim,
I sing the glories of the Lamb,
And gasp Thy dying love.
Thy dying love hath seal'd my peace,
Hath made my sins and sorrows cease,
And sweeten'd all my pain:
Thy dying love supports me now;
And lo! with Thee my head I bow,
And die with Thee to reign.


Out of the dust of death I rise,
I feel a life that never dies,
An hidden life Divine,
The earnest of my glorious bliss;
And this is heaven, and only this,
To know my Jesus mine.
Thou art my own, I know Thou art,
I feel Thee, Saviour, in my heart,
My utmost Saviour Thou
Hast seal'd me to redemption's day;
And now I cannot fall away,
I cannot leave Thee now.
Divinely confident I am,
And more than conquer in Thy name
Whate'er my hope withstands;
Upheld by Thee I all break through;
For who can loose Thy grasp? for who
Can pluck me from Thy hands?
Nor death, nor life can now disjoin,
Nor fiends shall tear my spirit from Thine,
Nor height, nor depth shall move,
Nor this, nor any future hour,
Nor all the creature's utmost power
Can part me from Thy love.



Hymn 1.

Most meek, and tender-hearted Lamb,
Jesus, we call on Thy dear name,
Nor shall we call in vain;
In Thee we have not an high-priest
Who cannot be like us distress'd,
For God-with-us is man.


Thou feelest all the woes we feel,
A sufferer in Thy members still,
A man of griefs Thou art:
And now Thou dost the sickness bear
Of him, for whom we make our prayer,
And pour out all our heart.
Still, gracious Lord, delight to shed
Thy blessings on his favourite head,
Thy choicest blessings shower;
Preserve his mind in perfect peace,
And when his sufferings most increase,
O let his joys be more.
Give him Thy meek and quiet mind,
Patient, and perfectly resign'd
In all things let him be,
Nothing desire above, beneath,
Nor ease, nor pain, nor life, nor death,
But to be all like Thee.
Yet for Thy desolate Sion sake,
Ah! do not now receive him back
To Thy celestial choir:
A burning and a shining light,
Detain him in our land of night,
To set the world on fire.
Jesu, approach, and touch his hand,
(We ask in faith,) and now command
The fever to depart;
Now bid him in Thine image rise,
Possess'd of his high calling's prize,
A pure and perfect heart.



Hymn 2.

[O God, Thy truth, and power declare]

O God, Thy truth, and power declare,
We wait the answer of our prayer,
We know it must be given:
The prayer of faith can never fail,
It enters now within the veil,
And shuts, and opens heaven.
Lord, we believe the promise true,
The prayer of faith can all things do,
When guided by Thy will;
It stops the parting spirit's flight,
Or brings it back from realms of light,
To serve Thy pleasure still.
In faith we wrestle for that soul;
Stir up Thy power, and make him whole,
Protract his happy days,
And let him all Thy goodness know,
A guardian angel here below,
A vessel of Thy grace.
Long may he to Thy glory live,
Thy richest promises receive,
Wash'd by Thy hallowing word
From every wrinkle, every spot;
Sinless in deed, and word, and thought,
In all things like his Lord.
We know Thou wilt not long delay,
We have the things for which we pray,
The prayer of faith is seal'd:
And he Thine utmost truth shall prove,
Loved with an everlasting love,
With all Thy fulness fill'd.


Author of faith, Thy love we praise:
O what omnipotence of grace
Hast Thou on man bestow'd!
Thy mouth, O Lord, hath strangely said,
“Concerning those My hands have made
Ye worms, command your God!”



Hymn 1.

All hail, Thou Lengthener of my days!
Thy dear preserving love I praise,
And thankfully receive
The present of my life restored;
O may I spend it for my Lord,
And to Thy glory live.
No other end of life I know,
I would not live one hour below,
But to show forth Thy praise,
To suffer all Thy gracious will,
And all Thy counsel to fulfil,
And blazon all Thy grace.
For this my soul exults in hope,
Joyful to take her burden up,
And still her flesh to bear,
Ready but now to take her flight,
And spring into the realms of light,
And see Thy glory there.
Yet since Thy will ordains it so,
Thy heaven I can awhile forego,
Thy heaven itself for Thee:
Thy good and perfect will to prove,
To do Thy will like those above
Is heaven enough for me.



Hymn 2.

[God of my life, Thy love I praise]

God of my life, Thy love I praise:
What riches of restoring grace
Hast Thou on me, on me, bestow'd!
In answer to Thy people's prayer,
My body breathes this ambient air,
My soul is circumfused with God.
Thou, Lord, Thy promise hast fulfill'd,
The prayer of faith the sick hath heal'd,
Thy strength is in my weakness shown:
Thy goodness here with joy I see,
And give the glory all to Thee;
Thine is the work, and Thine alone.
Thou only didst the souls incline,
The gracious souls Thou callest Thine,
In my distress to feel their part:
Thy love infused the tender care,
And bade Thy dearest children bear
My vileness on their faithful heart.
Thy Spirit in their hearts did cry;
Thy Spirit would not let me die,
Till I had Thy salvation seen:
Thy Spirit shall the grace impart,
And change, and purify my heart,
And make me glorious all within.
With me He doth even now reside,
And in me He shall soon abide,
Spirit of health, and power, and love;
I shall obtain the perfect grace,
In holiness behold Thy face,
And serve Thee like Thy hosts above.


The earnest in my heart I feel;
Spirit of truth, apply Thy seal,
And stamp me with the stamp Divine;
Now, Lord, the glorious grace display,
And seal me to redemption's day,
And keep my soul for ever Thine.


Jesu, great Healer of mankind,
Who dost our sorrows bear,
Let an afflicted parent find
An answer to his prayer.
I look for help in Thee alone,
To Thee for succour fly;
My son is sick, my darling son,
And at the point to die.
By deep distress a suppliant made,
By agony of grief,
Most justly might Thy love upbraid
My lingering unbelief.
But Thou art ready still to run,
And grant our heart's desire:
Lord, in Thy healing power come down,
Before my child expire.
Surely if Thou pronounce the word,
If Thou the answer give,
My dying son shall be restored,
And to Thy glory live.
Rebuke the fever in this hour,
Command it to depart;
Now, let me now behold Thy power,
And give Thee all my heart.


O save the father in the son,
Restore him, Lord, to me;
My heart the miracle shall own,
And give him back to Thee.
I will, I will obey Thy word,
To Thee my all resign,
I, and my house will serve the Lord,
And live for ever Thine.



Hymn 1.

Wherefore should I make my moan,
Now the darling child is dead?
He to early rest is gone,
He to paradise is fled:
I shall go to him, but he
Never shall return to me.
God forbids his longer stay,
God recalls the precious loan,
God hath taken him away,
From my bosom to His own;
Surely what He wills is best,
Happy in His will I rest.
Faith cries out, It is the Lord!
Let Him do as seems Him good:
Be Thy holy name adored,
Take the gift awhile bestow'd,
Take the child, no longer mine,
Thine he is, for ever Thine.



Hymn 2.

[Glory to that victorious grace]

Glory to that victorious grace,
Through which a worm can all things do!
I stand o'erwhelm'd with vast amaze,
And scarce believe the wonder true;
'Tis more than heart could e'er conceive,
I know my child is dead—and live!
Where is the passionate regret,
The fond complaint, and lingering smart?
Can I my sucking child forget,
So freely with my Isaac part,
So cheerfully my all resign,
And triumph in the will Divine!
Son of my womb, my joy, my hope,
He lived, my yearning heart's desire;
Yet lo! I gladly yield him up,
No longer mine, if God require,
And with a sudden stroke remove,
Whom only less than God I love.
Nature would cry, My son, my son!
O that I now had died for thee!
But faith replies, His will be done,
Who lent the blessing first to me;
Lent, and resumes; it is the Lord!
His will be done, His name adored!
With all my soul, O Lord, I give
The child Thy love hath snatch'd away;
On earth I would not have him live,
With me I would not have him stay;
The sacrifice long since was o'er,
I stand to what I gave before.


