University of Virginia Library

Ps: 113


Ye who ye Ld of host adore
O praise his name alone
O send his praises to ye skyes
Untill they reach his throne
2 his throne who's ever ever blest
Whose great whose holy name
still great still holy will endure
Who ever is ye same
3 Morning & night letts praise yt god
Who gave us morn & night.
4 Above all thinges yt are he is
Above ye heav'ns his might
5 tell of his mercy humbleness
yt tho so high he be
yet he will stoop to mind such poor
such wretched things as we
6 Tell of his Justice too yt from
A mean & lowly state
7 ye poor & innocent he does
among ev'n princes sett
Those who with barreness were curst
he blesses wth increase,
That happy thus in all they wish
They might his goodness praise.