University of Virginia Library

CXLV. O regina clemencie,
O mater indulgencie.


O Iesse yerde florigerat,
The fruyte of liffe is sprunge of þe,
The prynce of pes desiderat
And kyng of highe regalite.


O quene of blisse celestiall,
Childryn of Eve, we calle to þe
Here in this vale terrestriall,
Bothe highe and lowe in oure degre.


Thatte lorde, thatte in thy wombe didde rest,
The whiche hath made and creatt þe,
Thou hast fedde with thy holy brest
In all clennes and purite.


O meke Hester so fayre of face,
Kyng Assuere for loue of the
Hath take mankynde ayen to grace
And fro all syn hath made it fre.



O benigne meyde, moder and wyffe,
Oure ioy is wonne only by the:
Sothly, thou arte the gate of liffe,
The whiche Ezechiel didde se.


Pray thy sweete sonne, þat high iustice,
Thatt we may dwell with hym and þe
In the sweete blisse of paradyce,
Wherof endyng never shall be. Amen.