I all have left for Jesu's sake,
And shall I grieve to part with one!
No, if a wish could call him back,
I would not have my darling son
Brought from his everlasting rest,
Snatch'd from his heavenly Father's breast.
Pass a few fleeting days, or years,
And I shall see my child again;
When Jesus in the clouds appears,
With Him I shall in glory reign,
I and the children He hath given,
Inseparably join'd in heaven.


Father, Thy will be done, not mine,
Thy only will be done!
To Thee my Isaac I resign,
I render up my son.
Without a murmuring wish I give
The child Thou gavest to me;
Or let him to Thy glory live,
Or let him die to Thee.
I dare not deprecate the cross,
Or of my loss complain,
Assured my momentary loss
Is his eternal gain.
I hear the providential word,
I bless the will Divine;
Remove him from my bosom, Lord,
And take him up to Thine.



All praise to God on high,
Who sets His heart on man,
And beckons from the sky,
And bids him turn again,
Gathers unto Himself his breath,
And blesses by an early death.
Even now His arms receive
The spirit of my child:
He gave him to believe,
He show'd him reconciled,
Cut short the sudden work of grace,
And caught him up to see His face.
The hallowing Spirit's prayer
Breathed from his sprinkled heart,
And cried, The new-born heir
Is ready to depart!
And blessings on his friends approve
The faith that sweetly works by love.
His faith is lost in sight,
His prayers are lost in praise,
Amidst the saints in light
He sings the Saviour's grace,
Which strangely kept his conscience clean,
Unspotted in a world of sin.
So early to remove
And quit the vale of tears,
A miracle of love
Throughout his fourteen years,
Preserved his sacred innocence,
And snatch'd him uncorrupted hence.


Who kept his garments white,
Hath call'd him to a crown,
And lo! from Sion's height
The happy spirit looks down,
Beyond the range of fiends removed,
Took from a world he never loved.
He cannot love it now,
Or feel its poisoning power,
To Satan's image bow,
Whom all mankind adore,
Worship the learn'd, or scarlet beast,
Or seek in creature good his rest.
Nor pleasure soft can soothe
His unsuspecting heart,
Or tempt his heedless youth
From Jesus to depart;
Nor grandeur turn his steps aside,
That stately littleness of pride!
He cannot now aspire
With a malicious joy,
(While envious passions fire
The fond applauded boy)
Or cloak his honourable shame
With Emulation's specious name.
Ambition in his breast
Shall never, never glow;
In garb angelic drest,
And deified below,
It issued from the dark abodes,
“The glorious fault” of devil-gods!


The soul superior soars
To heaven's unfolding scene,
The everlasting doors
Receive the stranger in,
And angels hail the new-born heir,
And kindred saints salute him there.
A royal coronet
Upon his head they place,
With stars of glory set,
And pearls of heavenly grace;
They robe him in the milk-white vest,
And deck him for the marriage feast.
They bring his golden lyre,
And lo! he strikes the strings,
Amidst the' angelic choir
The song of Moses sings,
The' angelic choir, transported prove
Diviner joys, and stronger love.
He lives to die no more,
He reigns above the sky,—
And I the blessing bore,
A joyful mother I
My darling son have freely given
To' exalt the happiness of heaven.


Three innocents lie buried here,
Who in their dawn of day
Rejoiced before the Lord to' appear,
And 'scaped at once away.


At once their pardon they received
With Jesu's blood applied,
His witnesses awhile they lived,
His witnesses they died.
Quicken'd at once they soon shall rise,
Their Saviour's joy to share:
Reader, expect Him from the skies,
And thou shalt meet Him there.


In sure and steadfast hope to rise,
And claim her mansion in the skies,
A Christian here her flesh laid down,
The cross exchanging for the crown.
True daughter of affliction she,
Inured to pain and misery,
Mourn'd a long night of griefs and fears,
A legal night of seventy years.
The Father then reveal'd His Son,
Him in the broken bread made known,
She knew, and felt her sins forgiven,
And found the earnest of her heaven.
Meet for the fellowship above,
She heard the call, “Arise, My love:”
“I come,” her dying looks replied,
And lamb-like as her Lord she died!



And is the happy spirit fled?
And is she number'd with the dead,
Who live to God above?
Make haste, my soul, her steps pursue,
And fight like her thy passage through,
To yon bright throne of love.
By her example fired I rise,
My blissful mansion in the skies
Determined to secure;
And if I dare believe the word,
And follow her as she her Lord,
The glorious prize is sure.
The speaking saint, though dead, I hear,
Who pass'd her time in lowly fear,
Her cheerful time below:
A daily death on earth she died,
Her Jesus, and Him crucified,
Resolved alone to know.
Since first she felt the sprinkled blood,
She never lost her hold of God,
She never went astray;
When stronger souls their Lord forsook,
And shamefully threw off His yoke,
And cast His cross away.
His welcome cross with joy she bore,
And trod the path He trod before,
And close pursued the Lamb:
His faithful confessor she stood,
And simply own'd the dying God,
And gloried in His shame.


Regardless of their smile, and frown,
She calmly on the world look'd down,
With grief, and wonder moved
That every tongue should not confess,
And every heart her Lord embrace,
Whom more than life she loved.
With all her heart she clave to God,
Her love by her obedience show'd,
In all His statutes found,
In all the channels of His grace,
Her soul revered the hallow'd place,
And kiss'd the sacred ground.
The new-born babe desired the word,
She flew with joy to meet her Lord,
Assembled with His own:
In vain the feeble body fail'd,
The soul its tottering clay upheld,
And lived by faith alone.
Before the morning watch her cry
Prevail'd with God, and from the sky
Brought showers of blessings down:
Her treasure, heart, and life was there,
And all her toil and all her care,
To' ensure the starry crown.
For this she counted all things loss,
And still took up her Master's cross,
Her Master's joy to know:
Above the reach of sense and pride,
With Jesus fully crucified,
And dead to all below.


Her meat His counsel to fulfil,
Her whole delight to do His will,
The task of love sincere
With daily transport to repeat,
And wash His dear disciples' feet,
And serve His members here.
Her fervent zeal what tongue can tell?
Her wise, and meek, though fervent zeal
Poor precious souls to win:
Her artless eloquence constrain'd,
Her simple charity unfeign'd
Compell'd them to come in.
Resolved, her house should serve the Lord,
The parent unto Him restored
The children He had given,
Her care, and them, on God she cast:
The wife her husband saved at last,
And follow'd him to heaven.
Awhile she lay detain'd beneath,
To triumph in the toils of death,
The truth to testify,
To aid the church with mighty prayers,
And deal her blessings to her heirs,
And teach us how to die.
More than resign'd in mortal pain,
How joyfully did she sustain,
And bless the welcome load!
“Do what ye will with this weak clay,
Yet, O! the soul ye cannot stay,
Or keep me from my God.


“My God hath called me hence,” she cried,
“The Lamb hath now prepared His bride,
And sign'd my soul's release;
I rest within the arms Divine,
He is, He is for ever mine,
The Lord my righteousness.
“In life and death I bless His name,
Who sent His servants to proclaim
The everlasting word:
That word hath saved me from all sin;
And O! my friends abide therein,
And ye shall see my Lord.
“Obedient faith in Jesu's blood,
This is the way that leads to God;
That saves your dying friend.
To Jesus and His servants cleave,
His word, and ordinance receive,
And ye shall soon ascend.
“The gate shall soon unfold to you,
The gate I now am passing through,
My heavenly bliss to share:
My mounting soul is on the wing,
I hear the saints on Sion sing,
And die to meet them there!”


