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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE LV. The Doves and Kite:

Or, A rash Choice, repented.

The Doves wag'd War with their old Foe, the Kite,
And chose a Hawk to Head them in the Fight:
He undertook it, but abus'd his Pow'r,
And strove, not to protect them, but devour.
The helpless Birds, to greater Harms betray'd,
Dearly repent the fatal Choice they made;
And rather wou'd the Kite's Insults sustain,
Than their new Tyrant's sanguinary Reign.


‘Few Men in any Station acquiesce,
‘But shift, and change, tho' still without Redress:
‘So rarely Heav'n a lasting Blessing finds
‘To gratifie our inconsistent Minds:
‘Manna, tho' suited to each wanton Gust,
‘Cou'd not long silence Isra'l's murm'ring Lust:
‘They Egypt's Bondage, more than Freedom, priz'd;
‘For Leeks and Onions, Angels Food despis'd.
‘This fickle Humour is a wild Disease,
‘Whose raging Fits no Med'cine can appease:
‘Nor is it strange we thus Inconstant prove,
‘Who, with Discretion, neither Hate, nor Love.