University of Virginia Library


Hymn 12.

[Glory to the righteous God]

Glory to the righteous God,
Righteous, yet benign to me!
Still in His paternal rod
His paternal love I see:
Let Him tenderly chastise,
Let Him graciously reprove,
Father, all within me cries
All Thy ways are truth and love.


Humbled in the lowest deep,
Thee I for my sufferings bless;
Think of all Thy love, and weep
For my own unfaithfulness:
I have most rebellious been,
Thou hast laid Thine hand on me,
Kindly visited my sin,
Scourged the wanderer back to Thee.
Taught obedience to my God
By the things I have endured,
Meekly now I kiss the rod,
Wounded by the rod, and cured:
Good for me the grief and pain,
Let me but Thy grace adore,
Keep the pardon I regain,
Stand in awe, and sin no more.