MOSES'S WISH.—Exodus xxxiii. 12 to xxxiv. 9.


Hymn 1.

Ah! Lord, if Thou hast bid me lead
This people from their sins to Thee,
Why am I thus? myself unfreed,
Fast bound in sin and misery,


Still unredeem'd for help I groan,
And still I serve a God unknown.
Thou hast not to my soul declared
Whom Thou wilt with Thy servant send;
Who shall the helpless shepherd guard,
Who shall the trembling guide defend:
Yet hast Thou call'd me by my name,
Accepted in Thy sight I am.
If then I have acceptance found,
And grace, and favour in Thy sight,
Now let Thy pardoning grace abound,
Now manifest Thy clearest light;
Show me Thy way, Thy life make known,
Thy truth, and goodness, in Thy Son.
Ah! give me all Thy grace to know,
Thy grace to this Thy people give;
Lead them throughout their course below,
And bid me in Thy presence live;
Thy presence all my steps attend:
O love me, love me to the end.
Go with me Thou in all my ways,
And give my weary spirit rest;
May I, may all the chosen race,
Be with Thy special presence blest:
Or let us never hence remove,
Without the convoy of Thy love.
How shall it but by this be known
Our sure acceptance in Thy sight?
We have found grace, we are Thine own,
For lo! we walk with God in light:
Thy presence shows the holy seed,
Thy presence makes us saints indeed.


Distinct by characters Divine,
Thy sons as priests, and kings, appear,
In Thy reflected light they shine,
And bear Thy glorious image here,
The' election of peculiar grace,
The pure in heart, who see Thy face.


Hymn 2.

[O God, my hope, my heavenly rest]

O God, my hope, my heavenly rest,
My all of happiness below,
Grant my importunate request,
To me, to me Thy goodness show:
Thy beatific face display,
The brightness of eternal day.
Before my faith's enlighten'd eyes
Make all Thy gracious goodness pass:
Thy goodness is the sight I prize:
O might I see Thy smiling face!
Thy nature in my soul proclaim,
Reveal Thy love, Thy glorious name.
There in the place beside Thy throne,
Where all that find acceptance stand,
Receive me up into Thy Son,
Cover me with Thy mighty hand;
Set me upon the rock, and hide
My soul in Jesu's wounded side.
O put me in the cleft, empower
My soul the glorious sight to bear;
Descend in this accepted hour,
Pass by me, and Thy name declare;
Thy wrath withdraw, Thy hand remove,
And show Thyself—the God of love!



Hymn 3.

[Come down, all-glorious Lord, come down]

Come down, all-glorious Lord, come down,
Stand with me on the mountain Thou;
Thy great mysterious name make known,
And manifest Thy nature now;
Now in my inmost soul proclaim
Thy attributes, with Thee the same.
The Lord, the Lord, and God of love,
All-merciful, all-gracious I!
To man My yearning bowels move,
I would not have one sinner die,
But still pursue the' apostate race,
Long-suffering, full of truth, and grace.
Mercy I keep for all mankind,
An infinite, exhaustless store,
A sea unfathom'd, unconfined;
To all, to all My love runs o'er;
Sinners may all My mercy prove;
My first great attribute is love.
A pardoning God of mercy, I
Iniquity, and sin forgive:
Those, only those I leave to die,
Who will not come to Me, and live;
Who will not in My mercy trust,
And find Me good, shall find Me just.
The guilty I will never clear,
But make on them Mine anger known,
Visit their sin in judgments here,
And scourge the father in the son;
My wrath to distant heirs extends,
And never, but in Jesus, ends.



Hymn 4.

[To Thee, great God of love, I bow]

To Thee, great God of love, I bow,
And prostrate in Thy sight adore:
By faith I see Thee passing now:
I have; but still I ask for more:
A glimpse of love cannot suffice,
My soul for all Thy presence cries.
I cannot see Thy face, and live!
Then let me see Thy face, and die:
Now, Lord, my gasping spirit receive;
Give me, on eagle's wings to fly,
With eagle's eyes on Thee to gaze,
And plunge into the glorious blaze.
The fulness of my great reward
A blest eternity shall be,
But hast Thou not on earth prepared
Some better thing than this for me?
What, but one drop! One transient sight!
I want a sun, a sea of light.
Moses Thy backward parts might view,
But not a perfect sight obtain:
The gospel doth Thy fulness show,
To us by the commandment slain;
The dead to sin shall find the grace;
The pure in heart shall see Thy face.
More favour'd than the saints of old,
Who now through faith approach to Thee,
Shall all with open face behold
In Christ the glorious Deity,
Shall see, and put the Godhead on,
The nature of Thy sinless Son.


This, this is our high calling's prize:
Thine image in Thy Son I claim,
And still to higher glories rise,
Till all-transform'd I know Thy name,
And glide to all my heaven above,
My highest heaven of Jesu's love.


Hymn 5.

[Yet hear me, for Thy people hear]

Yet hear me, for Thy people hear,
If I have with my Lord found grace,
To every rebel soul appear,
And bear with the backsliding race;
Amongst Thy stiffneck'd people go,
And all Thy patient pity show.
Forgive us for Thy mercy sake,
Our multitude of sins forgive,
And for Thine own possession take,
And bid us to Thy glory live,
Live in Thy sight, and gladly prove
Our faith by our obedient love.
The covenant of forgiveness seal,
And all Thy mighty wonders show,
Our inbred enemies expel,
And conquering them to conquer go,
Till all of wrath and pride is slain,
And not one evil thought remain.
O put it in our inward parts
The living law of perfect love,
Write the new precept on our hearts;
We cannot then from Thee remove,
Who in Thy glorious image shine
Thy people, and for ever Thine.



Hymn 6.

[Shepherd of souls, if Thou indeed]

Shepherd of souls, if Thou indeed
Hast raised me up Thy flock to feed,
(Thy meanest servant me,)
O may I all their burdens share,
And gently in my bosom bear
The lambs redeem'd by Thee.
Thy Spirit send me from above,
Spirit of meek long-suffering love,
Of all-sufficient grace;
Endue me with Thy constant mind,
So good, so obstinately kind
To our rebellious race.
A faithful steward of my Lord,
Give me to minister Thy word,
And in Thy steps to tread;
By every sore temptation tried,
By sufferings fully qualified
Thy ailing flock to lead.
O may Thy bowels yearn in me,
Whene'er a wandering sheep I see,
Till Thou that sheep retrieve;
And let me in Thy Spirit cry
Why, sinner, wilt thou perish, why,
When Jesus bids thee live?
My bosom fill with soft distress,
With sympathising tenderness
For every tempted soul:
Still would I grieve, and suffer still,
And all their pain and sickness feel,
Till Thou hast made them whole.


But chiefly would I make my moan,
And deep beneath the burden groan
Of those who did run well,
But fainted in their evil day,
And swerving from the narrow way
By pride or passion fell.
Here let me pour out all my tears,
And spend in prayer my mournful years,
That these may rise renew'd
Who have, like me, their Lord denied,
That these again may feel applied
Thine all-atoning blood.
The love which brought Thee from the skies,
And made Thy soul a sacrifice,
Jesu, on me bestow;
Or let me, Lord, my life resign
That these, who once were counted Thine,
Again Thy voice may know.
Shepherd, appear, the Great, the Good,
And O! once more remove our load,
Repeat our sins forgiven,
And mark the sheep with Thy new name,
And ascertain our lawful claim
To pardon, grace, and heaven.


Hymn 7.

