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Hymn 9.

[Ah! tell me, Lord, for whom I pine]

Ah! tell me, Lord, for whom I pine,
And mourn in deep distress,
How long shall this weak heart incline
To its own wickedness?
How long shall I my nature fear,
Yet what I loathe desire,
And melt at the temptation near
As wax before the fire?
Thou know'st the undissembled pain
The real grief I feel,
While dark and trembling I remain
As on the verge of hell.
I groan to feel my heart relent,
By sin almost subdued,
And blush to find I could consent
To grieve my gracious God.
My gracious God, how shall I shun
This enemy within?
Out of myself I cannot run,
To' escape my bosom sin?
I fear in some unguarded hour
Lest it my soul betray,
And give me up to Satan's power
An unresisting prey.


O that Thou wouldst stretch out Thine hand;
By this weak, sinking soul,
In every close temptation stand,
And all my lusts control.
The strength of saving grace above
My nature's strength exert,
Thou God of all-victorious love,
Thou greater than my heart.
O that Thou wouldst root out the thorn,
Destroy the enmity,
Set me a time for Thy return,
And then remember me.
Contract, or lengthen out my years,
But till they all are past,
Preserve me from my sins and fears,
But fully save at last.