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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. LXXVI.

The Argument.

A prophecy: of Christ ye spye,
who threath the wycked state:
Not so to wry: their tiranny,
to wreke poore men in hate.

Confitebimur tibi Deus.


We do confesse: and thankes expresse,
to thee O God wyth prayse:
Thy name is nye: as testifie,
thy wondrous workes alwayes.


When tyme most fit: shall serue to it,
I then will iudge the ryght:
In day so set: when men be met,
all hartes to sprede in sight.


Proud earthly man: shall melt euen than,
who dwelleth on earth shall quaile:
I set the ground: of earth so round,
I can it shake no fayle.




I did vpbrayd: such fooles and sayd,
deale not so madly sirs:
To wycked rout: I spake full out,
blow not your horne to fierce.


Lift not to hie: your horne sayd I,
your power all wrong ensuth:
Wyth stubburn neckes: speake you no checks
but bend your hartes to truth.


For hye renowne: commeth not adowne,
from East, or West, or South:
How wyde ye bee: ye cannot flee,
this Gods true worde of mouth.


For God iwis: right domes man is,
no thought can scape his eyes:
Hym throweth he downe: hym doth he crown
as he can best deuise.


In Gods ryght hand: a cup theyr standth,
of wyne full red to see:
But mixt wyth lies: and dregs it lighes,
which he poorth diuersly.
The good at brynke: the cleare doth drynke,
God brinche them gently so:
The bad doth sup: the dregs full vp,
the botomes troublous wo.


Still will I talke: such wonted walke,
of Iacobs God and Lord:
His doomes to sing: hym worshippyng,
I will wyth hartes accord.



And God sayth thus: downe will I crushe,
all hornes of wycked men:
Euen so will I: exalt on hye,
all ryghteous power agayne.