University of Virginia Library



“Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister.” “A royal priesthood.”

Whose are the Hands in consecration laid
To-day, upon each bowed and reverent brow?
They are the Father's Hands. The Hands that made
Are consecrating evermore and now.
Ever life-giving as they consecrate,
He only consecrates Who can create.
The Saviour's Hands, which seal and which reveal,
Which healed the leper, woke blind eyes to sight;
Touches which ever, as they hallow, heal;—
The Hands which washed the faithful feet that night,


And then hung pierced and helpless on the Cross,
And pierced and helpless saved the world from loss.
Those Hands which measuring still by love's own price,
Lead, as He went, through service to the Cross;
Sweet service first, then costly sacrifice;
First gifts, then burdens which may seem but loss.
Love but to deeper love can consecrate;
The Priesthood follows the Diaconate.
Whose are the Holy Hands that consecrate?
The Hands which shall receive the soul at last,
Mighty to save, patient to train and wait,
Tender to welcome, when the Floods are past,
And stretched across the waters, through the dark
They fold the weary dove within the Ark.
St. Paul's Cathedral, Trinity Sunday, 1880.