[My Lord, by sinners crucified]

My Lord, by sinners crucified,
By me ten thousand times denied,
(And yet Thy bowels move,
And yet Thy heart relents for me,)
Alas! what shall I answer Thee,
When ask'd, if Thee I love?


How shall I in Thy presence dare
The' abominable crime declare,
Or speak the horrid word?
And yet compell'd I am to own,
And cry with an heart-breaking groan,
I do not love Thee, Lord!
My basest want of love I feel:
The most apostate fiend in hell
Is not so vile as I:
A Man, a Sufferer for my sake,
Thou never didst their nature take,
Nor didst for devils die.
'Twas I that caused Thy mortal pain,
And made Thee bow the head, in vain,
And waste Thy precious blood:
For O! this base ungrateful heart!
I linger still with all to part,
I cannot love my God.
Not all Thy passion's bleeding power,
Before the' acceptable hour,
This flinty breast can move:
Yet may I not to Thee appeal?
Thou know'st I would Thy goodness feel,
I would my Saviour love.
Jesus, pronounce the softening word,
And make me fully willing, Lord,
The blessing to receive;
My faithless heart in love renew,
And then I shall, I shall prove true,
And to Thy glory live.
Then shall my tongue delight to own
The wonders Thou for me hast done,
The blessings Thou hast given,


And gladly tell Thee o'er and o'er,
Thou know'st, O Lord, I love Thee more
Than all Thy earth and heaven.
Then shall I labour to approve
My firm inviolable love,
Obedient to my God,
And guide with all my power, and keep
The tender lambs and yeaning sheep,
Which cost my Lord His blood.
Be this my whole employ below,
Before Thy little flock to go,
And in Thy steps to tread;
Shepherd of souls, I fain would be
Their faithful pastor under Thee,
And feed as I am fed.
Happy, could I through life declare
How dear to me Thy followers are;
But happier still might I
Like Thee my life at last give back,
And suffer, Saviour, for Thy sake,
And for Thy people die!


Hymn 8.

[O Thou great almighty Lord]

O Thou great almighty Lord,
How can I declare Thy word,
Least of all Thy servants I,
Weak as helpless infancy!
Sunk in shame, and deep amaze,
On Thine outstretch'd hand I gaze,
Ask again, How can it be
The great God should send by me!


But Thou know'st this heart of mine:
Fain I would the work decline,
Most unworthy as I am,
Most unfit to bear Thy name:
O how often have I cried,
Send by whom Thou wilt beside:
Still I plead for my release,
Let me, Lord, depart in peace.
Conscious to myself, I pray
Take me from the evil day,
From the thing I always fear
Save Thy weakest messenger;
Jealous for Thine honour be,
Do not trust Thy cause to me;
Me, a man of lips unclean,
Me, the sinfullest of men:
Weary, burden'd, and oppress'd,
Stranger to delight, and rest,
How can I beneath my load
Preach redemption in Thy blood?
Looking every fearful day
To become a castaway,
How shall I in sorrow tell
News of joy unspeakable?
But Thou know'st, a sharper pain
Every moment I sustain,
Saviour, for Thy glorious cause,
Lest by me it suffer loss.
Do not, O my Help, my Hope,
Jesus, do not give me up,
Never let me live to be
A reproach to Thine and Thee.


Jealous for Thy own great name,
Let me not be put to shame;
Make my perseverance sure,
In the quiet grave secure:
Rid me of my life and fear;
Safe retreat is conquest here,
Happy, and triumphant I,
Suffer'd to escape, and die!


Hymn 9.

[Master, Thy promised help I claim]

Master, Thy promised help I claim,
Sent forth to testify Thy name,
Which speaks a world forgiven,
Sent forth Thy mercy to display,
And teach, as taught of Thee, the way,
The living way to heaven.
Thy servant in the gospel, I
For all my fellow-servants cry,
In never ceasing prayer:
By us in each hard trial stand,
Support us with Thine outstretch'd hand,
And all our burdens bear.
Thou seest the threatening of our foes;
A world with restless rage oppose
Thy messengers, and Thee:
Beneath Thy wings our weakness hide,
And turn the furious blast aside,
And end the tyranny.


Thou seest the dire malicious fiend
Doth closely all our steps attend,
And watches all our ways:
And lo! the powers of darkness join,
Through us to frustrate the design
Of Thy redeeming grace.
But worse than all Thou seest within
The cruel misbelieving sin,
Which tempts us to depart,
Staggers our faith, and shakes our hope,
And drinks our fainting spirits up,
And tears our aching heart.
Thou know'st the black desponding fear,
The doubt we should not persevere
Till all our course is run,
The conflict in ourselves we have,
Lest we the souls of others save,
And sadly lose our own.
We tremble in our evil day,
Lest we ourselves should fall away,
And perish in our blood:
It is mine own infirmity!
There's none hath felt it more than me,
And still I bear my load.
But O Thou faithful God of love,
The cause of our distress remove,
The heart to evil prone:
Our doubts, and fears, and sins destroy,
And fill with everlasting joy,
And perfect us in one.



Hymn 10.

I thank Thee, Lord of earth and heaven,
That Thou to me, e'en me, hast given
The knowledge of Thy grace,
(Which flesh and blood could ne'er reveal,)
And call'd a babe Thy love to tell,
And stammer out Thy praise.
None of the sacred order I,
Yet dare I not the grace deny
Thou hast on me bestow'd,
Constrain'd to speak in Jesu's name,
And show poor souls the' atoning Lamb,
And point them to His blood.
I now believe, and therefore speak,
And found myself, go forth to seek
The sheep that wander still;
For these I toil, for these I care,
And faithfully to all declare
The peace which all may feel.
My God supply Thy servant's need,
If Thou hast sent me forth indeed
To make Thy goodness known;
Thy Son in sinners' hearts reveal,
By gracious signs my mission seal,
And prove the word Thine own.
O for Thy only Jesu's sake,
Into those arms of mercy take
Thy meanest messenger,
And ever in Thy keeping have,
And grant me, Lord, at last to save
Myself with all that hear.



Hymn 11.

[O thou whose gracious word]

O thou whose gracious word
I to the world proclaim,
Be mindful of Thy promise, Lord,
Be jealous for Thy name;
From what I always fear
My tempted soul defend,
And keep Thy meanest messenger,
And keep me to the end.
Thou seest this feeble heart,
Which trembles every day,
Lest I myself from Thee depart,
And die a castaway,
Lest I the' occasion give
To all who hate Thy cross,
And to reproach Thy people live,
And to disserve Thy cause.
Thou know'st the tenfold rage
Wherewith Thy foe pursues,
The men in our adulterous age
Whom Thou art pleased to use,
But never, never leave
A soul employ'd by Thee,
Nor let the subtle fiend deceive,
Or serve himself on me.
Rather my spirit take
To rest with Thee above,
For Thy own name and glory's sake,
For Thy own truth and love,


Let me from Satan fly
Into the arms Divine,
And all-renew'd this moment die,
To live for ever Thine.


Hymn 12.

[O that I was as heretofore]

O that I was as heretofore
When first sent forth in Jesu's name
I rush'd through every open door,
And cried to all, “Behold the Lamb!”
Seized the poor trembling slaves of sin,
And forced the outcasts to come in.
The God who kills, and makes alive,
To me the quickening power impart,
Thy grace restore, Thy work revive,
Retouch my lips, renew my heart,
Forth with a fresh commission send,
And all Thy servant's steps attend.
Give me the faith which can remove,
And sink the mountain to a plain,
Give me the childlike praying love,
That longs to build Thine house again;
The love which once my heart o'erpower'd,
And all my simple soul devour'd.
I want an even strong desire,
I want a calmly fervent zeal,
To save poor souls out of the fire,
To snatch them from the verge of hell,
And turn them to the pardoning God,
And quench the brands in Jesu's blood.


