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Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

By Mrs. Catherine Jemmat

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On seeing Mr. BARRY perform the Parts of Othello, Romeo, Jaffier, and Castalio.

As once assembled in the elysian plains,
Immortal bards round Phœbus tun'd their strains,
The God two Britons saw with grief opprest,
And sympathetic sorrow touch'd his breast.
He saw his Shakespeare's and his Otway's grief,
Inquir'd the fatal cause, and vou'd relief.
Through all the quire a murm'ring whisper ran,
But all was hush'd, when Shakespeare thus began:
“Hail, God of verse! who art by Jove assign'd
“To raise the soul, and harmonize the mind,
“From thee alone my inspiration came,
“Guided by thee, I soar'd to deathless fame.
“You gave me Betterton that fame to raise,
“And beam new lustre on my glowing lays;
“Then ev'ry passion stoop'd to my command,
“As harmony attends Gu'ardigni's hand.


“But, sad reverse! in this degen'rate age,
“They chill my warmth, and damp my godlike rage,
“Grumble my passions, mouth my tender scenes,
“And with false pomp burlesque my noblest strains.”
He spoke: Otway, in terms like his, exprest
The kindred anguish lab'ring in his breast.
The god reply'd, “Lo! on Ierne's shore,
“A youth thy glories destin'd to restore;
“Ye loves, and young desires, to him repair,
“Give him your soothing smiles and winning air;
“Ye sister graces, teach his form to please,
“Join strength with beauty, dignity with ease;
“Ye nine Aonian maids, around him throng,
“And tune, with heav'nly sounds, his flowing tongue;
“But chief, Melpomene, your gifts impart,
“The graceful tear, that speaks the feeling heart,
“The broken accent, sadly pleasing sigh,
“The soothing voice, the soft, yet piercing eye,
“The warm enthusiasm, and the rapt'rous glow,
“The thrilling note , that melts like feather'd snow.


“Haste then, ye pow'rs, my orders to perform,
“And a new Roscius shall the stage adorn;
“You, Shakespeare, shall again each bosom warm,
“And Otway's tender lays once more shall charm.”
Thus Phœbus spoke, the sacred pow'rs obey,
And to the favour'd island wing their way.
Then, born on wings of fire, bright Genius came,
And Judgment follow'd to direct his flame;
All for the stage the chosen youth prepare,
All guide his steps, and all inspire him there.
Shakespeare with joy surveys him from above,
And smiling views him with a father's love,
Beholds in Romeo charms before unknown,
And wonders at the beauties not his own.
Otway his Jaffier's sighs with rapture hears,
And triumphs in his lov'd Castalio's tears,
Sees his own genius animate each line,
His spirit, tenderness, and warmth divine.
Lee, Southern, Rowe, with these their joy proclaim,
And, while they aid, partake their Barry's fame.

See Cibber's description of Montfort.