University of Virginia Library




Deep-bosomed vales of England's queenliest land,
And thou her amplest as her loveliest lake,
Be just, be grateful, and our joy partake!
Lo where a daughter of that Faith once banned


Takes 'mid your bosky slopes, once more her stand!
Through yonder cloud I see a promise break;
‘The land that slept, that land at last shall wake
And hail yon Cross there raised at God's command,’
From Langdale's pikes to Scawfell's loneliest wold
Rejoice fair hills whose yew-woods teemed of old
The bows at Crecy feared and Ascalon;
Rejoice thou most, grey Furness, early and late
Warding our British Highlands' southern gate:
Say to thy graves; ‘Rejoice! the night is gone!’


Wordsworth, and Southey, and that other Name
Fitly with these conjoined, whose Orphic lays
Though few, gave help to tune discordant days,
Whose insight puts our modern seers to shame,
When to this Carmel of the North ye came
Then young, no prophet race survived to raise
Truth's standard old; perforce in Error's maze
Ye walked, though pure your feet and high your aim.
Not less Truth's whisper, from Iona's Isle
First breathed, still faintly clung to cliff and fell
Like night-dews trembling round some ruined pile!
That whisper to a trumpet's blast shall swell,
And ye, great Souls with Fisher and with More
Exulting hear it from the eternal shore.


Great men grow rarer daily; great were these:
Greater those tonsured Saints discalced, who trod,
Now living Powers, not plaintive Memories,
This God-loved land, and rest this day with God:


Herbert who paced blue Derwent's flower-girt flood;
Cuthbert, his friend, whose sea-girt diocese
From Lindisfarne to westward-throned St. Bees
Revered one crosier staff and prophet-rod;
Old Bede, and countless more in Faith's glad morn
Who roamed Northumbria's bound, and glorified
Bernicia and Deira and Strathclyde:
Behold! to them this day a child is born!
This day to God they lift their hands and say,
‘Bless this new Altar: bless Thy Land for aye.’