I would the precious time redeem,
And longer live for this alone
To spend, and to be spent for them
Who have not yet my Saviour known,
Fully on these my mission prove,
And only breathe, to breathe Thy love.
My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord,
Into Thy blessed hands receive,
And let me live to preach Thy word,
And let me for Thy glory live,
My every sacred moment spend
In publishing the Sinner's Friend.
Enlarge, inflame, and fill my heart
With boundless charity Divine,
So shall I all my strength exert,
And love them with a zeal like Thine,
And lead them to Thine open side,
The sheep, for whom their Shepherd died.
Or if, to serve Thy church and Thee,
Myself be offer'd up at last,
My soul brought through the purple sea
With those beneath the altar cast
Shall claim the palm to martyrs given,
And mount the highest throne in heaven.


Glory, Lord, to Thee we give,
Who hear'st Thy people's prayer,
Thankful at Thy hands receive
Thy welcome messenger:


Thee we praise, on Thee we call,
Jesus, with Thy servant come,
Fix in him, in us, in all
Thy everlasting home.


Forth in Thy name, O Jesus, send
The man we to Thy grace commend,
Our faithful minister secure,
And make him to the day endure,
When all Thy flock shall meet in one
Triumphant round Thy glorious throne.


Jesus, the Truth, and Power Divine,
Send forth this messenger of Thine,
His hands confirm, his heart inspire,
And touch his lips with hallow'd fire.
Be Thou his mouth and wisdom, Lord,
Thou by the hammer of Thy word
The rocky hearts in pieces break,
And bid the son of thunder speak.
To those who would their Lord embrace,
Give him to preach the word of grace,
Sweetly their yielding bosom move,
And melt them with the fire of love.
Let all with thankful hearts confess
Thy welcome messenger of peace,
Thy power in his report be found,
And let Thy feet behind him sound.



Jesus, Thy saving name I bless,
Deliver'd out of my distress,
Thy faithfulness I prove;
I magnify Thy mercy's power:
My refuge in the trying hour
Was Thy almighty love.
Snatch'd from the rage of cruel men,
Brought up out of the lions' den,
And through the burning flame:
Jesus, Thine outstretch'd hand I see,
Might, wisdom, strength ascribe to Thee,
And bless Thy saving name.
Hereby Thou favourest me, I know,
Because Thou wouldst not let the foe
My hunted soul destroy:
Better than life Thy favour is,
'Tis pure delight, and perfect bliss,
And everlasting joy.
Saved by a miracle of grace,
Lord, I with thankful heart embrace
The token of Thy love:
This, this the comfortable sign,
That I the firstborn church shall join,
And bless Thy name above.


[Let all the God of Daniel praise]

Let all the God of Daniel praise
Almighty to redeem,
Who saves, as in the ancient days,
The men that trust in Him.


He hath the great deliverance wrought,
His angel sent again,
And shut the lions' mouths, and brought
Us up out of their den.
Give glory to Elijah's God,
Elijah's God and ours,
Who hath around His servants stood,
With all His heavenly powers:
Beset we were by Satan's host,
In human shape conceal'd,
He baffled their tyrannic boast,
And all their fury quell'd.
That God who saved the faithful three
Let every soul admire:
We too have seen the Deity,
And walk'd unburnt in fire:
Call'd down by faith, from heaven He came,
The Son of Man we knew:
He kept us in the lambent flame,
And strangely brought us through.
The floods with horrid discord raged,
And lifted up their voice:
Jehovah on our side engaged,
And still'd their angry noise,
His word rebuked the swelling sea,
Nor suffer'd it to' o'erflow,
“Hither proceed, allow'd by Me,
But dare no farther go.”
Thou, Lord, beyond their reach didst bear,
And sweetly hide above
The objects of Thy guardian care,
And providential love:


Thou didst the alien host defeat,
And blast their vain design
To slay, or shamefully intreat
A messenger of Thine.
For this with all Thy saints we praise
Thy majesty and power,
And tell the wonders of Thy grace,
Till time shall be no more.
For this in sounds of glorious joy
We shall our Saviour own,
And all eternity employ
In hymns around Thy throne.


Jesu, accept the grateful song,
My Wisdom and my Might,
'Tis Thou hast loosed the stammering tongue,
And taught my hands to fight.
Thou, Jesus, Thou my mouth hast been;
The weapons of Thy war,
Mighty through Thee, I pull down sin,
And all Thy truth declare.
Not without Thee, my Lord, I am
Come up unto this place,
Thy Spirit bade me preach Thy name,
And trumpet forth Thy praise.
Thy Spirit gave me utterance now,
My soul with strength endued,
Harden'd to adamant my brow,
And arm'd my heart with God.


Thy powerful hand in all I see,
Thy wondrous workings own,
Glory, and strength, and praise to Thee
Ascribe, and Thee alone.
Gladly I own the promise true
To all whom Thou dost send,
“Behold I always am with you,
Your Saviour to the end!”
Amen, amen, my God and Lord,
If Thou art with me still,
I still shall speak the gospel word,
My ministry fulfil.
Thee I shall constantly proclaim,
Though earth and hell oppose,
Bold to confess Thy glorious Name
Before a world of foes.
Jesus the Name, high over all
In hell, or earth, or sky,
Angels and men before it fall,
And devils fear, and fly.
Jesus, the Name to sinners dear,
The Name to sinners given,
It scatters all their guilty fear,
And turns their hell to heaven.
Balm into wounded spirits it pours,
And heals the sin-sick mind;
It hearing to the deaf restores,
And eyesight to the blind.
Jesus the prisoner's fetters breaks,
And bruises Satan's head,
Power into strengthless souls it speaks,
And life into the dead.


O that the world might taste, and see
The riches of His grace!
The arms of love which compass me,
Would all mankind embrace.
O that my Jesu's heavenly charms
Might every bosom move!
Fly sinners, fly into those arms
Of everlasting love.
The Lover of your souls is near,
Him I to you commend,
Joyful the Bridegroom's voice to hear,
Who calls a worm His friend.
He hath the Bride, and He alone,
Almighty to redeem,
I only make His mercies known,
I send you all to Him.
Sinners, behold the Lamb of God,
On Him your spirits stay;
He bears the universal load,
He takes your sins away.
His only righteousness I show,
His saving grace proclaim;
'Tis all my business here below
To cry, Behold the Lamb!
For this a suffering life I live,
And reckon all things loss;
For Him my strength, my all I give,
And glory in His cross.
I spend myself, that you may know
The Lord our righteousness,
That Christ in you may live, and grow,
I joyfully decrease.


Gladly I hasten to decay,
My life I freely spend,
And languish for the welcome day,
When all my toil shall end.
Happy, if with my latest breath
I might but gasp His name,
Preach Him to all, and cry in death
Behold, behold the Lamb!


Lift up your eyes, ye sons of light,
Triumphant with my Lord, and me,
Look on the fields, and see them white,
Already white to harvest see.
Moved by the Spirit's softest wind,
The sinners to their Saviour turn,
Their hearts are all as one inclined,
Their hearts are bow'd as waving corn.
The reaper too receives his hire,
Fill'd with unutterable peace;
But farther still his hopes aspire,
And labour for eternal bliss.
Till God the full delight reveals,
And all the mighty joy is given,
The earnest in his heart he feels,
A glorious antepast of heaven.
The ripest fruit he gathers there,
The fulness of his vast reward,
Ordain'd the sower's joy to share,
And reign triumphant with his Lord.


