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O life, O destiny complete!
The sunder'd halves come home again.
So long, so long the yearning twain
Have sought each other: now they meet.
We will not say again our lives:
It is one life henceforth for aye.
Though we may wander far away,
It is one soul that hopes and strives.
It is one soul our life informs,—
It is one life that we shall lead,—
One hope is ours, one will, one creed:
Ye can not part us, all ye storms!


My life is not where I may be:
Only a part, removed from her.
We never can be as we were—
Two lives,—but one: for I am She.
And She and I are one brave whole.
The soul's two halves for once unite.
For once: through all the Infinite!
For once: until the farthest goal.