Herein the faithful word is shown,
Its just accomplishments we see,
Another reaps what one hath sown;
The proverb is fulfill'd in me.
Sent forth I am to reap the field,
On which I had no pains bestow'd,
My Lord broke up the ground, and till'd,
And sow'd it with the seed of God.
Enter'd into His work I am;
Not unto me the praise is due,
Not unto me: I all disclaim,
God, only God, is kind, and true.
Who wrought the work shall have the praise,
Jesus hath labour'd for our good,
He purchased all the fallen race,
He water'd all the earth with blood.
His grace hath brought salvation nigh,
His grace hath roll'd away the stone:
And now He hears these sinners cry,
And deeply for redemption groan.
He hears, and He will soon redeem;
Then let us all our voices raise,
Worship, and strength ascribe to Him,
And might, and majesty, and praise.
Honour, and endless thanks, and love,
And glory be to Jesus given,
By saints below, and saints above,
By all in earth, and all in heaven.




Hymn 1.

Ye neighbours, and friends Of Jesus, draw near;
His love condescends, By titles so dear
To call, and invite you His triumph to prove,
And freely delight you In Jesus's love.
The Shepherd who died His sheep to redeem,
On every side Are gather'd to Him,
The weary and burden'd, The reprobate race,
And wait to be pardon'd Through Jesus's grace.
The publicans all, And sinners draw near,
They come at His call Their Saviour to hear,
Lamenting and mourning, Their sin is so great,
And daily returning, They fall at His feet.
The poor, and the blind, The halt, and the lame,
Are willing to find In Jesus's name
Their help and salvation; Which still they retrieve:
There's no condemnation For them that believe.
The drunkards, and thieves, And harlots return;
For Him, that receives Poor sinners, they mourn:
The common blasphemer On Jesus doth call,
His loving Redeemer Who suffer'd for all.
The outcasts of men Their Saviour pursue;
In horror and pain The profligate crew
Cry out for a Saviour, A Saviour unknown,
And look to find favour Through mercy alone.
They seek Him, and find, They ask, and receive
The Friend of mankind, Who bids them believe:
On Jesus they venture, His gift they embrace,
And forcibly enter His kingdom of grace.


The blind are restored Through Jesus's name,
They see their dear Lord, And follow the Lamb;
The halt they are walking, And running their race;
The dumb they are talking Of Jesus's praise.
The deaf hear His voice, And comforting word,
It bids them rejoice In Jesus their Lord,
“Thy sins are forgiven, Accepted thou art,”
They listen, and heaven Springs up in their heart.
The lepers from all Their spots are made clean,
The dead by His call Are raised from their sin,
In Jesu's compassion The sick find a cure,
And gospel salvation Is preach'd to the poor.
To us, and to them, Is publish'd the word;
Then let us proclaim Our life-giving Lord,
Who now is reviving His work in our days,
And mightily striving To save us by grace.
O Jesus, ride on Till all are subdued,
Thy mercy make known, And sprinkle Thy blood,
Display Thy salvation, And teach the new song
To every nation, And people, and tongue.


Hymn 2.

[Glory to Christ be given]

Glory to Christ be given
By all in earth and heaven!
Christ, my Prophet, Priest, and King,
Thee with angel choirs I praise,
Joyful hallelujahs sing,
Triumph in Thy sovereign grace.
Thou hast the hungry fill'd,
Thou hast Thy arm reveal'd:


Thou in all the heathen's sight,
Hast Thy righteousness display'd,
Brought immortal life to light,
Ransom'd whom Thy hands have made.
Even now, all-loving Lord,
Thou hast sent forth Thy word,
Thou the door hast open'd wide:
(Who can shut Thy open door!)
I the grace have testified,
Preach'd Thy gospel to the poor.
Thy goodness gave success,
And bless'd it with increase.
Not to me of Adam's race
Worst and vilest; not to me!
Thine is all the work of grace,
All the praise be paid to Thee.
Still at Thy feet I lie,
The chief of sinners I:
Let me but acceptance find,
Let me but Thy love partake;
Save me, Saviour of mankind,
Save me for Thy mercy sake.
On Thee for help I call,
Without Thy help I fall,
Fall a final castaway:
O forbid, forbid it Thou,
Snatch me from the evil day,
Save me, or I perish now.
O that ev'n I might share,
The blessings I declare,


Taste the glorious gospel grace,
Rise from sin for ever free,
See in holiness Thy face,
Live by faith, and die in Thee!
O that the hour were come
Which calls my spirit home!
O that I my wish might have,
Quietly lay down my head,
Sink into an early grave,
Now be number'd with the dead!
Give me that second rest,
And take me to Thy breast:
Only let me cease from sin,
Then the welcome summons send:
Bid me now be pure within,
Bid my useless warfare end.
A man of sin and strife
I want no longer life:
Heavenward all my hope aspires,
Full of immortality,
Jesus, Thee my soul requires,
Gasps to be dissolved in Thee.
Yet do I this resign,
Thy will be done, not mine:
So I may but serve Thy will,
Lengthen out my wretched span,
Let me bear my burden still,
Bear my sin, and drag my chain.
Still let me preach Thy word
The prisoner of the Lord,


Fully my commission prove,
Till the perfect grace I feel,
Saved and sanctified by love,
Stamp'd with all Thy Spirit's seal.
Then, Lord, when pure in heart,
O let me then depart,
With my children see Thy face,
(Children whom the Lord hath given,)
Take above the meanest place,
Least of all the saints in heaven.


Hymn 3.

[Who are these that come from far]

Who are these that come from far,
Swifter than a flying cloud!
Thick as flocking doves they are,
Eager in pursuit of God:
Trembling as the storm draws nigh,
Hastening to their place of rest,
See them to the windows fly,
To the ark of Jesu's breast!
Who are these but sinners poor,
Conscious of their lost estate,
Sin-sick souls, who for their cure
On the Good Physician wait;
Fallen who bewail their fall,
Proffer'd mercy who embrace,
Listening to the gospel call,
Longing to be saved by grace.
For his mate the turtle moans,
For his God the sinner sighs;
Hark, the music of their groans,
Humble groans that pierce the skies!


Surely God their sorrows hears,
Every accent, every look,
Treasures up their gracious tears,
Notes their sufferings in His book.
He who hath their cure begun,
Will He now despise their pain?
Can He leave His work undone,
Bring them to the birth in vain?
No; we all who seek shall find,
We who ask shall all receive,
Be to Christ in spirit join'd,
Free from sin for ever live.


Hymn 4.

[See how great a flame aspires]

See how great a flame aspires,
Kindled by a spark of grace!
Jesu's love the nations fires,
Sets the kingdoms on a blaze.
To bring fire on earth He came;
Kindled in some hearts it is;
O that all might catch the flame,
All partake the glorious bliss!
When He first the work begun,
Small and feeble was His day;
Now the word doth swiftly run,
Now it wins its widening way,
More and more it spreads, and grows,
Ever mighty to prevail,
Sin's strongholds it now o'erthrows,
Shakes the trembling gates of hell.


Sons of God, your Saviour praise,
He the door hath open'd wide,
He hath given the word of grace;
Jesu's word is glorified:
Jesus mighty to redeem,
He alone the work hath wrought,
Worthy is the work of Him,
Him who spake a world from nought.
Saw ye not the cloud arise
Little as a human hand?
Now it spreads along the skies,
Hangs o'er all the thirsty land!
Lo! the promise of a shower
Drops already from above;
But the Lord shall shortly pour
All the Spirit of His love.


Jesu, Thou all-redeeming Lord,
Thy blessing we implore,
Open the door to preach Thy word,
The great, effectual door.
Gather the outcasts in, and save
From sin, and Satan's power,
And let them now acceptance have,
And know their gracious hour.
O that to these poor Gentiles now
The door were open'd wide,
O that their stiff-neck'd souls might bow
To Jesus crucified!


Lover of souls, Thou know'st to prize
What Thou hast bought so dear;
Come then, and in Thy people's eyes
With all Thy wounds appear.
Appear, as when of old confess'd
The suffering Son of God,
And let them see Thee in Thy vest
But newly dipp'd in blood.
The stony from their hearts remove,
Thou who for all hast died,
Show them the tokens of Thy love,
Thy feet, Thy hands, Thy side.
Thy feet were nail'd to yonder tree
To trample down their sin;
Thy hands they all stretch'd out may see
To take Thy murderers in.
Thy side an open fountain is,
Where all may freely go,
And drink the living streams of bliss,
And wash them white as snow.
Ready Thou art the blood to' apply,
And prove the record true;
And all Thy wounds to sinners cry
I suffer'd this for you.
Swearers, and whoremongers and thieves,
Before your Saviour fall,
Receive the Man who all receives,
And paid the debt for all.
Lovers of pleasure more than God,
For you He suffer'd pain:
Railers, for you He spilt His blood;
And shall He bleed in vain?


Misers, His life for you He paid,
Your basest crime He bore;
Drunkards, your sins on Him were laid,
That ye might sin no more.
Ye liars, and blasphemers too,
Who speak the phrase of hell,
Ye murderers all, He died for you,
He loved your souls so well.
Ye monsters of unnatural vice
Too horrible to name,
To ransom you He paid the price,
To pluck you from the flame.
Vilest of all the' apostate race,
Who dare your God deny,
Arians, your God did in your place,
In yours, ye Deists, die.
Haters of God, your madness mourn,
And God will yet forgive;
To Jesus, Friend of sinners, turn,
Who died that ye might live.
The God of love, to earth He came,
That you might come to heaven;
Believe, believe in Jesu's name,
And all your sin's forgiven.
Believe, that Jesus died for thee;
And sure as He hath died,
Thy debt is paid, thy soul is free,
And thou art justified.



Come, O Thou all-victorious Lord,
Thy power to us make known,
Strike with the hammer of Thy word,
And break these hearts of stone.
O that we all might now begin
Our foolishness to mourn,
And turn at once from every sin,
And to our Saviour turn.
Give us ourselves and Thee to know,
In this our gracious day,
Repentance unto life bestow,
And take our sins away.
Conclude us first in unbelief,
And freely then release,
Fill every soul with sacred grief,
And then with sacred peace.
Impoverish, Lord, and then relieve,
And then enrich the poor,
The knowledge of our sickness give,
The knowledge of our cure.
That blessed sense of guilt impart,
And make us feel our load,
Trouble, and wash the troubled heart
In Thine atoning blood.
Our desperate state through sin declare,
And speak our sins forgiven:
By perfect holiness prepare,
And take us up to heaven.




Hymn 1.

True Witness of the Father's love,
Celestial Messenger Divine,
Come in Thy Spirit from above,
The hearts which Thou hast made incline
Thy faithful record to receive;
That all may hear Thy voice and live.
Send forth the everlasting word,
The word of reconciling grace,
That all may know their bleeding Lord,
The freely proffer'd Gift embrace,
Hang on the all-atoning Lamb,
And bless the sound of Jesu's name.
Jesu, Thou only hast the key,
Open the great effectual door,
Extend Thy line from sea to sea,
And glorify Thy mercy's power,
Redeem the wretched slaves of sin,
And force Thy rebels to come in.
Now to Thy yoke their spirits bow,
Thy way into their hearts prepare,
Be present with Thy servants now,
With me Thy meanest messenger,
Who humbly at Thy bidding come,
To call my fellow-exiles home.
Fisher of men ordain'd by Thee,
O might I catch them by Thy love!
Thy love be first bestow'd on me,
And while the pleasing power I prove,
My tongue shall echo to my heart,
And tell the world how good Thou art.


Teach me to cast my net aright,
The gospel net of general grace,
So shall I all to Thee invite,
And draw them to their Lord's embrace,
Within Thine arms of love include,
And catch a willing multitude.
O might I every mourner cheer,
And trouble every heart of stone,
Save, under Thee, the souls that hear,
Nor lose, in seeking them, my own,
Nor basely from my calling fly,
But for Thy gospel live, and die.


Hymn 2.

[Unchangeable, almighty Lord]

Unchangeable, almighty Lord,
The promise of Thy help I claim,
Entrusted with the gospel word,
I look to find Thee still the same.
To me Thy powerful presence show,
As when through Thee in ages past
His net the human fisher threw,
And caught three thousand at a cast.
Long the lost souls of men I sought
Through a dark, dismal, legal night,
Yet nothing found, myself untaught
To cast the gospel net aright.
But let the terrors of Thy law,
The wrath, the curse at last remove,
While with the cords of love I draw,
The' allurements of Thy pardoning love.


Give me to catch them by Thy grace,
Thy grace for every sinner free,
Incline their willing hearts to' embrace
Pardon, and life, and heaven in Thee.
Speak but the word of grace and power,
And lo! at Thy benign command
I draw them to the' eternal shore,
I bring them to the heavenly land.



Hymn 1.

Not unto me, O Lord,
Not unto me the praise,
If I with power have spoke Thy word,
And testified Thy grace.
Thou didst Thy power bestow,
Thou didst Thy servant find,
And raise, and send me forth to show
Thy love to all mankind.
Thy messenger of peace
I have to sinners shown
The blood that sign'd their soul's release,
And did for all atone:
Thy Spirit the word applied
And witness'd with the blood,
And many a sprinkled rebel cried
Thou art my Lord my God!
Thou only didst reveal,
How good in Christ Thou art,
And powerfully the message seal
On the believing heart:


Thine is the work of grace,
Lord, I the whole disclaim,
All glory, love, and thanks, and praise
Be paid to Jesu's name.
Jesu, to Thee alone,
I would the glory give:
O may I never seek my own,
Or praise from man receive!
Thou wilt, I firmly trust,
My feeble heart secure,
Exclude the sacrilegious boast,
And keep my conscience pure.
While with a single eye
I at Thy glory aim,
Thy love shall set me up on high,
In honour of Thy name;
Until I take my place
Among the saints above,
A witness of Thy heavenly grace,
Thy everlasting love.


Hymn 2.

[Glory, and thanks, and praise]

Glory, and thanks, and praise
To Him that hath the key!
Jesus, Thy sovereign grace
Gives us the victory,
Baffles the world, and Satan's power,
And open throws the gospel door.
Sin, only sin could close
That door of pardoning love;
But spite of all our foes
Thou dost the bar remove,


The door again Thou openest wide
And show'st Thyself the crucified.
Thy miracles of grace
We now repeated see,
The dumb proclaims Thy praise,
The deaf attends to Thee,
Leaps as a bounding hart the lame,
And shows the power of Jesu's name.
The lepers are made clean,
The blind their sight receive,
Quicken'd the dead in sin,
The humble poor believe
The gospel of their sins forgiven,
With God Himself sent down from heaven.
Joyful again we hear
The heart-reviving sound,
Again the Comforter
Within our coasts is found,
The Saviour at the door is seen,
Lift up your hearts, and take Him in.
Lord, we the call obey,
In Thee alone confide,
Rejoice to see Thy day,
To feel Thy blood applied;
Our faith has made us whole, we know,
And in Thy peace to heaven we go.


O Thou who hast in mercy sought
The souls that went astray,
And snatch'd us from the pit, and brought
To see this gospel day:


Still in Thy mercy's arms embrace,
Thy servants still defend,
And carry on Thy work of grace,
And save us to the end.
For what Thou hast already done,
Jesus, Thy name we bless,
Redeem'd by Thy dear name alone
From outward wickedness.
Too long alas, we lived in sin,
Unholy, and unjust,
And wallow'd in the acts unclean
Of drunkenness and lust.
By anger, malice, hatred, pride,
By fraud and falsehood we,
By oaths and blasphemies defied
Thy awful Majesty.
Thy Spirit of grace we daily grieved
By riot, and excess,
In pleasures and diversions lived,
In hellish harmlessness.
Lovers of pleasure, more than God,
We sought the things below,
And eagerly the world pursued,
And cared not Thee to know.
Slaves to our lusts we all have been,
Profaned Thy day and name,
Sported ourselves with hell and sin,
And gloried in our shame.
Despisers of the gospel word
Too long alas, were we;
And in Thy helpless followers, Lord,
We persecuted Thee.


Haters of those that would be good,
Nor in our evil join,
By Satan urged to shed their blood
Who pointed us to Thine.
But O! suffice the season past:
We now our folly mourn,
And choose the better part at last,
And to our Saviour turn.
Our sinful state we partly see,
But long to see it more,
With broken hearts to mourn for Thee,
And tremble at Thy power.
Fain would we love the God we fear,
The Lord of earth and heaven;
And feel the grace of which we hear,
And know our sins forgiven.
Our sins though great and numberless,
We now at last believe,
O Son of man, O Prince of Peace,
Thou canst on earth forgive.
Come then, the saving grace impart,
Remove the mountain load,
Inspeak Thy peace into our heart
Which pants to feel Thy blood.
Thy Spirit let us now receive,
And Abba Father, cry,
And happy in Thy service live,
And in Thy service die.



Adapted to the Minister and People.

Turn again, my children turn,
Wherefore would ye go with me?
O forbear, forbear to mourn,
Jesus wills it so to be:
Why, when God would have us part,
Weep ye thus, and break my heart?
Go, in peace my children go,
Only Jesu's steps pursue:
He shall pay the debt I owe,
He shall kindly deal with you;
He your sure reward shall be,
Bless you for your love to me.
Surely you have kindly dealt
With the living, and the dead;
You have oft my burden felt,
When my tears were all my bread:
Jesus lull you on His breast,
Jesus give you endless rest!
Lo! thy sister is gone back
To her gods, and people dear;
Weeping soul, a wretch forsake,
Why shouldst thou my sorrows bear?
Turn, and let thy troubles cease,
Go, my child, and go in peace.
O entreat me not to leave
Thee my faithful guide and friend;
Let me to my father cleave,
Let me hold thee to the end:
Thy own child in Christ I am,
Following thee, as thou the Lamb.


Never will I cease to mourn,
Till my Lord thy tears shall dry,
Never back from thee return,
Never from my father fly:
Do not ask me to depart,
Do not break thy children's heart.
Where thou goest, I still will go,
Thine shall be my soul's abode;
Thine shall be my weal or woe,
Thine my people and my God;
Where thou diest with joy will I
Lay my weary head, and die.
There will I my burial have,
(If it be the Master's will,)
Sleeping in a common grave,
Till the quickening trump I feel,
Call'd with thee to leave the tomb,
Summon'd to our happy doom.
God do so to me, and more,
If from thee, my guide, I part,
Till the mortal pang is o'er,
Will I hold thee in my heart;
And when I my breath resign,
Then thou art for ever mine.


Come, Divine Immanuel come,
Take possession of Thy home,
Now Thy mercy's wings expand,
Stretch throughout the happy land.


Carry on Thy victory,
Spread Thy rule from sea to sea,
Reconvert the ransom'd race,
Save us, save us, Lord, by grace.
Take the purchase of Thy blood,
Bring us to a pardoning God;
Give us eyes to see our day,
Hearts the glorious truth to' obey;
Ears to hear the gospel sound;
Grace doth more than sin abound.
God appeased, and man forgiven,
Peace on earth, and joy in heaven.
O that every soul might be
Suddenly subdued to Thee!
O that all in Thee might know
Everlasting life below.
Now Thy mercy's wings expand,
Stretch throughout the happy land;
Take possession of Thy home,
Come, Divine Immanuel, come!


O Thou who at Thy creature's bar
Thy glorious Godhead didst declare,
A true and good confession make;
Come in Thy Spirit from above,
And arm me with Thy faithful love,
For Thy own truth and mercy's sake.


Call'd forth by Thee Thou know'st I am,
Thy truth and mercy to proclaim,
Thy Godhead, and eternal power,
The man whom God His fellow owns,
Whom angel-powers, dominions, thrones
Through all eternity adore.
Thee, high enthroned above all height,
Thee God of God, and Light of Light,
I come undaunted to confess,
With God essentially the same,
JEHOVAH, JAH, the Great I AM,
The Lord of Hosts, the Prince of Peace.
The sovereign, everlasting Lord,
The glorious, unbeginning Word,
The Son of God, the Son of man,
God over heaven and earth supreme,
Made flesh Thy creature to redeem,
For me incarnated, and slain.
Slain for a sinful world, and me,
Our Surety hung upon the tree;
Thy body bore our guilty load:
My Lamb for sin an offering made,
The debt of all mankind hath paid,
And bought, and sprinkled us with blood.
That blood applied by faith I feel,
And come its healing power to tell,
Through which I know my sins forgiven;
A witness I, that all may find
The peace deserved for all mankind,
And walk with God, my God, to heaven.


I come to testify the grace
My Lord obtain'd for all our race,
Enough ten thousand worlds to save;
Salvation is in Jesu's name,
Which every soul of man may claim,
And all that seek the grace, shall have.
Salvation from the power of sin,
Salvation from the root within,
Salvation into perfect love,
(Thy grace to all hath brought it near,)
An uttermost salvation here,
Salvation up to heaven above.
Thy power and saving grace to show,
A warfare at Thy charge I go,
Strong in the Lord, and Thy great might,
Gladly take up the hallow'd cross,
And suffering all things for Thy cause,
Beneath that bloody banner fight.
A spectacle to fiends and men,
To all their fierce or cool disdain
With calmest pity I submit;
Determined nought to know beside
My Jesus, and Him crucified,
I tread the world beneath my feet.
Superior to their smile, or frown,
On all their goods my soul looks down,
Their pleasures, wealth, and pomp, and state:
The man that dares their god despise,
The Christian, he alone is wise!
The Christian, he alone is great!


O God, let all my life declare
How happy all Thy servants are,
How far above these earthly things,
How pure when wash'd in Jesu's blood,
How intimately one with God,
An heaven-born race of priests and kings.
For this alone I live below,
The power of godliness to show,
The wonders wrought by Jesu's name.
O that I may but faithful prove,
Witness to all Thy pardoning love,
And point them to the' Atoning Lamb!
Let me to every creature cry,
The poor and rich, the low and high,
“Believe, and feel thy sins forgiven!
Damn'd, till by Jesus saved, thou art,
Till Jesu's blood hath wash'd thy heart
Thou canst not find the gate of heaven.”
Thou, Jesu, Thou my breast inspire,
And touch my lips with hallow'd fire,
And loose a stammering infant's tongue;
Prepare the vessel of Thy grace,
Adorn me with the robes of praise,
And mercy shall be all my song.
Mercy for those that know not God,
Mercy for all, in Jesu's blood,
Mercy that earth and heaven transcends;
Love, that o'erwhelms the saints in light,
The length, and breadth, and depth, and height
Of love Divine, which never ends.


A faithful witness of Thy grace,
Long may I fill the' allotted space,
And answer all Thy great design;
Walk in the works by Thee prepared,
And find annex'd the vast reward,
The crown of righteousness Divine.
When I have lived to Thee alone
Pronounce the welcome word, Well done,
And let me take my place above,
Enter into my Master's joy,
And all eternity employ
In praise, and ecstasy, and love.